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李贵君 - 李贵君:最是那一刹那的灵动

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1964年11月 生于北京1 个农民家庭,初中文明 ,16岁退学务农。自幼即爱书法,务农之暇,仍临池不断。
1984年7月 毕业于地方 美术学院附中。
1985年 作品“140画室”参加国际青年美展并获奖,中国美术馆。
1988年7月 毕业于地方 美术学院油画系,获学士学位,在地方 美术学院附中任教师。
1989年 参加“第七届全国美展”,中国上海。
1992年 参加“20世纪—中国”美展,中国美术馆 。
1993年 参加“中国著名油画家”展览,新加坡。
1995年 参加“中国视野 – 当代中国油画大师作品展”, 泰国曼谷。
参加“当代中国油画,从理想 主义到后古代 ”展览,比利时布鲁塞尔。
取得地方 美术学院油画系研讨 生学历。
1996年 举办个人作品展 – “打开房门”,中国香港。
1997年 参加“当代中国艺术展”,泰国曼谷。
1998年 参加“东方遇到东方 ”展览,德国柏林。
1999年 举办第二次个人作品展 – “多梦时节”,中国香港。 2001年 参加“2001新加坡艺术节”,新加坡。
应意大利波洛尼亚美术学院约请 ,访问意大利、法国、瑞士、德国、荷兰和西班牙。
2002年 举办第三次个人作品展 – “李贵君作品展”,中国香港。出版英文个人画册“Li Gui Jun”。参加“女人的抽象 ”展览,泰国曼谷。参加“当代33位艺术家作品展”,北京。
2003年 举办个人作品展 – “李贵君”,泰国曼谷。
2004年 参加“北京写实画派首展“,中国美术馆。
2005年 参加“中国写实画派2005年展”,中国美术馆。参加“寻源”画展,中国美术馆。 
2006年 参加“中国写实画派2006年展”,中国美术馆。

相干 评价

李贵君现为中国艺术研讨 院画家。在北京写实画派中是一名 年轻的老字辈。他之所以“老”是因他在地方 美术学院的24年中,从先生 到教员参与并见证了当代艺术发展的轨迹;在艺术品市场当中更是亦然,李贵君凭借着手头上的真功夫与schoeni画廊签约,走着1 条国际化的路线,并有了不错的市场销售事迹 及不变 的市场价位。
2004年11月8日,在北京翰海的油画专场拍卖会上,李贵君的作品《飘动的红丝巾》以30万元成交,此幅作品及这个成交数字把他再次地展示 与众人面前。近些年来李贵君似乎从人们的视线中消逝 ,在拍卖前,李贵君说他对国内的市场并没有十分的把握,结果证明他的担心是多余的。李贵君随北京写实画派的学术成果及市场魅力在1 个艺术品的投资时代爆发了。
李贵君寻求 品质、寻求 经典。就连我与他之间的谈话,也被他刻意安排在北京第1 场雪后的德式乡村酒吧中,虽经过长途跋涉才到达目的地,但现场的隔世气氛让你身处仙境,不觉想到的尽是与品质有关的话题。品质绘画成了他品质文明 生活中寻求 的至高主题 。
在社会界,美术界享有必然 的声望,在他的作品中渗透这1 种大自然的美,为人们传递着1 种纯真与朴实相结合的意向。

English Introduction

Born in Beijing in November 1964 to a peasant family, junior middle school education, 16 year old quit farming. He is the love of calligraphy, farming time, still continue to skill.
July 1984 graduated from the Affiliated High School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1985 the work "140 studio" to participate in the International Youth Art Exhibition and awards, China art museum.
July 1988 graduated from the oil painting department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, bachelor's degree, teachers in the Middle School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
Sichuan in 1989 to participate in "Emei Cup" national calligraphy competition, won the excellent prize,
1989 to participate in "the Seventh National Art Exhibition", Shanghai China.
1991 in Gansu "Xi emperor Cup" won the excellent prize, Beijing "Golden Dragon Award" national painting and Calligraphy Competition Award of excellence, and selected works of the "Huafeng" hundred pieces of painting and calligraphy exhibition in japan.
In 1992 twentieth Century, Chinese "art exhibition, China art museum.
1993 to participate in "China famous painter" exhibition, singapore.
In the "second China oil painting exhibition, Chinese art museum.
1995 to participate in "China Vision - Contemporary Chinese oil painting masters Exhibition", Thailand, Bangkok.
Participate in "contemporary Chinese oil painting, from realism to post modernism" exhibition, Brussels, belgium.
Obtained the graduate degree of Oil Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
1996 solo exhibition - open the door, Hongkong, china.
Published personal album open the door".
1997 to participate in "contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition", Thailand, Bangkok.
1998 to participate in the "East meets the west" exhibition, Berlin, germany.
In 1999 held the second solo exhibition - "dream season", China Hongkong. 2001 to participate in the "2001 Singapore Arts Festival", singapore.
Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Spain should be invited to Accademia Di Belle arti Di Bologna, Italy.
Li Guijun's oil painting art".
2002 held third solo exhibition - "Li Guijun Works Exhibition", Hongkong, china. Published in English personal album "Li Gui Jun". Attend "women's image" exhibition, Thailand, Bangkok. Participate in "contemporary 33 Artists Exhibition", Beijing.
Solo exhibition held in 2003 - "Li Guijun", Thailand, Bangkok.
2004 to participate in the "realism", the first exhibition of Beijing Art Museum Chinese.
2005 to participate in the "Chinese realism of 2005 years", Chinese art museum. Participate in "seek source" exhibition, China Art museum.
2006 to participate in the "Chinese realism of 2006 years", Chinese art museum.

Li Guijun is now a painter of the Chinese Academy of arts. In Beijing, realism is a young and old generation. He was "old" because of his 24 years at China Central Academy of Fine Arts, from students to teachers participated in and witnessed the development of contemporary art in the art market trajectory; which is vice versa, Li Guijun with a hand on Kung Fu and Schoeni Gallery signing, walking a international route, and have a good market sales performance and stability of the market price.
In November 8, 2004, Beijing Hanhai painting special auction, the works of Li Guijun "fluttering red scarf" to 300 thousand yuan turnover, this piece of work and the turnover figures show with him again before the people. In recent years, Li Guijun seems to disappear from the sight of people, before the auction, Li Guijun said he was not very sure of the domestic market, the results prove his worry is superfluous. Li Guijun with the Beijing realism academic achievements and market attractiveness in an art investment era broke.
Li Guijun pursuit of quality, the pursuit of classic. Even my conversation with him, he was also arranged in Beijing the first snow style country pub, although after a long journey to reach the destination, but the scene from the atmosphere that you feel in Wonderland, thinking about the quality and related topics. Quality painting has become the highest theme in his quality cultural life.
In the social circles, the art circles enjoy certain prestige, permeate the beauty of this kind of nature in his works, and convey a kind of intention of combining innocence with simplicity.

