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张祖英 - 对油画家张祖英的访谈

2022-03-11 17:35:52 3588




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张祖英1963年毕业于上海戏剧学院舞台美术系,1966年毕业于中国戏曲研讨 院舞台艺术研修班,1980年地方 美术学院高级油画研修班结业。现任中国艺术研讨 院研讨 员,中国油画学会副主席兼秘书长,中国美协理事、油画艺术委员会秘书长,2004年欧洲人理科 学院授于客座院士,中国艺术研讨 院比鲁艺术研讨 中心创作研讨 部主任。

张祖英长时间 从事油画创作和研讨 工作。作品被选入历届国家级大型美术展览,曾获荣誉奖,创作1 等奖、二等奖等,1 些作品被国家选送参加第三届欧、亚艺术展,亚洲艺术展和 在美国、加拿大、科威特、香港、印度和新加坡等国展出。曾举办“张祖英油画展”、“中国八人油画展”、“中国油画二十人展”等个展、联展。1987年、1988年二次代表中国美术家赴日本掌管 “中国古代 油画展”、“中国当代油画展”及相干 学术活动。1992年应邀公派赴美国考察与艺术交流,前后 在落杉矶、旧金山、卡迈尔等地举行个人油画作品巡展。代表作品有《创业艰难百战多》、《岁月》、《古道系列——上弦 月》、《回声》、《穿灰裙子的女青年》、《白衣少女》、《梦故乡》、《清风》、《苍山如海,残阳如血》、《山之魂》等。1 些作品被中国美术馆、中国革命博物馆、鲁迅博物馆、文明 部、北京市美术家协会及国内外收藏家、社会机构等收藏。作品被编入《中国油画:1870年-1985年》、《中国当代油画》、《当代中国油画:1979年-1989年》、《中国美术全集油画卷》、《中国油画肖像艺术百年》、《20世纪中国油画》等大型画册及多种重要专业报刊评介。自1985年起担任历届全国油画最高学术奖项、《中国油画艺术奖》的评奖委员。个人传记被编入英国剑桥国际名人传记中心(IBC)及美国国际名人研讨 院(ABI)、国际当代有成就名人录及国际名人传记辞典等。

English Introduction

Zhang Zuying graduated from the stage art department of Shanghai Theater Academy in 1963, graduated from the Chinese Academy of traditional opera in 1966 stage art seminar, China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1980 advanced oil painting seminar. The Chinese art researcher, vice chairman and Secretary General of Chinese oil painting society, Chinese Artists Association, oil painting art committee of the secretary general, in 2004 the European College of Liberal Arts Award in the creation of a visiting fellow, director of research center of the Ministry of China Perugia art art research institute.
Zhang Zuying has long been engaged in oil painting creation and research work. Works in the national large-scale art exhibition, won the award, first prize, two prize works, some works have been selected to participate in the third countries of Europe and Asia art exhibition, Asia art exhibition, and exhibited in the United States, Canada, Kuwait, Hongkong, India and singapore. Had held Zhang Zuying oil painting exhibition "," China eight oil painting exhibition "and" twenty Chinese painting exhibition "exhibition, exhibition. 1987, 1988, the two representative of Chinese artists to Japan presided over the "China modern oil painting exhibition", "China contemporary oil painting exhibition" and related academic activities. 1992 was invited to visit the United States and art exchanges, has held a personal painting exhibitions in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Carmel, etc.. Representative works are "pioneering know more difficult", "years", "ancient moon" series, "echo", "wearing a gray skirt young woman", "white girl", "dream home", "breeze", "Cangshan summit", such as the sea, "mountain soul" etc.. Some works are collected by Chinese Art Museum, Chinese Revolution Museum, Lu Xun Museum, Ministry of culture, Beijing Artists Association and collectors at home and abroad, social institutions, etc.. The work was incorporated into the "China painting: 1870 -1985 years", "contemporary painting", "contemporary China Chinese painting: 1979 -1989", "China art painting volume", "China portrait art", "hundred years Chinese twentieth Century oil painting" and other large pictures and a variety of professional newspapers to review. Since 1985 as the national highest academic award, "China painting painting art award" Awards committee. Biography was incorporated into the British Cambridge international biographical Center (IBC) and the United States International Celebrity Institute (ABI), international contemporary achievements and international biographical dictionary, etc..

