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作者后印象主义画家李沐峰(原名李伟)曾用名李利峰,出生于1955年,安徽明光市人.15??岁开始习画至今已有39年.78年改革开放后在中国绘画的“江丰时代”他开始逐渐 走上了艺术的道路。其作品次要 基于表现主义手法,在学习后印象派的同时,把印象派,精神写实主义,中国画的大写意和儿童画有形 的融会与作品当中 ,构成 了本身 的本性艺术.目前已有作品二百多幅.
这些年来,他潜心与艺术的学习和研讨 从未于世人露面.自去年年底问世以来,在2008年内作品前后 被《中国网艺术中国》《中国美术家网》和《中国艺术批评》《艺术导报》等三十多家网络相继发表和转载。部分作品已李利峰的笔名入编《中国画报》杂志社主编的《聚焦中国2008》大型纪念奥运的文献,已于2008年12月出版发行。。已有三十多家刊物来信来电约稿。
这些年来不想在芜杂 纷呈的世俗中丧失本身 的灵魂.在默默无闻的生活中他用生命拥抱艺术,用激情撞击自然;把本身 的艺术根植于自然,根植于生活,根植于人类的历史文明 .不断 在无境的艺术境界中追随 着艺术的梦境.以达到了相应的艺术境界.其作品既有梵高那样的激情和塞尚高更的广博与深邃,同时在这激情荡漾的艺术情势 中更有着柯罗和德加那深远而宁静的意境。其艺术作品体现了中国古代哲学家、思想家庄子的“心如涌动,意如飘风”的哲学认识 。

Introduction to the artist

Work of peak of Li Mu of impressionistic independent painter reachs Chinese hind brief introduction
? ? Author hind is impressionistic peak of painter plum wash one's hair (original name Li Wei) ever used a Li Lifeng, be born in 1955, anhui.15 of person of bright light city? ? Year old begin to review the picture already had up to now 39 years.78 year draw in China after reforming and opening " Jiang Feng times " the road that he began to be on art stage by stage. Its work basically is based on expressionist gimmick, while study hind is impressionistic, impressionist school, mental realism, the be in harmony with the large freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting that China paints and children aeriform picture in meeting and work, the nature that formed oneself is artistic. Already had work at present more than 200. ?

? ? ? ? These year come, his with great concentration and artistic study and research never appear at common people. Since the end of the year came out last year, in the work inside 2008 early or late by " Chinese net? Artistic China " " Chinese artist net " and " Chinese art is criticized " " artistic gazette " wait to more than 30 networks are published in succession and be reprinted. Partial work already Li Lifeng's pseudonym is entered make up " Chinese pictorial " of magazine agency editor in chief " focusing China 2008 " the document of large souvenir Olympic Games, already published in December 2008. . Already incoming telegram of incoming letter of more than 30 journals makes an appointment with draft.

? ? ? ? These year of spirit that oneself lose in do not think what show in mixed and disorderly confused is lay. In the life of unknown to public he embraces art with life, bump natural; with passion the artistic root establish oneself at nature, root establish at the life, root establish the historical culture at the mankind. Pursueing artistic dream in having the artistic state of the condition all the time. In order to reached corresponding artistic state. Its work has Buddhist already tall in that way passion and a place of strategic importance still, tall more encyclopedical with abstruse, the art that ripples in this passion at the same time is having Ke Luohe's Dejiana is far-reaching and halcyon artistic concept more in the form. Its work of art reflected village of philosopher of Chinese ancient time, ideologist " if the heart emerges move, if meaning waves wind " philosophical consciousness.


