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赵力中 - 观赵力中油画《1944·中国远征军》

2022-03-11 17:37:06 3563




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赵力中(1954.8——)辽宁海城前四方台人,毕业于云南艺术学院油画系本科。现为云南大学教授,民革云南大学主委、昆明市美术家协会副主席,云南省政协六、七、八、九届委员。我国著名的实力派写实画家,擅长严重 历史题材油画创作,现为文明 部、财政部联合实施的国家严重 历史题材美术创作工程作者。多年来发表油画、炳稀画、插图、连环画等作品数千幅,其反映澳门历史的大型油画作品《黑色的日子》荣获文明 部颁发的“中国艺术大奖”银奖,现由澳门博物馆永世 收藏大型油画作品《日出东方》代表中国艺术家参展在香港举办的《世纪伟业·中国绘画艺术特展》后被国家文明 部收藏;反映抗日和平 中中国人民真正把侵略军赶出国门的独一 1 次战役——滇西抗战的系列油画作品《碧血千秋》中的《驼峰航线》被美国航空博物馆永世 收藏,该画也是迄今为止美国航空博物馆收藏的独一 1 幅中国油画。属于国家严重 历史题材美术创作工程的最新1 幅作品《1944.中国远征军》已被中国美术馆收藏。

Introduction to the artist

In Zhao Li (1954.8 -- ) person of stage of all directions before Liaoning sea wall, be graduated from canvas of Yunnan art institute is undergraduate course. It is Yunnan college professor now, university of civilian change Yunnan advocate appoint, vice-chairman of association of Kunming city artist, yunnan saves a the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 6, 7, 8, 9 committee members. Our country's notable actual strength is sent realistically painter, be good at creation of canvas of great history subject matter, art of great history subject matter creates the state that carries out jointly for culture ministry, Ministry of finance now project author. Will publish canvas for years, bright the work such as rare picture, illustration, comic thousands of, the large canvas work that its reflect Macao history " black day " those who have the honor to win culture ministry to issue " Chinese art large award " silver-colored award, now by Macao museum permanent collect large canvas work " sunrise is Oriental " join on behalf of Chinese artist exhibit what hold in Hong Kong " brushwork of China of · of century great exploit is artistic exhibit especially " hind by national culture the ministry is collected; People of the China in mirrorring the War of Resistance Against Japan drives a country out of aggressor troops truly of the door exclusive battle -- another name for Yunnan Province on the west the series canvas work of war of resistance against aggression " a thousand years of blood shed in a just cause " medium " hump course " by American aviation museum permanent collect, this picture also is up to now what American aviation museum collects is exclusive canvas of a China. Belong to a country what art of great history subject matter writes a project is newest a work " 1944. China is expeditionary army " already was collected by Chinese art gallery.

