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陈大羽 - 黄钟大吕 金声玉振——简说陈大羽的

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1935年毕业于上海美术专科学校中国画系。1946年拜师齐白石。1948年任上海美专国画系写意花鸟画讲师。1950年任上海美专副教授。1958年调任南京艺术学院美术系教授。曾任中国美术家协会常务理事、江苏省美术家协会、书法家协会副主席。现任中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,南京艺术学院美术系名誉主任。长时间 从事中国画艺术教育。擅长大写意花鸟、书法和篆刻。曾从姚世影、马公愚诸乐三诸师学艺。书法以篆书、行草见长,中国画《并蒂呈祥》入选第六届全国美展。书法篆刻作品曾参加第1 、二、三、四届书法篆刻展。1980年在江苏美术馆举办个人作品展,1981年在上海美术馆举办个人作品展。1948年出版《陈大羽画集》,1982年出版《大羽画选》,1988年在日本出版《陈大羽作品集》。


陈大羽早年就读于上海美术专科学校,师从姚世影、马公愚诸乐三诸闻韵王个簃,1946年,经谢公展一名 先生 的介绍,得识齐白石并拜之为师,专攻大写意花鸟画。1948年任上海美专国画系写意花鸟画讲师,1950年任上海美专副教授,1958年任南京艺术学院美术系教授。曾任中国美术家协会常务理事,江苏省美术家协会、书法家协会副主席。中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,南京艺术学院美术系名誉主任。陈大羽于艺勤勉,大胆探索,承传统以开生面。上溯徐渭石涛八大山人、“扬州八怪”等明清大家,又以笔墨当随时代之胸怀 践行艺术道路。1956年与李可染黄润华沿长江旅行写生,堪领风气之先。他的作品以观察写生入手,从理想 生活中捕捉灵感,从平凡生活中发现美,将乐观豁达的人生观和热爱生活的情感体验融入作品当中 ,体现出朴实豪迈的个性风格和时代艺术特征。陈大羽擅长大写意花鸟、书法和篆刻。书法以篆书、行草见长。中国画《并蒂呈祥》入选第六届全国美展。书法篆刻作品曾参加第1 、二、三、四届书法篆刻展。1980年在江苏美术馆举办个人作品展,1981年在上海美术馆举办个人作品展。1948年出版《陈大羽画集》,1982年出版《大羽画选》,1988年在日本出版《陈大羽作品集》。
陈大羽以深厚的西画根底转攻国画,其特点是以没骨点垛作装潢 性构图,用笔沉静,力量、速度大体平均,其韵律次要 依托 物象不同的色彩、外形 的组合而获得体现,而少有轻重疾徐、顿挫转机 的节奏变化。花叶缤纷烂漫,而格调文静娟秀,为传统画法中所未见,又能为雅俗所共赏,洵艺苑之奇葩、玉台之清品,尤以小幅更为精到。陈大羽是当代著名的画家,但他并不只是专攻花卉,举凡风景、静物、肖像等等,无不爱好 ,无所不能。他的艺术能达到如此高超的境地,是与他在艺术上广博的爱好和涵养 分不开的,还在青年时代,当绘事学步之初,他就留意 到对绘画各门类和多种的广泛研飞。他的许多油画静物,如芍药、月季、绣球等,与后来创作的许多彩墨花卉,也有着极为密切的关系。陈大羽的水彩作品色调明快,风格隽永,对于将中国水墨的意境融入东方 绘画传统做出了无益 的尝试,在画坛享有盛誉。曾出版《水彩画技法》等著作,对本身 的实践进行零碎 阐述。

“士之志远,先器识,后文艺”,出自《新唐书·裴行俭传》,讲的是我国古时知识分子为学修身的步骤。“器识”指读书人的器量与见识,是人的内在涵养、精神境界。“文艺”意指写作方面的能力,应用 文字的技巧。古人为学,首先重做人的度量与见识,至于写文章,则被认为只是器识之末。陈大羽更是把这句话当作是本身 的艺术信条,他置信 1 个画家作品的精神世界,就是作者人格和灵魂的反映。陈大羽早年倾心于吴昌硕的写意花鸟画艺术,后来又从师于齐白石,专事大写意花鸟画。但他学前人却并不限于二老,而是上溯到徐渭石涛八大山人、“扬州八怪”等明清大师,从历代大师的画作中汲取 营养 ,集各家之长,成本身 面目。他长时间 坚持观察写生,从理想 生活中捕捉灵感,从平凡生活中发现美,这就使他的作品不仅具有传统笔墨又体现出鲜明的时代精神。他善于将本身 乐观豁达的人生观和热爱生活的情感体验融入作品当中 ,不管 花鸟鱼虫、草木藤萝,都是重视 于对物象神似的寻求 ,极富时代气息和人生意趣。
陈大羽在大写意花鸟画中最有目共睹 的就是他画的鸡,也能够 说“画鸡”代表了他大写意绘画的最高成就。陈大羽画鸡与齐白石的鼓励是分不开的,当年他曾呈1 件《雄鸡图》请恩师齐白石教正,大师仿佛看出了大羽的将来 ,遂命笔在《雄鸡图》上写下:“有此画鸡之天份,天下人自有眼福,况天道酬勤。大羽弟应得大名。”为了画好鸡,陈大羽曾画过习作上万张,通过扎实的苦练,不懈的寻求 ,陈大羽终究 称为“1 代名家”,民间素有“白石虾虫悲鸿马,可染水牛黄胄驴、苦禅老鹰大羽鸡”的说法,可见人们对其艺术的肯定。陈大羽的成就是多方面的。他书法长时间 攻研《石鼓文》、《散氏盘》、《张迁碑》等,并参合了怀素王铎吴昌硕、齐白石等名家书风,尤善篆体、行草,所书沉雄秀逸、纵横驰骋,富有骨力妙趣;其篆刻初追秦汉,后受齐白石影响较大,巧拙相济、遒劲无力 、痛快淋漓,自具风貌。和绘画的成就放在一同 ,他又被称为当代“书、画、印”三绝。他的绘画成就与他的人品、襟怀 、勤奋,包括书法和印章的成就 分不开的。而只要 把这些结合起来分析才可以看到1 个全面的陈大羽。他对大写意花鸟画的最大贡献在于:把传统大写意文人画背后那种温文儒雅的气韵1 变为豪情与奔放的古代 情怀,并以其独特的画风把传统中国大写意画发展到了1 个新的高度。
陈大羽在当代大写意花鸟画家中,论资格 与成就最高的当推陈大羽。在当年受教于齐白石诸弟子且至今硕果仅存不多的几位老画家中,陈大羽以富于个性的面目自立于师门内外,对齐派艺术在继承上更侧重于神似的阐发。陈大羽不但像白石先生那样,从理想 生活中捕捉灵感,从平凡生活中撷取赋予艺术意味的题材,发扬理想 主义创作精神,而且还继承了白石艺术中朴实奔放的气质,清新爽利的笔墨。他不是简单袭用白石的画题,而是侧重 于本身 感兴味 的题材锤炼本身 的艺术,像白石画虾、悲鸿画马1 样,陈大羽画鸡也是名满画坛。他所画之公鸡,冠羽怒张、神采奕奕、昂首阔步、意气自得的神态,使人有振奋进取之观感。鸡并非难画之禽,但画家取其意气所至便非凡品,这是画家积多年观察表现之结果。当然,大羽非仅画鸡,松菊花卉也同样擅长。他的画风坚实饱满、气势浑厚、笔墨酣畅、纵横驰骋、新意迭出。虽属文人写意画,但较之古代文人的温文儒雅的气韵,陈大羽的艺术应是20世纪中国文人的豪情与奔放的古代 情怀。在笔墨方面,他多中锋篆书的意味,明显看出有吴昌硕的影响,而与其师白石善用的侧锋单笔不同。一名 大写意画家的成就,说到底是画家的气质、涵养 、功夫、火候与人格、情操等多方面相契合的结果。陈大羽的艺术所以能阔别 凡俗而睥睨?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/2/1/1888.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>嘿嵌嗄昵毙拇右盏慕峁K男匆饣窕胧榉ń鹗男扪删头植豢桶资谎诖笞浔市勐酰浦哟舐溃鹕裾瘢榛鹗嗟靡嬲茫诘贝抑校任训谩?/p>



陈大羽以深厚的西画根底转攻国画,其特点是以没骨点垛作装潢 性构图,用笔沉静,力量、速度大体平均,其韵律次要 依托 物象不同的色彩、外形 的组合而获得体现,而少有轻重疾徐、顿挫转机 的节奏变化。
陈大羽是当代著名的画家,但他并不只是专攻花卉,举凡风景、静物、肖像等等,无不爱好 ,无所不能。他的艺术能达到如此高超的境地,是与他在艺术上广博的爱好和涵养 分不开的,还在青年时代,当绘事学步之初,他就留意 到对绘画各门类和多种的广泛研飞。
他的许多油画静物,如芍药、月季、绣球等,与后来创作的许多彩墨花卉,也有着极为密切的关系。陈大羽的水彩作品色调明快,风格隽永,对于将中国水墨的意境融入东方 绘画传统做出了无益 的尝试,在画坛享有盛誉。曾出版《水彩画技法》等著作,对本身 的实践进行零碎 阐述。



陈大羽的绘画艺术植根于数千年传统文明 土壤,他在50年代开始变法,逐渐 构成 了本身 的艺术思想体系和独特的“大羽风格”。
著名美学理论家王朝闻曾说,陈大羽的作品显示了不傍人门户的独特面貌,这就是创造,也就是前进,这就是传统的继承。著名文学评论家冯其庸说:“石壶的画初看似乎貌不惊人,但是只需 你稍微细心 看看,就会发现你面对着的是一名 惊世骇俗的不同凡响的、高出于本身 时代的具有绝代才华的出色 画家。”
陈大羽善山水、花鸟、人物、书法、篆刻、诗词等。他之所以有如此境界,次要 是他抱着“仰之弥高”、“钻之弥坚”的信心 ,潜心绘事,弘扬民族文明 。近年来,陈大羽的传世佳作,曾在北京、上海、香港、新加坡等地区展览,盛况空前,特别 是他的300幅遗作,1988年3月20日至27日,曾在中国美术馆展出,每天观众高达1万余人。
陈大羽的名字已编入《中国美术家大辞典》和《近百年美术史册》。文明 部出版的《中国5 十年美术》,其中广东省被列名的仅有3人,陈大羽为其1 。台湾编辑的《画坛巨匠》,也为陈大羽列专辑。


在当代大写意花鸟画家中,论资格 与成就最高的当推陈大羽。在当年受教于齐白石诸弟子且至今硕果仅存不多的几位老画家中,陈大羽以富于个性的面目自立于师门内外,对齐派艺术在继承上更侧重于神似的阐发。
陈大羽不但像白石先生那样,从理想 生活中捕捉灵感,从平凡生活中撷取赋予艺术意味的题材,发扬理想 主义创作精神,而且还继承了白石艺术中朴实奔放的气质,清新爽利的笔墨。他不是简单袭用白石的画题,而是侧重 于本身 感兴味 的题材锤炼本身 的艺术,像白石画虾、悲鸿画马1 样,陈大羽画鸡也是名满画坛。他所画之公鸡,冠羽怒张、神采奕奕、昂首阔步、意气自得的神态,使人有振奋进取之观感。鸡并非难画之禽,但画家取其意气所至便非凡品,这是画家积多年观察表现之结果。当然,大羽非仅画鸡,松菊花卉也同样擅长。他的画风坚实饱满、气势浑厚、笔墨酣畅、纵横驰骋、新意迭出。虽属文人写意画,但较之古代文人的温文儒雅的气韵,陈大羽的艺术应是20世纪中国文人的豪情与奔放的古代 情怀。在笔墨方面,他多中锋篆书的意味,明显看出有吴昌硕的影响,而与其师白石善用的侧锋单笔不同。
一名 大写意画家的成就,说到底是画家的气质、涵养 、功夫、火候与人格、情操等多方面相契合的结果。陈大羽的艺术所以能阔别 凡俗而睥睨?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/2/1/1888.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>嘿嵌嗄昵毙拇右盏慕峁K男匆饣窕胧榉ń鹗男扪删头植豢桶资谎诖笞浔市勐酰浦哟舐溃鹕裾瘢榛鹗嗟靡嬲茫诘贝抑校任训谩?/p>


English Introduction

1935 graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting. Coach Qi Baishi in 1946. In 1948 the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting freehand painting instructor. Associate professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 1950. 1958 was transferred to the professor of the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Arts Institute. Served as executive director of the Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman of Jiangsu Artists Association, calligrapher's association. Member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, honorary director of the Department of fine arts, Nanjing Arts Institute. Long term in the art education of Chinese painting. Good at freehand bird, calligraphy and seal cutting. From Yao Shiying, Ma Gongyu, Zhulesan Zhucheng masters. Good script, cursive calligraphy, painting Chinese Bingdi "Chengxiang" selected for the Sixth National Art exhibition. Calligraphy and seal cutting works had participated in the first, two or three and four of the seal calligraphy exhibition. 1980 in Jiangsu Art Museum held solo exhibition, in 1981 in Shanghai Art Museum held solo exhibition. In 1948 published "Chen Dayu album", published in 1982, "the big feather painting election" published in Japan in 1988, "Chen Dayu works".

Chen Dayu was educated at Shanghai School of fine arts, under the tutelage of Yao Shiying, Ma Gongyu, Zhulesan, Zhu Wen Yun, Wang Geyi, by 1946, Xie public exhibition of a student, got to know Qi Baishi and worship as a teacher, specializing in large freehandbird. In 1948 the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting freehand painting lecturer, associate professor in 1950 1958 Shanghai fine arts training school, Professor of Art Department of Nanjing Arts Institute. Served as executive director of the Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman of Jiangsu Artists Association, calligrapher's association. Member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, honorary director, Department of fine arts, Nanjing Arts Institute. Chen Dayu in the arts industry, bold exploration, a tradition to open the dough. With Xu Wei, Shi Tao, Badashanren, "Eight Wonders of Yangzhou" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, when the ink with the times of mind to practice the road of art. In 1956, Li Keran and Huang Runhua can travel along the Yangtze River painting, leading the trend. His work by observing and sketching with inspiration from real life, from the ordinary life in the United States, the optimistic outlook on life and love life feelings into the works, reflect the simple heroic personality style and artistic characteristics of era. Chen Dayu good at freehand, calligraphy and seal cutting. Good script, cursive calligraphy. Chinese painting "Bingdi Chengxiang" selected for the Sixth National Art exhibition. Calligraphy and seal cutting works had participated in the first, two or three and four of the seal calligraphy exhibition. 1980 in Jiangsu Art Museum held solo exhibition, in 1981 in Shanghai Art Museum held solo exhibition. In 1948 published "Chen Dayu album", published in 1982, "the big feather painting election" published in Japan in 1988, "Chen Dayu works".
Chen Dayu with the deep foundation of Western painting into painting, characterized by the duo as a decorative composition point ", a quiet strength, speed, general average, the combination of rhythm mainly depends on the different colors and shapes of objects and reflect, rather than light, turning the frustration of Xu Zhongji rhythm. Leaves and flowers colorful brilliant style, and quiet graceful, is not the traditional style of painting, but also for the popular dramas, wonderful art, jade Qing Xun Taiwan products, especially in slightly more precise. Chen Dayu is a famous contemporary painter, but he does not specialize in flowers, such as landscapes, still life, portrait and so on, all love, equal to anything. His art has reached a high position, with his broad interests in art and culture inseparable, was still a young man, when his toddler at the beginning, he came to the attention of various categories of painting and various extensive research to fly. Many of his oil painting, such as peony, rose, hydrangea, and many color flower later creation, also has a very close relationship. Bright colors, watercolor works of Chen Dayu style meaningful, for the China ink mood into the western painting tradition has made the beneficial attempt, reputation in the painting. Has published "watercolor painting techniques" and other works, the system of their own practice.

"Shi Zhiyuan, first insight, after art", from the "new book of Tang Pei Hangjian biography", the ancient Chinese intellectuals to learn the steps of self-cultivation. "Nature" refers to the measure and study of knowledge, is the intrinsic spiritual realm of human virtue. "Literature and art" means the ability to write, the use of writing skills. The ancients, first a metric with insight as to write articles, is that only the nature of the end. Chen Dayu is to put this sentence as his own art of faith, he believed that a painter works of the spiritual world, is the author's personality and the soul of the reflection. Chen Dayu early enamored of Wu Changshuo freehand flower and bird painting, and later studied under Qi Baishi, specializing in large freehandbird. But he is not limited to old people before, but goes back to Xu Wei, Shi Tao, Badashanren, "Yangzhou eight strange" Ming master, absorb nutrients from the Ancient Masters paintings, each set of long, into his face. He has long insisted on observing and sketching, capturing inspiration from real life, finding beauty in ordinary life, which makes his works not only have the traditional ink and the spirit of the times. He is good at his optimistic outlook on life and love life feelings into the works, both flower and plant vines, are focused on the images of the likeness of the pursuit of modern life and charm.
Chen Dayu is the most striking in the freehand painting of the painting is his chicken, can also say "the highest achievement of chicken" on behalf of his freehand painting. Chen Dayu and Qi Baishi such encouragement is inseparable, he had a "rooster" Chengyi please teacher Qi Baishi norimasa, seemed to see the master Dayu pen in the future, and "Rooster map" wrote: "the chicken of talent, the people of the world to its own conditions, floyd. Big feather younger brother deserves a name." In order to draw a good chicken, Chen Dayu drew tens of thousands of exercises, through solid hard work, relentless pursuit, Chen Dayu finally called the "generation of masters", folk known as "Bai Shi shrimp worm sad dyeable buffalo hongma, his donkey, bitter meditation Eagle Dayu chicken argument, the art of the people must be visible. Chen Dayu's achievements are many. His long-term research of calligraphy "" stone drum "," Pan's casual, "Zhang monument", and the participation of Wang Duo and Wu Changshuo, Huai Su, Qi Baishi and other famous book wind, especially Zhuanti, cursive book, good hideitsu, dash, full of wit the seal force; early chase after the Qin and Han Dynasties, influenced by Qi Baishi a large, powerful, clever clumsy combination, with great eloquence, from a style. And painting achievements together, he is also known as "contemporary calligraphy and painting" three. His achievements in painting and his character, mind, hard work, including calligraphy and seal attainments are not separated. And only the combination of these can be seen in a comprehensive analysis of Chen Dayu. He is the flower and bird painting: the greatest contribution to the traditional literati painting freehand spirit behind that becomes a courtly and gentle modern feelings of pride and unrestrained, and its unique style of the traditional Chinese freehand painting development to a new level.
Chen Dayu in the flower and bird painter in the contemporary theory of qualifications and the achievement of the highest when Chen dayu. In the same year taught by Qi Baishi and his disciples has several old painter There remained but a single one. not much, Chen Dayu to the individual face of self-reliance in the division and analysis of art in the inheritance of alignment is more focused on the spirit. Chen Dayu not only like Mr. Bai Shi, inspiration from real life, artistic means capture the theme from the ordinary life, carry forward the spirit of realism, but also inherited the temperament of simple and imaginative white stone art, refreshing ink. He is not a simple copy of white stone painting, but focused his interest in the subject matter to exercise their own art, like a white stone shrimp, Beihong painting horse, Chen Dayu is a painting of chicken. He painted rooster, crown feather, engorgement, swagger, turns in good out of a bandbox complacent demeanor, an uplifting spirit of perception. The chicken is not difficult to draw the bird, but the spirit to be a painter special product, this product is the result of years of observation of the painter. Of course, not only feather chicken, pine flower also good. His style is full, solid momentum vigorous, ink heartily, dash, new ideas one after another. Although the literati painting, but compared with the ancient scholars of Chen Dayu's courtly and gentle style, art should be twentieth Century China literati and modern feelings and sentiments. In the text, he center seal means, there is obvious influence of Wu Changshuo, with the division of white stone with good side front single different. A large freehand painter's achievements, it is the artist's temperament, accomplishment, Kung Fu, heat and personality, sentiment in many aspects such as the result of correspondence. The art of Chen Dayu so far away from mundane and arrogance of peers, it is the result of years of painstaking art. His freehand painting and calligraphy stone culture achievement is inseparable, like a white stone, he was a seal, to winwinmax, a clear voice like a bell, high moral behavior, painting and calligraphy stone complement each other, in contemporary painters, particularly rare.

Chen Dayu with the deep foundation of Western painting into painting, characterized by the duo as a decorative composition point ", a quiet strength, speed, general average, the combination of rhythm mainly depends on the different colors and shapes of objects and reflect, rather than light, turning the frustration of Xu Zhongji rhythm.
Leaves and flowers colorful brilliant style, and quiet graceful, is not the traditional style of painting, but also for the popular dramas, wonderful art, jade Qing Xun Taiwan products, especially in slightly more precise.
Chen Dayu is a famous contemporary painter, but he does not specialize in flowers, such as landscapes, still life, portrait and so on, all love, equal to anything. His art has reached a high position, with his broad interests in art and culture inseparable, was still a young man, when his toddler at the beginning, he came to the attention of various categories of painting and various extensive research to fly.
Many of his oil painting, such as peony, rose, hydrangea, and many color flower later creation, also has a very close relationship. Bright colors, watercolor works of Chen Dayu style meaningful, for the China ink mood into the western painting tradition has made the beneficial attempt, reputation in the painting. Has published "watercolor painting techniques" and other works, the system of their own practice.

Chen Dayu's painting art is rooted in the soil of traditional culture for thousands of years, he began to reform in 50s, gradually formed its own artistic ideology and unique style of "dayu".
The famous aesthetic theorist Wang Zhaowen said, Chen Dayu's works show the unique appearance for a living, this is the creation, that is forward, this is the traditional inheritance. The famous literary critic Feng Qiyong said: "the stone pot painting may seem unremarkable, but as long as you look carefully, you will find that the face is a shock, because of their high be not of the common sort era has peerless talent outstanding painter."
Chen Dayu good figures, landscapes and flowers and birds, calligraphy, seal carving, and other poems. He is such a state, he is holding "respected", "drilling of intact" faith, painstaking painting, national culture. In recent years, Chen Dayu's masterpiece, has worked in Beijing, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore and other regions exhibit unprecedented, especially his 300 pieces of works, March 20, 1988 to 27, exhibited in China Gallery, every audience of up to more than 1 people.
Chen Dayu's name has been incorporated into the "Chinese artists dictionary" and "the history of art in the past 100 years". The Ministry of culture published "fifty years" China art, of which Guangdong province is listed only 3 people, Chen Dayu is the one. The Taiwan edition "the painting masters", also listed the album for Chen Dayu.
In the flower and bird painter in the contemporary theory of qualifications and the achievement of the highest when Chen dayu. In the same year taught by Qi Baishi and his disciples has several old painter There remained but a single one. not much, Chen Dayu to the individual face of self-reliance in the division and analysis of art in the inheritance of alignment is more focused on the spirit.
Chen Dayu not only like Mr. Bai Shi, inspiration from real life, artistic means capture the theme from the ordinary life, carry forward the spirit of realism, but also inherited the temperament of simple and imaginative white stone art, refreshing ink. He is not a simple copy of white stone painting, but focused his interest in the subject matter to exercise their own art, like a white stone shrimp, Beihong painting horse, Chen Dayu is a painting of chicken. He painted rooster, crown feather, engorgement, swagger, turns in good out of a bandbox complacent demeanor, an uplifting spirit of perception. The chicken is not difficult to draw the bird, but the spirit to be a painter special product, this product is the result of years of observation of the painter. Of course, not only feather chicken, pine flower also good. His style is full, solid momentum vigorous, ink heartily, dash, new ideas one after another. Although the literati painting, but compared with the ancient scholars of Chen Dayu's courtly and gentle style, art should be twentieth Century China literati and modern feelings and sentiments. In the text, he center seal means, there is obvious influence of Wu Changshuo, with the division of white stone with good side front single different.
A large freehand painter's achievements, it is the artist's temperament, accomplishment, Kung Fu, heat and personality, sentiment in many aspects such as the result of correspondence. The art of Chen Dayu so far away from mundane and arrogance of peers, it is the result of years of painstaking art. His freehand painting and calligraphy stone culture achievement is inseparable, like a white stone, he was a seal, to winwinmax, a clear voice like a bell, high moral behavior, painting and calligraphy stone complement each other, in contemporary painters, particularly rare.

