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裴庄欣(1956.3—)四川人。擅长油画。1982年毕业于四川美院油画专业。现任西藏展览馆美工。作品《格桑花开的时候》入选第六届全国美展。作品有《穿袈裟》、《殿堂》等。许多作品被美国、法国、日本、德国藏家及艺术基金会收藏,并出版多本艺术画册。有的作品被国外政府领导人收藏并出版挂历赠送。又有新的创作题材,引发 藏家高度关注,反响强烈。《牧民1 家》是1 张理想 主义作品,表现的是牧民的生活,这张画空间透视被处理得很好,人物关系朴实自然,生活气息浓厚。理想 主义在我国有着良好的群众基础,从建国到90年代初长达40年的时间里,我国的美术基本上都是理想 主义的潮流。这幅尺寸不大的《牧民1 家》,方寸中尽显活的气息和牧民的风采。
陈丹青先生在看过此画后非常喜欢,大加赞美 。这张画尺幅虽小,但传统油画功力浑厚,荷兰古典主义大师伦勃朗用光的的高难度技巧在这幅画中得到了很好的利用。从门处射进来的光线照在牧民身上,照在屋内各种物体,光线在物体上投射上去 的层次被描绘得非常细致。而逆光人物暗部的透明充分体现了画家高超的用光技巧和绘画能力。

Introduction to the artist

Glad of a surname village (1956.3, ) Sichuan person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from major of canvas of Sichuan beautiful courtyard 1982. Currently hold the post ofTibetan exhibition art design. Work " when case mulberry is spent " selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited. Work has " wear robe " , " hall " etc. A lot of work are collected by foundation of home of Tibet of the United States, France, Japan, Germany and art, publish many artistic an album of paintings. Some work are collected by foreign government leader and publish calendar to give. Have new creation theme again, cause Cang Jiagao to spend attention, resonant and intense. " herdsman " it is a piece of realistic work, expressional is the life of herdsman, fluoroscopy of space of this piece of picture is handled very well, figure relationship guileless is natural, life breath is grumous. Realistic there is good masses base in our country, from found a state in the time that 40 years are as long as at the beginning of 90 time, the art of our country basically is realistic tide. This size is not large " herdsman " , the elegant demeanour of vivid breath and herdsman all is shown in heart.
After old painting gentleman been seeinging this picture, like very much, admire substantially. Feet of this piece of picture although small, but force of traditional canvas work is simple and honest, holand is classical of consumed of Great Master Lun Bolang tall difficulty skill got be usinged very well in this picture. The light that shoots from door part is illuminated on herdsman body, illuminate in all sorts of objects inside house, the light projects on the object the administrative levels that come down is depicted very meticulously. And the transparent and sufficient body of backlighting character dark ministry showed the painter's excellent consumed skill and painterly ability.

