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薄冰 - 2015书画市场依然如履薄冰

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薄冰,出生于1971年2月,山东临沂人,1998年7月毕业于上海美术学院油画系,2000年7月毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系油画研修班,2002年7月毕业于地方 美术学院油画系研修班,现为中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师,总参美术书法研讨 院总参美术创作院艺术委员,大量作品被国内外友人及美术机构收藏。
1999年8月油画《怀念》获建国5 十周年全军美展优秀奖,
2004年8月油画《喀纳斯凌晨 》入选全军美术精品展,油画《坝上写生》两幅入选上海当代名家小型油画展,

Introduction to the artist

Bao Bing is born in in Feburary 1971, shandong Linyi person, was graduated from department of canvas of Shanghai academy of fine arts in July 1998, was graduated from art of institute of liberation army art to fasten canvas to grind in July 2000 long class, was graduated from department of canvas of central academy of fine arts to grind in July 2002 long class, it is Chinese artist academician now, country division of one class art, academy of calligraphy of total ginseng art always joins art to write courtyard art committee member, a large number of work are collected by domestic and international friend and art orgnaization.
Canvas of thin in May 1999 ice " the warm this world that crosses barren slope " obtain green now New Year picture to exhibit outstanding award, [1]
In August 1999 canvas " yearning " obtain found a state 50 years beauty of horse and foot exhibits outstanding award,
In May 2002 canvas " village new appearance " selected beauty of the 10th horse and foot is exhibited,
In August 2004 canvas " accept of noise made in coughing or vomiting this in the morning " high-quality goods of art of selected horse and foot is exhibited, [1]
In April 2005 canvas " scenery " Chinese artist association is collected,
In June 2007 canvas " joyous song " selected found an army 80 years countrywide art work is exhibited,
In June 2008 canvas " below sunshine " work of art of Ji Wenchuan whole nation exhibits selected heart especially,
In July 2012 canvas " peaceful aegis " selected found an army 85 years countrywide art work is exhibited.

