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 其美术作品曾赴澳大利亚、法国、波兰、新加坡、香港、台湾展出,入选全国美术展览20余次。多件作品被中国美术馆和国外机构收藏.获奖多次。全国多种报刊曾专题介绍。另撰写近百篇评论发表于香港《文汇报》、《美术》诸报刊。作品《难忘的歌》荣获“纪念反法西斯胜利50周年国际美术展览”金奖,并作为20年来的优秀作品入选《中国当代美术19791 1999》等几部大型画集,还在全国20余家报刊发表。应邀赴波兰参加“97国际艺术创作交流”及展览活动.《晨曦》、《高原情》等4件作品参展。曾被中国美术家协会等机构聘为“全国首届花鸟画展”评委会副主任、“中国当代著名花鸟画家作品展”顾问、“第三届当代中国山水画展”评委会主任”全国第八届美展”、“全国中国画三百家作品展”、“亚享杯全国绘画、书法精品展”、“第四届当代中国山水画展”等大型美展的评委。


长时间 掌管 河南省美术家协会工作。20年来组织该省作品参加各种国际美术活动和全国美展,在北京等地主办过“河南油画展”、“河南中国画展”等数个影响较大的展览。曾作为“中国美术家代表团”成员前后 访问俄罗斯、德国、立陶宛、白俄罗斯、芬兰、波兰。率团考察法国、意大利、奥地利、比利时、荷兰等欧洲8国美术、个人小传被选入《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《世界华人文学艺术界名人录》等多种辞典。


 方照华的油画创作中,域外风情、古典人物等均有涉及,出现最多的是中原地区的风土人情和历史题材。《古老的河》、《黄河恋》等优秀作品表现了他浓浓的黄河情结,《难忘的歌》、《太行岁月》等作品则体现了他强烈的社会责任感和历史责任感。它们的笔调或抒情或凝重,均是理想 主义优秀作品,

English Introduction

 His works have been exhibited in Australia, France, Poland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and have been selected for more than 20 national art exhibitions. Many works have been collected by the Chinese Art Museum and foreign institutions. They have won many awards. Various newspapers and periodicals throughout the country have made special presentations. Another hundred reviews were published in Hong Kong's Wen Hui Pao and Art magazines. The work "Unforgettable Song" won the Gold Prize of the International Art Exhibition to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Victory of Anti-Fascism, and was selected as the outstanding works of the past 20 years into several large-scale collections such as "Chinese Contemporary Art 1979-1999" and published in more than 20 newspapers and magazines throughout the country. He was invited to Poland to participate in "97 International Art Creation Exchange" and Exhibition activities. Four works such as "Morning Dawn" and "Highland Situation" were exhibited. He has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Jury of the First National Flower-and-Bird Painting Exhibition, Consultant of the Works Exhibition of Famous Chinese Contemporary Flower-and-Bird Painters, Director of the Jury of the Third Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition, Eighth National Art Exhibition, 300 National Chinese Painting Exhibition, and Yaheng Cup National Painting Exhibition. Judges of large-scale art exhibitions such as Calligraphy Exhibition and the Fourth Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition.

He has presided over the work of Henan Artists Association for a long time. Over the past 20 years, he has organized works of his province to participate in various international art activities and national art exhibitions. He has hosted several influential exhibitions such as "Henan Oil Painting Exhibition" and "Henan Chinese Painting Exhibition" in Beijing and other places. He has visited Russia, Germany, Lithuania, Belarus, Finland and Poland as a member of the delegation of Chinese artists. The delegation visited eight European countries such as France, Italy, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. Their personal biographies were selected into many dictionaries, such as the Catalogue of Celebrities in Contemporary Chinese Art and the Catalogue of Celebrities in the World of Chinese Literature and Art.

In Fang Zhaohua's oil painting creation, the extraterritorial customs, classical characters and so on are all involved. The most common occurrence is the local customs and historical themes of the Central Plains. His outstanding works, such as The Old River and Love of the Yellow River, show his strong complex of the Yellow River. His works, such as the unforgettable song and the years of Taihang, show his strong sense of social responsibility and historical responsibility. Their style, lyricism and dignity are excellent works of realism.

