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武增宏,男,1958年生,吉林大安人,河南大学美术系毕业。1978年起在部队开始美术创作,曾任河南省开封市龙亭区文明 馆馆长,1991年获河南省文明 厅、省人事厅联合颁发的先进文明 工作者奖章。
现任广州文学艺术创作研讨 院美术研讨 室专职画家、国家高级美术师、中国美术家协会会员、中国美术院华南院艺术顾问,广州大学美术与设计学院客座教授,广州画院特聘画家。
美术作品曾入选1980年全军版画展,第四届全国水彩、粉画展。庆祝建军八十周年全国美展,纪念中国改革开放三十周年全国美展获优秀奖(独一 奖项),2008中国百家金陵画展(油画),庆祝建国六十周年全军美展,第十1 届全国美展获铜奖,并获首届中国美术奖·创作奖(中国美术政府最高奖)。作品入选省级美展20余次,并多次获奖。现有两幅作品被中国美术馆收藏,1 幅作品被贵阳美术馆收藏。曾应邀为广州空军模范人物绘制肖像,并在《南方日报》发表。多幅美术作品发表于《中国艺术报》、《羊城晚报》、《美术》、《新华文摘》等报刊。

Introduction to the artist

Wu Zenghong, male, unripe 1958, jilin brings a person greatly, henan university art fastens graduation. Rose to begin art creative work in army 1978, the province austral Ceng Renhe unseals curator of house of culture of area of city dragon booth, the advanced culture worker that caught Henan to save hall of culture hall, province human affairs to be issued jointly 1991 is numismatic.
Currently hold the post ofGuangzhou literature art to create painter of full-time of academy art lab, state courtyard of art of academician of artist of high art division, China, China art of Hua Na courtyard is advisory, guangzhou university art and design college visiting professor, guangzhou imperial art academy hires an artist especially.
Art work ever selected woodcut of horse and foot was exhibited 1980, art exhibition of watercolour of the 4th whole nation, pink. Celebrate found an army 80 years countrywide beauty is exhibited, beauty of 30 years of whole nations exhibits commemorative China reforming and opening win outstanding award (sole award) , art exhibition of hill of gold of 2008 China a hunderd schools (canvas) , celebrate found a state 60 years beauty of horse and foot is exhibited, eleventh countrywide beauty exhibits the award that obtain copper, obtain · of award of first China art to create award (Chinese art government is highest award) . Selected and provincial beauty exhibits work more than times 20, and for many times bear the palm. Have two work to be collected by Chinese art gallery, a work is collected by Guiyang art gallery. Ever was effigies of scale of person of type of Guangzhou air force on invitation, be in " southern daily " publish. Many art work is published at " Chinese art signs up for " , " Yang Cheng evening paper " , " art " , " new Hua Wenzhai " wait for the press.

