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地方 美术学院油画系三画室结业
地方 美术学院版画研修班毕业
地方 美术学院电脑美术专业结业
油画《山里人》参加在中国美术馆、地方 电视台主办的《新欧亚大陆桥美展》首展并参加巡回展。地方 电视台收藏。
2000年4月地方 美术学院通道画廊个展作品《天生与暮色》,中国美术馆收藏《中国红》,芬兰批评家古塔·罗杰收藏《晨曦》、《春到长城》、《绿洒乡间道》、《金汤水库印象》发表于《美术研讨 》2001年4期艺术成就被收入《中国青年艺术家辞典》。
现为中国美协会员、安阳油画研讨 会秘书长、中华文明 画报编辑、《今日中国美术》责任编辑、北京工业大学教授。2002年10月作品《愤怒的天王》入选中国美术家协会第16次新人新作展在曼德里欧1999年和2000年地中海艺术博览会上获公共奖。

Introduction to the artist

Wei Yuncheng, unripe on September 5, 1959 Yugudouan is in relief. Henan division large painting fastens canvas major to graduate, obtain literary bachelor's degree.
Canvas of central academy of fine arts ties 3 atelier complete a course
Woodcut of central academy of fine arts grinds the graduation that repair a class
Complete a course of major of art of computer of central academy of fine arts
2 art are experienced
Canvas work " slabstone " obtain Henan to save 7 beautiful award that exhibit copper
Canvas " the person in hill " those who attend to be sponsorred in Chinese art gallery, CCTV " beauty of new Eurasia bridge is exhibited " head exhibit and attend itinerate to exhibit. The CCTV is collected.
In the center of April 2000 gallery of passageway of academy of fine arts exhibit work " inherent with dusk " , chinese art gallery is collected " China is red " , guda Roger collects Finnish commenter " first sun rays in the morning " , " spring to the Great Wall " , " the green bypath that asperse countryside " , " impression of Jin Shang reservoir " publish at " art studies " 2001 4 period art is accomplished.
Artistic title
Editor of pictorial of culture of secretary-general of seminar of the member that it is Chinese beautiful association now, canvas that install this world, China, " now Chinese art " professor of college of industry of responsibility editor, Beijing. In October 2002 work " indignant day king " the 16th times new personality makes society of selected China artist newly exhibit in Mander Leo was mixed 1999 communal award is won on Mediterranean 2000 artistic exposition.
Sculpture work also by emperor - city library orders Lei Micheng and display Yu Jihua in garden.

