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阎素(1916-2009)曾用名阎书景、南开、曼陀。河北徐水人。1932年考入北平(今北京)京华美术学院,在校参加了中国共产党的外围组织“美联”,与同学陈伦(地下党员)一同 传递、散发传单。在校创作了油画《先死》,表现了革命者誓死如归的精神,受到进步师生的好评。1935年,描绘饥寒交迫流浪街头孤儿的毕业作品油画《难兄难弟》在北平展出时,被外国记者选登于1 家英文报纸。
??1937年抗日和平 全面爆发后,在安新同口镇小学任美术教师时,同地下党员陈乔?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/17/15733.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>黄鹂箍谷站韧鲂疃?937年10月,参加抗日救国自卫军,在政治部任宣扬 干事,曾将《中共抗日救国十大纲领》画成图解,石印发往各地张贴,动员人民奋起抗战。1938年1月加入中国共产党。同年5月,自卫军改编为八路军第三纵队,任政治部文艺科长。1939年5月调《晋察冀日报》编辑部任美术组组长。其间,创作的木刻宣扬 画、连环画有《母亲送儿打东洋》(3幅)、《曲阳惨案》(2幅)、《不当伪军》(连环画)、《慰劳 前方丈夫》、《热烈参加村选运动》、《打倒亲日派》、《生产阵线 女英雄》等30余幅刊登于《抗敌报》。1942年后创作的木刻《1 个领袖》、《羊倌李常活》(4幅连环画)、《坚壁》、《粮食》、《工拨工·不放松》和反映野场惨案的版画《满门忠烈》(由田间配诗)等发表于《晋察冀日报》后,都在边区产生过必然 影响。1944年夏到延安,在鲁迅艺术学院美术部当研讨 生。
??中国成立后,历任石家庄市文明 馆馆长兼市文联常委、河北省美术工作室副主任、河北画报社副总编、河北省画院画家。为中国美术家协会会员、河北省美术家协会副主席,1979年参加第四次全国文代会。出版过油画、宣扬 画、连环画、插图。参加展出的作品有油画、素描,其中油画《永久 跟着毛主席胜利前进》在省第1 次美展中获1 等奖。其版画《满门忠烈》在胡蛮著作的《中国美术史》1 书中给予评介。在辅导创作方面培养了1 批优秀专业 美术工作者。

Introduction to the artist

Yan Su (1916-2009) ever used a Yan Shujing, south, graceful Tuo. Person of Heibei Xu water. Took an examination of north to make the same score 1932 (today Beijing) capital academy of fine arts, in school the periphery that attended a Chinese Communist is organized " beautiful couplet " , with classmate Chen Lun (subterranean Party member) deliver together, send out the handbill. In school creative work canvas " predecease " , behaved revolutionary dare to die to be like the spirit that return, be progressed of teachers and students reputably. 1935, depict suffer hunger and cold to roam about the graduate work canvas of street orphan " fellow sufferers " when boreal open and flat goes out, be chosen to ascend by foreign reporter at an English newspaper.
? ? After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupted in the round 1937, when elementary school is being pressed down to hold the post of art teacher with the mouth in Anxin, begin propaganda of the save the nation from extinction that fight day together with Chen Qiao of subterranean Party member. In October 1937, attend fight day of defend oneself saving the nation army, in political ministry Ren Xuan sends person in charge of something, ever will " the Communist Party of China fights day to save the nation 10 outline are gotten " the picture is become graphic, lithography sends paste of past each district, arouse people rises war of resistance against aggression. Joined a Chinese Communist in January 1938. Of the same age May, self-defensive army is adapted for the Eight Route Army the 3rd column, hold the post of political ministry literary section chief. Moved in May 1939 " daily of advance examine look forward to " editorial office holds the post of art group group leader. Meantime, the woodcarving poster of creation, comic has " the mother sends hit Dong Yang " (3) , " Qu Yang massacre " (2) , " undeserved puppet army or soldier " (comic) , " husband of ahead expressing sympathy and solicitude for " , " attend ardently. The woodcarving that creates after 1942 " a cacique " , " shepherd Li Chang lives " (4 comic) , " hide supplies to prevent the enemy from seizing them " , " commissariat " , " labour dials labour · to be not loosened " with report the woodcut of open field massacre " the whole family faithful intense " (by, had produced certain effect in border area. 1944 summer to Yan'an, in Lu Xun art academic art ministry becomes a graduate student.
? ? After China holds water, have successively held the posts of curator of house of Shijiazhuang city culture to hold members of standing committee of city article couplet, Heibei concurrently to save deputy chief editor of society of pictorial of art atelier vice director, Heibei, Heibei to save painter of imperial art academy. Save artist association vice-chairman for Chinese artist academician, Heibei, attended countrywide Wen Daihui the 4th times 1979. Had published canvas, poster, comic, illustration. Attend exhibiting work to have canvas, sketch, among them canvas " follow Chairman Mao victory to advance forever " first prize is won in saving first time beauty to exhibit. Its woodcut " the whole family faithful intense " in Hu Man composing " Chinese art history " review gives in one book. Coaching creation respect trained worker of a batch of outstanding and spare art.

