苗佳硕,1939年生人,本籍 内蒙古土默特右旗,1963年毕业于天津美术学院本科国画系,师从著名画家、教育家孙其峰、张其翼、溥佐、王颂余、阎丽川及王学仲诸先生。天津1 中高级教师,天津美术家协会会员。苗佳硕美院毕业后,分配到天津铃铛阁中学工作。1968年,她受命临摹当时最著名的油画《毛主席去安源》,完成的画作高3米多,宽2米多,立于校园的醒目之地。画中的毛主席抽象 栩栩如生,光彩耀人,与样稿相差无几,博得师生们的赞誉,校领导的表扬。1970年,她被调到市1 中任教。
Seedling beautiful large 1939 stranger, ancestral home Inner Mongolia Tumote is right banner, was graduated from department of traditional Chinese painting of undergraduate course of Tianjin academy of fine arts 1963, division reachs Wang Xuezhong from Sun Jifeng of famous artist, educationist, Zhang Jiyi, Pu Zun, Wang Song beyond, Yan Lichuan all gentlemen. Tianjin one in high teacher, tianjin artist academician. After beautiful courtyard of seedling beautiful large graduates, allocate middle school of cabinet of Tianjin small bell to work. 1968, she recieves orders the oil painting with the famousest at that time copy " Chairman Mao goes installing a source " , finished picture is made 3 meters many tall, 2 meters many wide, establish the marked ground at campus. The Chairman Mao figure in the picture is lifelike, glorious boast person, with appearance draft differs very few, win the recognition of teachers and students, of school leadership praise. 1970, she is moved to city one in teach.