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生于江西上犹。现为中国美术家协会会员、江西省美术家协会中国画艺委会委员、江西省国画院研讨 员、赣南山水画研讨 会会长。1990年,参加编缉 创作的百米国画《赣水苍茫闽山碧》——难忘的地方 苏区,在京展出得到了蔡若虹王琦古元刘勃舒等著名画家的赞美 。地方 电视台旧事 联播节目、地方 人民广播电视台、中国文明 报、《美术》杂志均作报道。1994年,《长征第1 山》入选第八届全国美展。1996年,由江西美协安排随同龙瑞邓林赵卫陈平等著名画家赴井冈山采风。1997年《黄洋界》入选“中国人民解放军建军70周年”和“全军第九届美术作品展”,并获江西省建军70周年美展金奖。2000年应台湾地方 大学约请 ,赴台参加“海峡两岸客家艺术交流”活动。

Introduction to the artist

Be born on Jiangxi still. The traditional Chinese painting in saving artist association for Chinese artist academician, Jiangxi now art appoint chairman of seminar of the landscape painting austral researcher of courtyard of traditional Chinese painting of province of conference committee member, Jiangxi, another name for Jiangxi Province. 1990, 100 meters of traditional Chinese painting that attend editorial creative work " water of another name for Jiangxi Province is vast Fujian hill greens jade " -- in the center of unforgettable revive area, what got the famous artist such as easy of suddenly of Cai Rehong, Wang Qi, Gu Yuan, Liu showpiece in Beijing is admiring. Newspaper of culture of stage of broadcasting television of program of CCTV news broadcast, central people, China, " art " the magazine all makes a report. 1994, " long march the first hill " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited. 1996, by Jiangxi beauty assist the famous artist such as luck of dragon of arrangement be accompanying, Deng Lin, Zhao Wei, Chen Ping goes to collect folk songs of the Jinggang Mountains. 1997 " yellow foreign group " selected " the the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 70 years " and " work of the 9th art exhibits horse and foot " , obtain Jiangxi province to found an army 70 years the United States exhibits a gold prize. Answered 2000 the university invites in the center of Taiwan, go to a stage to attend " art of cross-strait the Hakkas communicates " activity.

