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6岁随父学画。9岁参加全国少年儿童画展入选并获奖。16岁创作宣扬 画入选全国美展。
1989年在读大学三年级时,创作的《明月何时照我还》1 画,入选中国文明 部和中国美术家协会主办的第七届全国美展,并被选入《精选画家5 十名》当中 ,成为全国入选的最年轻画家。
1992年《此处情怀欲问天》入选建国43年以来第二届全国水彩、水粉画展,作品代表中国美协赴美国展出,成为此展独一 被收藏的人物画。《此处情怀欲问天》之二和《萨仁高娃》被编入《中国当代水彩画》上、下两集当中 。又被选入《中国当代水彩画家约请 展》,1994年作品在中国历史博物馆展出。
1994年《巧媳妇》、《萨仁高娃》、《红蝶与天体老怪》三件作品同时入选第八届全国美展,是本届展览独一 一位 同时入选三件作品的画家。《萨仁高娃》被评为优秀作品。《巧媳妇》在北京中国军事博物馆展出。
与此同时大量作品和文字被选编入《美术》、《中国美术家协会会员辞典》、《今日中国美术》、《美术报》、《中国水彩》、《水彩》、《中国当代水彩》、《水彩画全集 》、《江苏画刊》、《美术大观》、《文汇》、《光明日报》、《工人日报》、《中国电影戏剧报》、《美国侨报》、《电影世界》、《悲剧 世界>>、《中外交流》、《中国漫画》、《中国足球》、《女友》、《民族文学》等国家级出版刊物。
1996年携妻移民美国。油画《此处情怀欲问天》在由美国纽约艺术家联盟举办的第十三届全国美展中获奖,是本届两个大奖之1 。
1997年被美国批评家SharynDavis誉为具古典大师风格的油画《母与女》在美国第六届曼哈顿国际艺术展中获优秀作品奖。水彩作品《逢春》获另1 竟赛单元的纪念奖。
作品《巧媳妇》、油画《此处情怀欲问天》、油画《睡娃》、油画《三只羊》在著名苏荷区古金汉博物馆对面的著名画廊AGORAGALLERY举办的《我的艺术专题展》中获奖,名字被选入《艺术家的光谱》1 书。作品《父与子》被选登在《曼哈顿国际艺术》杂志1997-1998年冬季版上。
1998年作品《加拿大医生--白求恩》获第七届曼哈顿国际艺术展特等奖,被收录在《曼哈顿国际艺术》杂志冬季 版上。同时作者被编入《美国的成功艺术家》1 书。
1999年作品《绿色的月光》获美国纽约艺术家联盟民选大奖---独一 获奖者。同年,作品《暖风十里丽人天》在第八届曼哈顿国际艺术展荣获大奖,作品被收录在《曼哈顿国际艺术》秋季版中。油画《太阳、月亮和地球》系列入选美国的《国际新艺术》1 书。
2001年作品《绿色的月光》、《巧媳妇》选登在美国的《艺术旧事 》12月版上。
2002年作品《车高马大来煌煌》选登在美国的《艺术旧事 》3月版上。作品《白云深处有人家》获美国全国第25届小作品展优秀奖。作品在华盛顿广场东画廊展出。
2004年《绿色的月光》经美国的最具权威的《国际艺术家》杂志在世界各地几经筛选最初 被编入《1 百名优秀人物画家谈怎样画人物》1 书当中 。同年,油画《童年的回忆》获专业美术家协会全国会员展优秀奖。
作品《牧人的小孩和她的小羊》之1 获第76届美国全国专业美术家协会大展优秀作品奖。作品《巧媳妇》获美国艺术家同盟和国家艺术俱乐部主办的第91届全国大展中优秀作品奖。
2006年作品《巧媳妇》获第78届美国全国专业美术家协会大展1 等奖,作品在著名的沙玛甘蒂美术馆展出。《车高马大来煌煌》被美国的权威美术杂志《美国艺术家》评为2006年全国“十佳作品”,刊在2007年1月号《美国艺术家》杂志上。油画《情怀》也被选入《美国艺术家》杂志画廊专题展当中 。
2007年《车高马大来煌煌》获第79届美国全国专业美术家协会大展次要 奖项当中 的大奖。作品《牧人的小孩和她的小羊》之二,在美国国家水彩协会主办的会员展中被选为优秀作品。作品《绿色的月光》获第77届美国国家艺术联盟会员展金质奖(奖牌)。被评委和专家誉为全部 展中最具水准、最突出的作品。作品《晨》、《进城》在首都华盛顿特区微形作品协会(1931年创立)主办的第74届国际展中分别获二等奖和荣誉奖。两作品同时被私人收藏。在阿拉斯佳水彩协会主办的第33届全国展中,作品《纺线女》获第三名(全部展次要 奖共4名)。在伊利诺斯州东南 文明 艺术中心举办的以“爱”为主题的全国展中,作品《暖风十里丽人天》获第四名(全部展次要 奖共4名)。作品《牧人的小孩和她的小羊》之1 入选加拿大全国美术家协会主办的第82届国际展。作品《牧人的小孩和她的小羊》之二入选美国宾夕法尼亚水彩协会主办的第28届国际艺术展。
2008年作品《牧人的小孩和她的小羊》之1 入选美国休斯敦水彩协会主办的第31届国际艺术展。作品《矿工》入选美国西科罗拉多水彩协会主办的第16届全国美展。作品《牧人的小孩和她的小羊》之二入选美国北达科他红河水彩协会主办的第15届全国美展。

Introduction to the artist

Born in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, the National Association of Professional Artists of the United States, the National Artists Union of the United States, and the National Watercolor Association of the United States.


At the age of 6, he studied painting with his father. At the age of 9, he participated in the National Children's Painting Exhibition and won an award. At the age of 16, propaganda paintings were selected for the National Art Exhibition.


In 1989, when I was a junior in university, the painting "When will the moon shine on me" was selected as the seventh national art exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Artists Association, and was selected as the youngest painter in the country.


In 1992, the book was selected as the second National Watercolor and gouache painting exhibition since the founding of the People's Republic of China 43 years ago. The work represented the Chinese Association of Fine Arts to the United States and became the only collection of figure paintings in the exhibition. The second episode of "Feelings and Desires to Ask Heaven" and "Saren Gaowa" are included in the first and second episodes of "Contemporary Chinese Watercolor Painting". He was also selected for the Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Watercolor Painters, and his works were exhibited in the Museum of Chinese History in 1994.


In 1994, "Qiao Daughter-in-law", "Saren Gaowa" and "Red Butterfly and Heavenly Bodies Old Monster" were selected into the Eighth National Art Exhibition at the same time. They are the only painters in this exhibition who selected three works at the same time. "Saren Gaowa" was rated as an excellent work. "Qiao Daughter-in-law" is on display at the China Military Museum in Beijing.


At the same time, a large number of works and texts were selected and compiled into "Art", "Dictionary of Members of China Artists Association", "Today's Chinese Art", "Art Newspaper", "Chinese Watercolor", "Watercolor", "Contemporary Chinese Watercolor", "Selected Watercolor Paintings", "Jiangsu Painting Magazine", "Art Grand View", "Wenhui", "Guangming Daily", "Workers'Daily" and "Chinese Film". Drama, American Overseas Chinese, Film World, Comedy World, Sino-foreign Exchange, Chinese Cartoon, Chinese Football, Girlfriend, National Literature and other national publications.


In 1996, he emigrated to the United States with his wife. 


In 1997, Sharyn Davis, an American critic, was honored as a classical master of oil painting Mother and Daughter, which won the award for outstanding works at the 6th Manhattan International Art Exhibition. The watercolor "Fengchun" won a commemorative prize in another competition unit.


His works "Qiao Daughter-in-law", oil painting "Here Feelings Want to Ask Heaven", oil painting "Sleeping Doll" and oil painting "Three Sheep" won the prize in "My Art Exhibition" held by AGORAGALLERY, a famous gallery opposite the Gujinhan Museum in Soho District, and his name was selected as "The Spectrum of the Artist". The work Father and Son was selected for the 1997-1998 Winter Edition of Manhattan International Art.


In 1998, Doctor Bethune of Canada won the special prize of the 7th Manhattan International Art Exhibition and was included in the Summer Edition of Manhattan International Art magazine. At the same time, the author was included in the book Successful Artists in America.


In 1999, the work "Green Moonlight" won the New York Artists'Federation Award - the only winner. In the same year, the work "Warm Wind Ten Miles Beauty Day" won the award at the 8th Manhattan International Art Exhibition. The work was included in the Autumn Edition of "Manhattan International Art". Oil painting "Sun, Moon and Earth" series was selected in the book "International New Art" of the United States.


In 2000, the oil painting "The Passion Here Asks the Heaven" won the Commemorative Award of the Washington Square Art Exhibition, and its works were exhibited in Washington Square.


The 2001 works "Green Moonlight" and "Smart Daughter-in-law" were selected for the December edition of Art News in the United States.


The 2002 work "Che Gao Ma Dalai Huanghuang" was selected for the March edition of Art News in the United States. His work "Somebody's Family in the Depth of White Cloud" won the Excellent Award of the 25th National Small Works Exhibition of the United States. The works are on display at the East Gallery of Washington Square.


In 2003, the second work "Entering the City" was awarded as an excellent work at the annual exhibition of the National Association of Professional Artists in the United States.


In 2004, "Green Moonlight" was selected by the most authoritative magazine "International Artists" in the United States for several times in various parts of the world, and was finally included in the book "One Hundred Excellent Figure Painters Talking about How to Paint People". In the same year, the oil painting Memories of Childhood won the Excellent Award of the National Membership Exhibition of the Association of Professional Artists.


One of the works "The Shepherd's Children and Her Sheep" won the award of Excellent Works at the 76th National Association of Professional Artists Exhibition. The work "Smart Daughter-in-law" won the Excellent Works Award in the 91st National Exhibition sponsored by the American Artists Alliance and the National Art Club.


In 2006, the work "Qiao Daughter-in-law" won the first prize in the 78th National Association of Professional Artists Exhibition. The work was exhibited at the famous Shama Gandi Art Museum. "Che Gao Ma Dalai Huang" was awarded the "Top Ten Works" in 2006 by the authoritative American art magazine "American Artist" and published in the "American Artist" magazine in January 2007. The oil painting "Emotion" was also included in the Gallery Exhibition of American Artists magazine.


In 2007, "Che Gao Ma Dalai Huang" won the major awards of the 79th National Association of Professional Artists Exhibition. The second work, The Shepherd's Child and Her Sheep, was selected as an excellent work in the Membership Exhibition sponsored by the National Watercolor Association of the United States. The work "Green Moonlight" won the gold medal at the 77th NAA Membership Exhibition. It is praised by judges and experts as the most outstanding work in the exhibition. "Morning" and "Entering the City" are the 74th National Congress sponsored by the Miniature Works Association of Washington, D.C. (founded in 1931).

