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1974年11月,李福桂从家乡湖南常宁入伍,不到三年时间,他就提了干,不久又前后 调到团、师、军从事组织工作。工作之余,他临池不辍,颜柳欧赵、汉魏碑版、“二王”行草等经典法帖都是李福桂取法的对象。现任职于军分区政治部主任。中国书法家协会山东分会会员、山东省省直机关美术书法家协会理事、山东将军书画院副秘书长、山东省枣庄市书法家协会名誉主席。读中学时,就酷爱毛、硬笔书法艺术,次要 以晋王羲之《十七帖》、唐孙过庭《书谱》等为范本,兼习古今名家“行草”,常随师临贴,取诸家之长,得到著名书画家魏启后老先生的指导 。其作品在参加军地书展中获奖,并多次被军地多家报刊刊用;在第十四回全国青少年书法品段级位评定活动中,被评定为硬笔项目[四段]级位;1998年8月,参加了山东省文联为长江特大洪涝灾区人民捐款而举办的“百名书画家赈灾义卖活动”;获1999年“全国艺术品大展”1 等奖和“九九澳门回归中国”金奖。1999年“文华杯”全国硬笔书法大奖赛被评定为行草书[六段];1999年山东省第二届职工书画大展银奖,全国群众书画摄影大展优秀奖、舒蕾杯全国青少年书画作品大奖赛优秀奖、2000年第二届“黄山杯”全国书画大赛优秀奖,2001年湖南省第1 届全国风景名胜楹联大展优秀奖,第四届“长城杯”全国诗书画大赛书法金奖。其书法艺术传略及作品被收入《当代书画名人名作博览》、《中国当代书法艺术人才精品大典》、《20世纪当代书画名家作品精粹》、《国际古代 书画精品润格》、《二十世纪中国硬笔书法精品汇萃》、《舒蕾杯全国青少年书画作品大奖赛获奖作品集——千年等1 回》、《全国群众书画摄影大展获奖作品集》、《魏都云冈中国书画大展赛》、《世界艺术家名人录》、《中国跨世纪人才库》和国家人事部《中国人才辞典》等多部辞书中。


Introduction in English

 Li Fugui, male, pen name Xiangmo, born in September 1956, Han nationality, bachelor's degree, from Changning City, Hunan Province, military rank University, loved calligraphy as early as junior high school, and often ran blackboard newspapers and engraving materials in the school. After graduating from high school, Li Fugui worked as a secretary in the commune and copied a lot of manuscripts, which gave Li Fugui a chance to exercise.


In November 1974, Li Fugui joined the army from his hometown in Hunan. He took up the task in less than three years, and soon transferred to regiment, division and army to organize work. In addition to his work, he continued to work in linchi. Classic calligraphy such as Yan Liu Ou Zhao, Han Wei Bei edition, and "Er Wang" xingcao were all the objects of Li Fugui's method. At present, he is the director of the Political Department of the military sub region. He is a member of Shandong Branch of China Calligrapher Association, director of Shandong Provincial Art Calligrapher Association, Deputy Secretary General of Shandong General calligraphy and Painting Institute, and honorary chairman of Zaozhuang Calligrapher Association. When I was in middle school, I was very fond of the calligraphy art of Mao and hard brush, mainly taking Wang Xizhi's "Seventeen calligraphy" of Jin Dynasty and sun Guoting's "calligraphy manual" of Tang Dynasty as the model, and studying the "walking grass" of ancient and modern famous scholars, often following the teacher's temporary paste, taking the advantages of various families, and getting the guidance of the famous calligrapher, Mr. Wei Qihou. His works won awards in the exhibition of military and local books, and were published in many military and local newspapers and magazines for many times; in the Fourteenth National Youth Calligraphy stage evaluation activity, he was rated as the hard pen project [stage 4]; in August 1998, he participated in the "one hundred calligraphers and painters charity sale activity" organized by Shandong Federation of literature and art for the people in the Yangtze River flood disaster area; in 1999, he was awarded the "national artwork" The first prize of the grand exhibition and the gold prize of Macao's return to China in 1999. In 1999, the "Wenhua Cup" national hard pen calligraphy competition was evaluated as cursive script [six sections]; in 1999, the silver award of the second staff painting and calligraphy exhibition in Shandong Province, the outstanding award of the national mass painting and calligraphy photography exhibition, the outstanding award of the Shulei Cup National Youth painting and calligraphy works competition, the outstanding award of the second "Huangshan Cup" national painting and calligraphy competition in 2000, and the first national scenic spot couplet exhibition in Hunan Province in 2001 Excellent award, the fourth "Great Wall Cup" National Poetry, calligraphy and painting competition calligraphy Gold Award. His calligraphy art biography and works are included in "contemporary calligraphy and painting masterpieces Exhibition", "Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting talents masterpiece", "20th century contemporary calligraphy and painting masterpieces essence", "international modern calligraphy and painting boutique Runge", "20th century Chinese hard brush calligraphy boutique collection", "Shulei Cup National Youth Calligraphy and painting works award Collection - Millennium, etc Among the dictionaries, Hui, the collection of award-winning works of the national mass calligraphy and painting photography exhibition, the Weidu Yungang Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibition, the world artist's celebrity, China's trans century talent pool, and the China Talent Dictionary of the Ministry of personnel.

