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李江 - 恬淡宁静的追求——读陈运权的中国

2022-03-11 17:34:54 3552




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1993年毕业于四川美术学院工艺美术装璜 专业
1998年至今任职于东北 交通大学建筑与设计学院美术学系主任、副教授、硕士生导师,现为中国美术家协会会员,四川省美术家协会理事、雕塑艺委会副主任兼秘书,四川省雕塑协会副会长兼秘书长。
次要 作品参展情况
1999年《新居》——入选庆祝中华人民共和国成立5 十周年四川省美术作品展,获优秀奖
2008年《俄罗斯老太太》《与躯体对话》——2008年.1期《美术研讨 》
2008年《砖》历史文明 墙壁画创作——成都宽窄巷子历史文明 保护区
2009年《砖》历史文明 墙壁画创作——入选第十1 届全国美术作品展
2010年《与躯体对话》——参加重庆市美协2010年“红色巡回”首届全国著名留俄画家约请 展
2015年《忘失》——参加“东北 力量·雅昌”蓝顶美术馆展
委会和莞城美术馆联合主办的“第三届中国高校水彩名家学术约请 展暨高峰论坛”展
2015年《囧》——入选2015成都蓝顶艺术节华侨城分会场“1 座城的公共艺术”

Introduction to the artist
Was born on January 8, 1969 Chongqing
Was graduated from major of decorate of arts and crafts of Sichuan academy of fine arts 1993
Studied abroad 1993 Russia
Was graduated from university of art of Muscovite national industry 1998 large souvenir sex draws major obtains master's degree
Held a post to learn to fasten director, associate professor, Master to lay a teacher at building of southwest traffic university and design institute art up to now 1998, it is Chinese artist academician now, director of association of Sichuan province artist, sculpture art appoint conference vice director holds a secretary concurrently, sichuan saves sculpture association vice-chairman to hold secretary-general concurrently.
Main work ginseng extends a case
1995 " hill city team is drawn " ) -- Russia a group of things with common features tile person republican artist association is exhibited
1996 " old city " series series is drawn -- " 1+3 " in work of Russian youth artist is exhibited
1997 " old building of old city · " group picture -- work of art of first Russia youth is exhibited, win outstanding work award
1999 " new residence " -- selected congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs Sichuan 50 years to save art work to exhibit, win outstanding award
2002 individual art exhibition -- art of government office of Austrian federal premier manages, " candle lamp " wait for work to be collected
2002 " western sunshine " -- commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit, obtain Sichuan to save outstanding work reward
2004 " western artist · Li Jiang " -- Sichuan art publishing house is published
2004 " aureate cloth procrastinates " -- the 2nd China western earth affection -- work of countrywide landscape, landscape is exhibited
2005 " aureate " -- art exhibition of the 7th watercolour of countrywide, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, obtain Sichuan to save outstanding work reward
2005 " wind " , " Qiu Yun " -- " artistic bound " the 9th period
2006 " Thailand amorous feelings " -- selected work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited
2006 " European city scene " enchase mural to create -- street of Chengdu Europe wind
" Ma Kebo collect to Chengdu " hand draw mural is created -- street of Chengdu Ou Feng
2008 " Russia old lady " " speak with the body " -- 2008.1 period " art studies "
2008 " brick " mural of historical culture wall is created -- Chengdu size alley child historical culture groove guard
2009 " brick " mural of historical culture wall is created -- selected eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited
2010 " speak with the body " -- attend Chongqing city beauty assist 2010 " gules itinerate " famous artist leaving Russia invites first whole nations exhibit
2011 " drying rack " -- attend " random " association of sculpture of first Sichuan province holds water exhibit
2011 " memory of Li Jiang Russia- - human body keeps crude market quickly " Sichuan art publishing house is published
2015 " forget to break " -- attend " elegant prosperous of southwest force · " art gallery exhibits Lading
2015 " algal with the fish " -- couplet of article of selected Sichuan province and Sichuan province are beautiful assist sponsor jointly " big hill flood, big beautiful Sichuan " exhibit
2015 " the brook between hill " wait for series work -- attend to attend 3 times to teach institutional art by China only
Appoint meeting and combination of Guan city art gallery sponsor " learning of a person of academic or artistic distinction of watercolour of college of the 3rd China invites exhibit and height forum " exhibit
2015 " " -- selected field of branch of city of overseas Chinese of section of art of 2015 Chengdu La Ding " the public art of a city "
2016 " wind " -- attend couplet of work of art of plain change college to exhibit

