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1961年至1964年前后 就读于北京艺术学院附中和地方 美术学院附中,毕业候选送入首都师范大学美术系。1968年本科毕业。1978年至今任教于清华大学建筑学院,1984年市委美术教研室主任,现任美术研讨 所的负责人、清华大学建筑学院美术教授。曾任北京密云县文明 馆任美术干部。
自1980年,从油画专业转入水彩画研讨 与创作为主,边教学边创作。成果明显 ,水平领先,在专业领域及国际部分区域中颇有影响,得到共识。始于1972年,油画作品陆续在美术馆参展。水彩作品前后 入选全国七、八、九届美展,全国历届水彩画大展、1995世妇会女美术家作品展,屡屡参加国际级世界区域交流展和约请 展。曾获法国尼斯国际外型 大展吉列特奖。作品陆续入编大型5 集和全国重点刊物、报刊。作品《京城春雪》、《春光湖影》入选第七届、八届全国美展,《凤凰晨曦》、《小院阳光》入选第二届、三届全国水彩粉画展,《农家院》入选全国首届水彩画大展。代表作编入中国古代 美术全集.水彩卷,中国水彩5 史出版刘凤兰水彩画集及专集挂历。
代表作编入《中国古代 美术全集.水彩卷》,《中国水彩画史》、《古代 中国美术》、《中国当代美术》、《台湾艺术家年鉴》、《美术》、《水彩艺术》,出版《刘凤兰水彩画集》及专集挂历。

Introduction to the artist

Liu Fenglan, was born in November 1944, heibei person. Professional: Art is painterly. Be good at aquarelle.
Came to was read early or late 1964 1961 at attached middle school of Beijing artistic college and attached middle school of the academy of fine arts central, graduation is awaited anthology sending capital Normal University art is. Undergraduate course graduated 1968. Taught to build an institute at Tsinghua university up to now 1978, 1984 director of staff room of art of municipal Party committee, courtyard art teachs architecture of university of the controller that currently holds the post ofart institute, Tsinghua. Ever held the post of house of culture of county of Beijing close cloud to hold the post of art cadre.
Chinese artist academician
Beijing aquarelle academician (principle thing)
Chinese building learns vice director of art and photography major council
From 1980, turn into aquarelle research and creation to give priority to from canvas major, edge education edge is created. Achievement is outstanding, the level is banner, quite influential in professional domain and international section section, get consensus. Only then 1972, canvas work is exhibited in art gallery ginseng in succession. Watercolour work early or late selected whole nation 7, 8, 9 beauty are exhibited, countrywide all previous aquarelle is exhibited greatly, work of can female artist exhibits 1995 worlds Fu, attend international class world to area communication is exhibited and invite time and again exhibit. Modelling of Ni Siguo border exhibits Ceng Huo France greatly award of Ji Lie spy. Work is entered in succession make up large 5 collect and countrywide key journal, the press. Work " capital Chun Xue " , " shadow of spring scenery lake " selected the 7th, beauty of 8 whole nations is exhibited, " phoenix first sun rays in the morning " , " small courtyard sunshine " selected the 2nd, art exhibition of pink of watercolour of 3 whole nations, " farmhouse courtyard " first aquarelle of selected whole nation is exhibited greatly. Complete works of modern art of China of masterpiece be classified. Watercolour coils, chinese watercolour 5 history aquarelle collect reachs publication Liu Fenglan only collect calendar.
Composing reachs a paper

Masterpiece enrolls " complete works of Chinese modern art. Watercolour coils " , " Chinese aquarelle history " , " contemporary China art " , " Chinese contemporary art " , " Taiwan artist almanac " , " art " , " watercolour is artistic " , publish " Liu Fenglan aquarelle collect " reach only collect calendar.

