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侯一民 - 画布上留下的历史——钟涵、侯一民

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侯1 民-古典文明 滋养下构成 的世界观

侯1 民,1930年出生,河北高阳人,蒙古族,著名画家、雕塑家、美术教育家。地方 美术学院教授。曾任地方 美院油画系副主任、壁画系主任、第1 副院长等职。现为中国壁画学会会长、中国美术家协会常务理事、全国壁画艺术委员会主任、吴作人国际美术基金会理事长。国家级有突出贡献专家。擅长油画、壁画、中国画、陶艺、雕塑及考古鉴定。是新中国第1 代美术家、美术教育家,长时间 从事美术教育工作,富于开拓精神,是新壁画运动的开拓者之1 。在艺术创作上涉猎广泛,寻求 中西艺术的融合,作品具有理想 主义的宏大气势。是第三、四套人民币的设计者之1 。近年参予大型园林工程的策划,任深圳华侨城“锦绣中华”、“民俗文明 村”、“世界之窗”艺术总顾问。代表作品:油画有《青年地下工作者》、《刘少奇与安源矿工》、《毛主席与安源矿工》、《六亿神州尽舜尧》、《清水江畔》、《跨过鸭绿江》。壁画有《百花齐放》(陶板高温釉)、《5 千年文明 》(陶浮雕)、《丝绸之路》(毛织)、《血肉长城》(陶釉高浮雕及白雪花石,国家博物馆收藏)、《华夏之歌》(毛织)、《东方文明世界之窗广场壁雕》(红砂石,10m×80m)。雕塑有《后羿射日》、《双面双身观音》、《环宇传书》(以上青铜)、《锦绣中华及世界之窗景点陶瓷斗彩民俗君子 十万馀件》(合作)。中国画有《逐日图》(1999,17m×2.4m)、《古寓言三十篇》、《泰山日出》等。有多篇文字发表于各美术刊物,有《美术作品集》问世。


1950年起,任地方 美术学院教员。同年,朝鲜和平 爆发,他又以《人民日报》特约记者的身份赴朝。意愿 军兵士 、鸭绿江上的朝鲜兵士 、朝鲜1 家人、担架队,甚至战俘营里来自不同国家的人,都成为他描摹的对象。
1954-1957年在地方 美术学院油画训练班学习,导师为马克西莫夫
1958年,任地方 美术学院油画系副主任。
1978年,创建壁画系专业,任研讨 室主任、系主任。
1982-1986年,任地方 美术学院副院长。
1986年后,参与锦绣中华、中国民俗文明 村等园林的创建,任总顾问。
2008年为国家体育馆制造 “古代体育壁画”。
2009年掌管 完成巨幅素描壁画《抗震壮歌》。

次要 作品

次要 油画作品
《百花齐放》(陶釉壁画)、《丝绸之路》(毛织壁画)、《血肉长城》(浮雕陶釉壁画)、《东方文明》(石雕壁画)、《后羿射日》(青铜雕塑)、《双面观音》(青铜雕塑)、《环宇传书》(青铜雕塑)、《泰山日出》(中国画)、《逐日图》(中国画)。 以上多幅作品被国家博物馆及公共建筑收藏。
第三套人民币中从1元券上开拖拉机的女农民,到2元券上开机床的工人,5元券上手持钢钎的炼钢工,10元券上工农兵代表均是出自他的手笔;第四套人民币中,从1角上的高山族、满族人头像,不断 到100元上四个领袖像的素描,也都是由他和夫人邓澍完成。

English Introduction

Hou Yimin, born in 1930, Hebei Gaoyang, Mongolian, famous painter, sculptor and art educator. China Central Academy of Fine Arts professor. Served as deputy director of the oil painting department of Central Academy of fine arts, the mural painting department director, first vice president and other staff. Now he is chairman of Chinese mural society, executive director of Chinese Artists Association, director of national Mural Art Committee, chairman of Wu Zuoren International Fine Arts foundation. National experts have outstanding contributions. Specializes in oil painting, murals, Chinese painting, pottery, sculpture and archaeological identification. Is the first generation of Chinese artists, art educators, long engaged in art education, pioneering spirit, is one of the pioneers of the new mural movement. Wide range of artistic creation, the pursuit of integration of Chinese and Western art, works with realism grand momentum. Is one of the third and four yuan designers. In recent years, in the large garden project planning, the Shenzhen overseas Chinese town "Splendid China", "Folk Culture Village", "window of the world" art consultant. Representative works: painting a "Youth", "underground workers Liu Shaoji and Anyuan miners", "Chairman Mao", "six hundred million miners and Anyuan as China", "Shun Yao River water," "across the Yalu River". There are murals of "" (high temperature glaze ceramic plate All flowers bloom together.), "culture" (Tao Fudiao), "Silk Road" (Mao Zhi), "the Great Wall" (Tao Yougao flesh and White Alabaster reliefs, National Museum), "Chinese song" (Mao Zhi), "Oriental Civilization World" (the square carved wall window red sandstone, 10m * 80m). The sculpture "Hou Yi shot", "Bodhisattva", "double single universal book" (more than bronze), "Splendid China and the window of the world attractions more than one hundred thousand pieces of folk color ceramic villain" (cooperation). Chinese painting has "daily map" (1999, 17m * 2.4m), "ancient fable of the thirty", "Taishan Sunrise" and so on. There are many articles published in various art publications, there are "works of art" published.Learning Chinese painting from Qi Baishi's disciple early in the early years of Chen Xiaoxi.
In 1946 the national Beiping Art School under Xu Beihong, Wu Zuoren, Ai Zhongxin et al., change the learning of Western painting.
During his 1948 study at the national Beiping art school, he joined the Communist Party of China, and served as the Party branch secretary of the academy.
1950, as China Central Academy of Fine Arts faculty. In the same year, the Korean War broke out, he went to the people daily special correspondent status. Volunteer soldiers, the Yalu River North Korean soldiers, one family, the Korean team in the camp stretcher, even people from different countries have become the object of his description.
1954-1957 in China Central Academy of Fine Arts oil painting training class, tutor for Maximov.
1958, he served as deputy director of the Department of oil painting, China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
The "Cultural Revolution" was persecuted.
1978, to create a mural department professional, any research director, dean.
1982-1986, he served as vice president of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
She retired in 1990.
Has participated in third sets, the design of the fourth sets of rmb.
After 1986, participated in the creation of Fairview China, Chinese folk culture village gardens, as general counsel.
Now Wu Zuoren International Art Foundation Chairman, director of China Artists Association executive director, Mural Arts council.
2008 for the National Stadium production of ancient sports murals".
In 2009 presided over the completion of "seismic ZhuangGe" sketch huge murals.
Major oil paintings
"Youth", "underground workers across the Yalu River", "Liu Shaoji and Anyuan", "Shenzhou six hundred million miners as shunyao" (with Deng Shu), "Chairman Mao", "Anyuan miners and river water" (with Deng Shu).
Other works
"(ceramic glaze murals) All flowers bloom together.", "Silk Road" (wool, "flesh and blood" the Great Wall murals) (relief murals, ceramic glaze) "Oriental civilization" (stone murals), "Hou Yi shot" (bronze sculpture), "two sided Guanyin" (bronze sculpture), "World Book" (bronze sculpture), "Taishan Sunrise" (Chinese painting), "Daily" (China painting). More than a number of works by National Museum and public buildings collection.
RMB design
Female farmers from 1 yuan coupons on the tractor in the third set of RMB, to 2 yuan tickets on boot bed workers, 5 yuan coupons on the handheld steel drill rod, 10 yuan ticket on behalf of peasants and soldiers are from his hand; the fourth set of RMB, from the 1 corners of the Gaoshan Nationality, Manchu people head a sketch, until 100 yuan on the four leaders like, also is done by him and his wife Deng shu.

