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赵本山 - 赵本山:民间艺术接地气 观众爱它的

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说起赵本山,在中国可谓是家喻户晓,历年悲剧 小品中鲜活的艺术抽象 给每1 个人都带去了数不尽的快乐,2009年春晚表演《不差钱》、2008年 “春节联欢晚会”小品《火炬手》等都给人们留下了1 次有1 次的欢笑与敬佩,然而,09年10月13日至2009年10月27日,赵本山因病在上海复旦大学附属华山病院 住院,引发 了全社会对赵本山艺术生涯还能坚持多久的关注。
赵本山可谓是一名 大师,1957年10月2日出生于辽宁铁岭市开原市莲花镇莲花村石嘴沟,6岁时就开始跟二叔(盲人)学艺。拉二胡、吹唢呐、抛手绢、打手玉子、唱小曲、二人转小帽等样样精通,他不仅在曲艺方面专攻,而且在书法绘画上也同样颇有成就 。
看赵本山的字,全体 上颇有气势,笔迹 连贯,1 气呵成;章法上既有唐代张旭怀素书法的张狂不羁,讲求笔势和用笔的节奏感,但同时又有所收敛,每1 笔又在寻求 严谨的字形,在撇那的转机 处又有宋代米芾的气韵,强筋的飞白,险中求稳的笔意,每1 笔都包含 了本身 对人生岁月的感慨与执着的信心 ;赵本山的印款很成心 思,不是传统的自右到左自上而下的排列,而是和传统相逆的。
在《春晚倒计时》的片子中,当毕福剑拿着宣纸去向赵本山讨字时,本山大叔稍作犹疑 ,字斟句酌 地只提笔写下“福到”两个字,并很专业地掏出随身携带的印章,毕福剑则在旁边画了1 只可爱的兔子,与书法合在一同 取名为“兔年福到”。

  这幅由赵本山和毕福剑合作完成的书画作品,作为特别礼物在春晚倒计时的砸蛋环节中送出,这幅两人合作的书法作品被誉为最昂贵的奖品,由于 1个月之前,在1 次慈善拍卖中,赵本山的“龙腾凤舞”四个大字,拍出了92万元的天价。

  虽然古人习字作文不轻易示人,但如今 ,“卖字”这1 快速致富方式让很多文人摆脱了经济困境,因而 稍着名 气的作家纷纷走上了“卖字”的致富之路。在文人、官员等群体中发展若干年后,“卖字”景象 也普遍出如今 明星中,虽然明星们并不缺钱,但书法也让他们名利兼得,书法为明星们的身上笼罩了1 层文明 光环。

  记者了解到,除了赵本山外,张铁林(在线看影视作品)、唐国强等多位影视明星都走上了卖字之路,而且1 些人的售价丝毫不弱于书法家,据悉,张铁林四尺书法的价格已 达到10000元摆布 ,唐国强四尺书法要价30000元以上,去年姜昆和徐沛东、郁钧剑还在上海中国画院举办书法展览。


1982年,辽宁省举办第1 届农村小戏调演,在梁秀亮与崔凯合作的拉场戏《摔三弦》剧中扮演盲人张志,一鸣惊人 。1987年赵本山和潘长江搭档演的《瞎子观灯》,在沈阳演了5 六百场,1 天就演四5 场。这1 年,他调入铁岭市民间艺术团。
1990年,在姜昆的推荐下进入了地方 电视台春节晚会,并主演拉场戏《1+1=?》、《麻将、豆腐》。创作出了《相亲》、《我想有个家》、《牛大叔提干》、《红高粱模特队》、《昨天今天明天》、《卖拐》、《卖车》、《功夫》等经典小品。
1991年,拍摄电视剧《过了这1 村》,担任男配角 ,获“飞天”二等奖。1997年,主演电视连续剧《1 乡之长》,获辽宁长篇电视剧1 等奖、最好 男配角 奖。
1999年,拍摄的电影《男妇女主任》荣获年度中国电影“华表奖”、“优秀男演员奖”、“优秀故事片奖”、“获中国电影百花奖”、“最好 男配角 ”。并被辽宁省委宣扬 部命名为“德艺双馨”艺术家。
2000年7月,任电影《幸福时光》男配角 。2002年在地方 电视台、中国电视剧制造 中心联合拍摄的电视剧《刘老根》中,担任导演及男配角 。9月以赵本山名字命名的“赵本山杯”小品大赛会同中国铁岭首届国际民间艺术节在铁岭举行。
2007年,指点 拍摄《乡村爱情2》。同年和宋丹丹合作表演 了电影《落叶归根》入围第44届台湾金马奖最好 男配角 。
2009年,与黑龙江电视台联手打造大型文娱 剧《本山快乐营》,9月30日凌晨赵本山在上海突发脑出血入院医治 ,后被紧急送往华山病院 ,其病情被初步诊断为“蛛网膜下腔出血”。经过多位专家精心医治 ,半个月摆布 康复出院。12月,本山传媒与台湾东风传媒,华纳音乐、环球热力兄弟影音在北京刘老根大舞台正式签署合作协议,宣布 三家文娱 集团联手,打造华人TOP YOUNG偶像组合。
2011年2月,在“2011年CCTV春节联欢晚会我最爱好 的优秀节目评选”中,赵家班表演的小品《同桌的你》获得了小品类节目1 等奖,赵本山已十三度加冕小品王。
2013年,拍摄《东北往事》和《乡村爱情7》。6月23日,由农业部等部门主办的中国“美丽乡村快乐行”活动,在黑龙江鸡西密山市白鱼湾镇正式启动。农业部“美丽乡村”创建活动抽象 大使赵本山带领刘老根大舞台演员,为湖沿村的农民送上了1 台“大篷车”文艺表演 。
2013年颁布发表 正式退出春晚舞台,留下机会和空间给更多的年轻人。1月30日,赵本山在参与了江苏卫视蛇年春晚的录制,“零片酬”表演小品《有钱了》以后 ,又做客由郭德纲掌管 的江苏卫视新节目《郭的秀》,在节目中,赵本山出人预料 地表示,将永世 退出小品界。7月12日下午,2014年地方 电视台春节联欢晚会旧事 发布会在梅地亚中心举行,赵本山被聘任为副总导演,言语 节目总监。
2014年,赵本山早早表达了想上春晚的想法,他说:“第1 ,我听党的话;第二,我听老百姓的话。要是大家早都把我忘了呢?但如果大家还情愿 看我这张老脸,我会奋不顾身。虽然我身体可能是有点成绩 ,但是,不至于倒在台上。”


赵本山有过两段婚姻,1979年初,赵本山与葛淑珍结婚。1979年底,生下女儿赵玉芳。1982年,生下儿子赵铁蛋。但是,铁蛋是个聋哑儿,还患上了软骨症、肺气肿及心脏病。1991年5月7日,葛淑珍与赵本山办理了离婚手续。经协商,女儿赵玉芳、儿子赵铁蛋由葛淑珍抚养,赵本山1 次性付清了葛淑珍及两个孩子的生活费、抚养费、医疗费,同时,他还把夏利轿车、三室1 厅商品房及屋内设施全部交给了葛淑珍,选择了“净身出户”。
1992年,赵本山与马丽娟结婚。1997年的大年初1 ,马丽娟又为他添了1 对龙凤胎。大名 叫牛牛和妞妞,大名叫赵1 楠和赵1 涵。
2014年,在马年春晚的后台赵本山接受了央视的采访。赵本山回忆,本身 的父亲非常严峻 ,健在的时候还因节俭成绩 打骂过他。赵本山坦言,人心要坦荡学会放下,还要有信仰,不爱国的人本身 都看不起。

English Introduction

Speaking of Zhao Benshan, in Chinese is vivid and lively art known to every family, the comedy sketch for everyone to bring endless joy, the 2009 Spring Festival evening show "not bad money", 2008 "Spring Festival Gala" sketch "Torch" has left people a laugh with respect, however, the 09 years from October 13th to October 27, 2009, Zhao Benshan was hospitalized in Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai, from the whole society how long attention to Zhao Benshan's artistic career can.
Zhao Benshan is a master, was born in October 2, 1957 in the lotus lotus Village town Kaiyuan city Tieling city Liaoning Shi Zui Gou, 6 years old when he began to study with di (blind). Erhu, suona, throwing handkerchief, thugs figs, sing songs, song and dance duet cap so good at all, he not only specialize in terms of folk art, but also in calligraphy and painting also accomplished.
Look at the words of Zhao Benshan, on the whole quite imposing, writing coherence, and one; both Zhang Xu of the Tang Dynasty calligraphy Huai Su insolent uninhibited, a gesture and a pen rhythm, but also have convergence, each in pursuit of rigorous shape, in the turning point of the left and the spirit of Mi Fei in the Song Dynasty, strong gluten feibai, insurance Qiuwen Italy, each contains of his life emotion and the faith of Zhao Benshan; the India section is very interesting, not from right to left and the arrangement of the traditional top-down, but opposite and traditional.
In the Spring Festival Gala "countdown" of the film, when Bi Fujian took the paper to discuss Zhao Benshan word, uncle a little hesitant, but only if the ink pen to write "Fu to" two words, and very professional to carry out the seal of Bi Fujian in the next to the painting of a lovely rabbit. And calligraphy together named "the year of the rabbit to fu".
This collaboration by Zhao Benshan and Bi Fujian's works of calligraphy and painting, as part of a special gift sent smashing eggs in the countdown to the Spring Festival Gala, the picture of two cooperative calligraphy works is known as the most expensive prize, because 1 months ago, at a charity auction, Zhao Benshan's "Long Teng Dance" four characters and take out the high price of 920 thousand yuan.
Although the writing composition does not easily show, but now, "sell the word" get rich quick way to make a lot of literati to get rid of the economic difficulties, so slightly famous writers have embarked on a "sell" the road to riches. The literati and officials in the group after several years of development, "sell" phenomenon is also widespread in the star, although the stars are not short of money, but also let them have calligraphy calligraphy stars fame, who cast a layer of cultural aura.
The reporter learned that, in addition to Zhao Benshan, Zhang Tielin (online watch movies), Tang Guoqiang and other stars have embarked on the road to sell the word, but some people are selling did not weaker than the four feet of Zhang Tielin calligrapher, calligraphy price has reached 10000 yuan, Tang Guoqiang four feet above calligraphy for 30000 yuan. Last year, Jiang Kun and Xu Peidong Yu Junjian in Shanghai China painting calligraphy exhibition held.

In 1982, the first rural Opera Festival held in Liaoning, Liang Xiuliang and Cui Kai cooperation in the field of play "wrestling Sanxian" plays the blind Zhang Zhi, fame. In 1987, Zhao Benshan and Pan Changjiang partner play the "blind lanterns", in Shenyang played five hundred or six hundred games, one day play four or five games. This year, he transferred to the Tieling city folk art troupe.
1988, starring TV drama "double send duck". 1989 to participate in the first northeastern provinces Folk Arts Festival, to participate in Liaoning TV "Spring Festival gala".
In 1990, Jiang Kun recommended to enter the CCTV Spring Festival party, and starring drama "La 1+1=? Mahjong and tofu. The creation of a "blind date", "I want to have a home", "cow", "Red Sorghum uncle promotion model team", "yesterday today tomorrow", "Maiguai", "car", "Kung Fu" and other classical pieces.
1991, shooting TV series after the village, as the actor, won the flying two prize. 1997, starring TV series, a village long, won the Liaoning TV Drama Award, best actor award.
In 1999, the filming of the movie "men women director" won the annual Chinese Film Awards, best actor award, best feature film award, won the Chinese movie award "and" best actor". And by the Liaoning provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department named the "distinguished artist".
July 2000, Ren film "happy time" actor. In 2002, CCTV, China drama production center jointly filmed the TV series "in", as director and leading actor. September named Zhao Benshan cup essay contest with China Tieling First International Folk Art Festival held in, held in Tieling.
2007, guide shooting "country love 2". The same year, and Song Dandan performed the film "return to" shortlisted for the forty-fourth Taiwan Golden Horse Award for best actor.
In 2009, with the Heilongjiang TV station to jointly build a large entertainment "the happy camp", September 30th morning, Zhao Benshan Shanghai hospital in the treatment of sudden cerebral hemorrhage, after being rushed to hospital in Huashan, the disease was initially diagnosed as subarachnoid hemorrhage". After careful treatment of many experts, about half a month rehabilitation discharge. In December, the media and the media of Taiwan Dongfeng, Warner Music, universal brother video officially signed a cooperation agreement in Beijing Liu big stage, declared three home entertainment group teamed up to create Chinese TOP YOUNG idols.
At the end of April 2010, Zhao Benshan starred in investment and directed by Kevin Chu, screenwriter Ning Caishen movie "laughing wild". In May 29th of the same year, Zhao Benshan won the third China Ting night most components of the "China annual distinguished artist achievement award".
In February 2011, the "2011 CCTV Spring Festival Gala my favorite show excellent selection", Zhao Jiaban sketch show "my deskmate" won the first prize essay shows, Zhao Benshan thirteen have been crowned king of comedy.
In 2012, shooting "country love Serenade", as "husband and wife with 80 actor Guan Tingna in the play". The July film "country love" and there are a lot of variations in the scenes appear.
2013, filming "northeast past" and "country love 7". In June 23rd, sponsored by the Ministry of agriculture and other departments of the China "happy beautiful countryside" campaign was officially launched in Heilongjiang Jixi Mishan City whitefish bay. The Ministry of agriculture "beautiful country" activities to create ambassador Zhao Benshan led Liu big stage actor, is along Lake Village farmers sent a caravan of theatrical performances.
2013 announced the official exit Spring Festival stage, leaving opportunities and space for more young people. In January 30th, Zhao Benshan participated in the Jiangsu TV show Snake recording, "zero fee" "rich" comedy show, also guest hosted by Guo Degang Jiangsu TV new show "Guo Xiu", in the program, Zhao Benshan said the permanent withdrawal beyond all expectations, small goods sector. The afternoon of July 12th, the 2014 CCTV Spring Festival Gala press conference held at the media center, Zhao Benshan was appointed as deputy director, director of programming language.
2014, Zhao Benshan early expressed the thought of the Spring Festival Gala, he said: "first, I listen to the party's words; second, I listen to the people's words. If everyone had forgotten me? But if you are willing to look at my face, I will regardless of personal danger. Although my body may be a bit of a problem, but not on the stage."
In 2015, the new movie "directed by Gao Qunshu confirmed to join a lunar new year".
The afternoon of January 25, 2016, Liaoning Province Artists Association Eighth Congress held in Shenyang hall in Liaoning, the meeting elected the Eighth Council and the establishment of the presidium, Zhao Benshan was chosen to become vice chairman of the eighth chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association group.

Zhao Benshan had two marriages, and in early 1979, Zhao Benshan married with Mr. Ge Shuzhen. By the end of 1979, gave birth to daughter Zhao Yufang. 1982, gave birth to his son Zhao iron eggs. However, the iron egg is deaf and dumb, also suffering from cartilage disease, emphysema and heart disease. May 7, 1991, Ge Shuzhen and Zhao Benshan for divorce procedures. After consultation, the daughter of Zhao Yufang, son of Zhao Tiedan raised by Ge Shuzhen, Zhao Benshan Ge Shuzhen and a one-time payment of two children living expenses, alimony, medical expenses, at the same time, he also put the Xiali car, Sanshiyiting commercial housing and house facilities are handed over to Ge Shuzhen, chose to cleanse the family".
1992, Zhao Benshan and Ma Lijuan married. 1997 Lunar New Year's day, Ma Lijuan and he had a pair of twins. Nicknamed the ox and the girl, called Zhao Yinan and Zhao Yihan.
family tradition
In 2014, the year of the horse spring festival background Zhao Benshan accepted an interview with cctv. Zhao Benshan recalled, his father was very strict, when alive due to thrifty problems beaten him. Zhao Benshan said, people should be magnanimous and learn to put down, but also have no faith, patriotic people themselves are looked down upon.

