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1986年油画《我心中的雕像》《前沿兵士 》参加全国南疆美展,《雕像》获1 等奖,中国美术馆收藏



1990年油画《早饭 》参加第七届全国美展,中国美术馆收藏

1991年油画《在悠远 的村庄》参加中国油画年展



1993年5 人共同创作的半景画《阳澄湖畔抗日烽火》藏于苏州革命军事博物馆

1994年毕业于地方 美术学院油画研修班


1994年油画《劳动的人们》三幅参加地方 美院研修班毕业展览



1997年油画《台儿庄大战》收藏于抗日和平 纪念

1998年油画《巡堤》参加全军“抗洪”美展,获1 等奖,并获全军新作品1 等奖

1999年5 人合作创作的半景画《虎门海战》由广东海战纪念馆收藏



2003年毕业于地方 美术学院油画高级研修班


2004年《方舟》《解剖课》等六幅作品参加首届地方 美院油画高研班毕业展


2005年油画《血站台儿庄》收藏于抗日和平 纪念


油画《过大河》收藏于中国军事博物馆,《新七溪岭战役 》收藏于朱德——纪念




国家严重 历史题材美术工程在全国范围内竞标,油画《邓小平大阅兵》中标签约;



《人民利益高于1 切》建军八十周年美展获铜奖






 1986年油画《我心中的雕像》《前沿兵士 》参加全国南疆美展,《雕像》获1 等奖,



1998年油画《巡堤》参加全军“抗洪”美展,获1 等奖


2007年《人民利益高于1 切》建军八十周年美展获铜奖



1996年地方 电视台美术星空以《军旅画家邵亚川》为题作半小时的专题采访




2008年“5.12 ”汶川地震编缉 合作创作大型绘画作品《废墟下的光亮》,并义卖成功,向灾区捐款1 千万

2010年4月赴台湾参加中国文明 部组织的”此景此情”油画名家作品展,七幅作品在台北市立美术馆展出


 在当代中青年油画家中,亚川被公认为是属于能力强、很能画的那1 类。相对 那些用各种各样的观念来

标榜本身 的画家来说,亚川显得更真诚、更实际。他说:“我很注重 油画的技术表现,这1 点也是我永久 寻求 的目标。”亚川的油画属于写实的范畴,在尊重写实规律的前提下,强调客观 表现,作不脱离对象而又力求自动 的创造。不论是创作或习作,他都善于从理想 中搜寻触燃创作激情的火星,把对象固有的与客观 感受的外型 、色彩关系盲目 而敏感地融会在画面里;他能够随意地捕捉那些超乎普通 印象的画意,发现非表面、非常态的美。亚川认为:“油画属于视觉艺术,重要的是好看,好看就得首先要画好。”“它可以不完全符合情理、可以不以所谓的真实为目的,要容许它有浪漫的思维和成心 味的色彩。”亚川是个富有激情的人,也是个很真实的人;作为一位 军旅画家,他既有庄严的使命感又有严肃的学术寻求 。他对油画艺术的体悟和对自我的把握,使他在眼花缭乱的艺术多元情境中清醒地选择了1 种适合本身 的表达方式,从他的作品背景和成长历程中,我们可以清晰地把握他的艺术发展脉络。

Introduction in English

 Shao Yachuan, male, born in Liaoning Province in December 1958, is a director of the Chinese Artists Association, the Chinese Oil Painting Society, the vice president of the Academy of Fine Arts and Calligraphy, the headquarters of the Armed Police Force, and a national first-level artist. In 1986, he was a member of China American Association. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the PLA Academy of Art in 1989. He graduated from the Oil Painting Seminar of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1994 and the Advanced Oil Painting Seminar of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2003.


1985 Oil Painting "From the Army" Participated in the Sixth National Art Exhibition


In 1986, oil painting "The Statue in My Heart" and "Frontier Soldier" participated in the National South Xinjiang Art Exhibition. The Statue won the first prize and was collected by the Chinese Art Museum.


1987 Oil Painting "Rangers" Participated in National Military Art Exhibition


Graduated from Oil Painting Major of PLA Academy of Art in 1989


1990 Oil Painting "Breakfast" participated in the 7th National Art Exhibition, Collection of China Art Museum


1991 Oil Painting "In a Far Village" Participated in the Chinese Oil Painting Annual Exhibition


In 1992, the oil painting "Red Willow Shore" participated in the Sino-Japanese Four Seasons Exhibition, and won the bronze prize by the Japanese collection.


In 1993, the oil painting "Family members of the wired couplet" participated in the Army Art Exhibition and won the bronze prize.


Half-view painting "Beacon Fire of Resistance Against Japan by Yangcheng Lake" created by five people in 1993 is hidden in the Revolutionary Military Museum of Suzhou


Graduated from Oil Painting Seminar of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1994


1994 Oil Painting "Jia" Participated in the Second Oil Painting Exhibition of China


In 1994, three oil paintings "Working People" participated in the graduation exhibition of the seminar of the Central Academy of Fine Arts


1995 Oil Painting Brothers and Sisters Participated in the Eighth National Art Exhibition


1997 Individual Painting Exhibition at the International Art Gallery sponsored by the Artists Foundation


The 1997 oil painting "Taierzhuang War" was collected in the Memorial Hall of the War of Resistance Against Japan


In 1998, the oil painting "Patrolling the Embankment" participated in the Army's "Flood Resistance" Art Exhibition and won the first prize, as well as the first prize for the new works of the Army.


The Half Scene "The War of Humen", created by five people in 1999, is collected by Guangdong Maritime War Memorial Museum.


In 1999, the oil painting "Patrolling the Embankment" won the silver prize at the Ninth National Art Exhibition.


In 2001, the oil painting "Silence without Tears" participated in the 80th anniversary of the founding of the National Party Art Exhibition, and won the prize for excellent works, which was collected by Ningbo Art Museum.


Graduated from Advanced Oil Painting Seminar of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2003


2003 "Ark" participated in the Third National Oil Painting Exhibition


In 2004, "Ark" and "Anatomy Class" and other six works participated in the First Graduation Exhibition of Oil Painting High School of Central Academy of Fine Arts


2004 Oil Painting "Crossing the River" Participated in the Tenth National Art Exhibition


Oil painting "Blood Station Taierzhuang" was collected in the Memorial Hall of the War of Resistance Against Japan in 2005


2006painting "Crossing the Great River" is collected in the Chinese Military Museum, and "New Qixiling Battle" is collected in Zhude-Memorial Hall.


Oil painting "Great Wall" collected by PLA newspaper. Published in the PLA newspaper on March 10, 2006;


In order to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the Long March, a large-scale exhibition entitled "Running across the Pudu River" was created.


2007National major historical themes art projects are bidding nationwide, and the oil painting "Deng Xiaoping Parade" is labeled as a contract.


Oil painting Yu Yin (Deng Xiaoping) participated in the exhibition sponsored by the CPPCC to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Hong Kong's return.


Published "Shao Yachuan Military Theme Painting Collection".


The Art Exhibition of the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Army won the Bronze Prize


Hui participated in the 80th Anniversary Art Exhibition of the founding of the Army


2008Oil Painting "Light under the Ruins" was selected for the 3rd Beijing International Biennale of Fine Arts, China, 2009


Oil Painting Deng Xiaoping 84 Parade

