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陈丹青 - 陈丹青说“西”道“东”

2022-03-11 17:35:06 3528




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陈丹青於80年代初曾被国中同仁认为是当时最具才华的油画家,甚至直至今日,油画圈仍存在着“陈丹青情结”。“西藏组画”被公认为文革後划时代的理想 主义经典油画作品,在美术界及文艺界引发 很大轰动,持续获得广泛的关注、评论、研讨 与影响。《西藏组画》对当时长时间 盛行并严重教条化的主题性创作模式发生冲击,被认为是中国写实油画自前苏联影响转向溯源欧洲传统的转机 点。而他对写实能力的熟练把握,对欧洲古典油画言语 的深刻理解,令沉醉於油画传统手法的观众佩服不已。
1982年,陈丹青以自在 画家身份移居纽约,2000年回国后,任清华大学美术学院教授、博士生导师,同时掌管 “陈丹青工作室”的工作。2004年末提交了辞去清华美院教授职务的辞

1980地方 美术学院研讨 生毕业展,地方 美术学院展览馆,中国北京
1998中华5 千年文明艺术展,哥根汉姆博物馆,美国纽约
2001二十世纪新古典主义回顾展,伍斯登古代 美术馆,比利时
2002中国与德国当代艺术对话展,杜依斯堡古代 美术馆,德国杜依斯堡最后 的抽象 Ⅱ·当代纸上作品展,艺博画廊,中国上海
2003?艺术与和平 ,格拉兹美术馆,奥地利格拉兹
相干 著作:


1970年至1978年展转 赣南与苏北农村插队落户,并自习绘画
1978年他考入地方 美术学院油画系研讨 生班,1980年毕业后留校任教,留任油画系第1 工作室

Introduction to the artist

Chen Dan is green at 80 time the canvas home that has talent most at that time ever was considered as by the colleague in the country first, even till now, canvas circle still is existing " old painting complex " . "Tibetan group is drawn " by fair the work of realistic classical canvas that thinks Culture Revolution after is epoch-making, very great sensation is caused in art group and literary bound, gain wide attention, comment, research and influence continuously. " Tibetan group is drawn " serious to long-term at that time be current dogmatic the thematic sex that turn creates mode happening impact, china be consideringed as realistically canvas from before Russia influence changes direction trace to the source the turning point of European tradition. And he is right hold adroitly of ability realistically, the profundity of language of classic to Europe canvas understands, the audience that makes get drunk to draw traditional technique at oil admires unceasingly.
1982, old painting migrates with free painter identity new York, after going back to the motherland 2000, hold the post of adviser of professor of Tsinghua university academy of fine arts, doctoral student, chair at the same time " old painting atelier " the job. End referred the demit that resigns colorful courtyard teachs a job clear 2004

1995 Chen Dan is green, memorial hall of national state father, chinese Taipei
1998 Chen Dan is green, center of art of university of Hong Kong science and technology, chinese Hong Kong
2000 Canvas of sketch of old painting 1968-1999 is exhibited, chinese Beijing, Wuhan, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai
Group exhibit
1977 Countrywide beauty is exhibited, chinese art gallery, chinese Beijing
1980 Graduation of graduate student of central academy of fine arts is exhibited, exhibition of central academy of fine arts, chinese Beijing
1982Art of People's Republic of China is exhibited, parisian spring salon, paris
1998 Civilized 5000 art exhibits China, museum of Ge Genhan Mu, american new York
2001 20 centuries neoclassicism reviews exhibit, wu Sideng is contemporary art gallery, belgian
2002 Artistic now dialog exhibits China and Germany, duyisibao is contemporary art gallery, germany Duyisibao
The work on contemporary paper of first figure Ⅱ · is exhibited, ? Art rich gallery, chinese Shanghai
2003 Art and war, case pulls at present art gallery, austrian case pulls at present
2004 Sensory memory, art rich gallery, chinese Shanghai
Relevant composing:
Published collected works 2000 " new York trivial is written down "
Published 2002 " old painting music takes notes "
Published essay volume 2003 " redundant material "
Published essay volume 2004 " degenerative collect "
Published essay volume 2007 " degenerative collect continuation "

