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来喜文,中国美术家协会会员、中国油画协会理事、武警陕西总队政治部专职画家。大凡在艺术上有所寻求 的人,多是对天空和土地有丰富情感的人,多是把审美理想投向火热生活的人。
来喜文就是这样的人,他把本身 的油画艺术深深扎根于警营这片沃土,不断汲取养分 。
来喜文出生于甘肃正宁1 个山村农家,美丽的乡间风光使他从小就迷上了绘画。1983年12月,他参军入伍后,火热的部队生活更激发了他作画的热情。
生活是创作的源泉,也是画家成长的必由之路,来喜文对此有深切的体会。他1 有时间就扎到基层,以部队为创作基地,以兵士 为创作对象,写生、素描,画出了许多抽象 生动、兵味十足、情趣盎然的作品。2008年汶川地震,来喜文随部队参加抗震救灾,获取了宝贵的第1 手材料 ,创作出的油画《打通生命线》。画面上,武警兵士 手握风镐,挥汗如雨,分秒必争 地抢救废墟下的生命。该作品入选全国抗震救灾画展,被称为“1 幅给人以心灵震动 的作品”。

来喜文深知,作品要打动人,必须有鲜明的时代特色和本身 的风格。为此,他紧紧围绕火热警营这1 主题,从选题、透视、构图等方面努力寻求 本身 的个性。如获得第八届美术作品展优秀奖的油画作品《1 封家书》中,一名 邮递员在为一名 藏族老大妈读1 封从内地军营寄来的家信,朴实的画面给人以亲切暖和 之感。和这幅画1 样,《抢救国宝》、《紧急关头》、《老红军》、《灾后重建》等来喜文的许多作品,都在用艺术的言语 弘扬着人民军队爱人民、人民军队为人民的光荣传统。
有道是,宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。经过苦心研习,兼收并蓄,来喜文终究 收获了累累硕果。他的《1 封家书》获建国50周年全军美术作品展三等奖和第六届武警文艺奖1 等奖;《抢救国宝》入选第十届全军美术展并获奖;《紧急关头》入选建军80周年全军美术作品展,获得全军优秀作品奖,并入选全国第十1 届美展。此外,他创作的《边防哨所》、《新训》、《抗洪》、《卓玛的世界》等油画作品,分别被中国美术馆、人民大会堂、北京民族文明 宫、军事博物馆等文明 机构和海内外人士收藏。

Introduction to the artist

Lai Xiwen, painter of full-time of ministry of politics of total fleet of Shaanxi of director of association of canvas of Chinese artist academician, China, armed police.
Generally the person that artistically seeks somewhat, it is pair of skies and land have rich affective more person, it is the person that sends aesthetic ideal to fervent life more.
Lai Xiwen is such person, his canvas art oneself is deep take root at alarm battalion this fertile soil, ceaseless derive nutrition.
Lai Xiwen is born in Gansu Province to coulding there be farmhouse of a village, beautiful country scene makes he is confused as a child went up to draw. In December 1983, he joins the army after enrollment, fervent army lives more the passion that aroused him to make a picture.
The life is the fountainhead of creation, also be the only way that the painter grows, lai Xiwen has deep-felt experience to this. He has time to plunge into basic level, it is creation base with army, it is creation object with the soldier, sketchy, sketch, the picture gave a lot of look the work with as dye-in-the-wood as flavour of vivid, arms, full interest. 2008 earthquake of plain of short of Wenshui River, lai Xiwen attends along with army aseismatic provide disaster relief, got valuable first-hand data, the canvas that creation gives " get through lifeline " . On the picture, hand of armed police soldier grasps pneumatic pick, drip with sweat, the life below against time rescue remains. This work is selected the whole nation is aseismatic art exhibition providing disaster relief, be called " a work that shakes with the heart to the person " .

Lai Xiwen knows very well, work should move person, must have bright times characteristic and oneself color. For this, he closely around fervent alarm battalion this one theme, go after oneself individual character hard from the respect such as selection of subject, clairvoyant, composition of a picture. If obtain work of the 8th art to exhibit the canvas work of outstanding award " an a letter from home " in, a postman is reading a family letter that sends from outback barback for a Tibetian grandma, the picture of guileless gives a person the sense with kind warmth. With this picture, " rescue national treasure " , " pinch " , " old Red Army man " , " rebuild after calamity " a lot of work that wait for Lai Xiwen, the glory that promoting people army to love army of people, people to be people in the language that uses skill is traditional.
Having is, sword sharp edge goes out from go through the mill, wintersweet is sweet come from bitter cold. Study through pains, incorporate things of diverse nature, lai Xiwen harvested great achievements of again and again eventually. His " an a letter from home " obtain found a state 50 years work of art of horse and foot exhibits third class award and the 6th armed police literary award first prize; " rescue national treasure " selected art of the 10th horse and foot is exhibited and bear the palm; " pinch " selected found an army 80 years work of art of horse and foot is exhibited, obtain horse and foot outstanding work reward, eleventh of selected whole nation the United States is exhibited. In addition, he creates " frontier defence guard " , " new model " , " fight a flood " , " Zhuo Ma's world " wait for canvas work, be waited for by museum of the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities of hall of congress of Chinese art gallery, people, Beijing, military affairs respectively culture orgnaization and global personage are collected.

