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 王颖生属于很典型的“学院派”画家,在他的画中,外型 是第一名 的,他以本身 经过学院 [1] 训练的外型 能力严谨地刻画抽象 ,用精微的高古线条塑造人物和景致,线条成为物象生成的基础,也构成作品结构的骨架。他的画同时兼有具体和抽象、写实与实意两方面的特点。重要作品《踱步》堪称当代 中国画创作中的大画,显示了王颖生饱满旺盛的艺术创造力。画面上丰富的内容被无机 地控制在起伏的节奏中,围绕着主体人物自然地展开。沉稳的色调铺染了画面空间,像古典油画1 样,色泽浓郁。在这个画调中呈现丰富纤细 的冷暖变化,使作品特别地具有1 种精练、高级的品质,超越了普通 工笔画作品的格调。
作品曾参加全国第六、七 、八、九、十 、十1 届全国美展、首届全国体育美展(北京,1985)、全国青年美展(北京,1985)、中国画首届学术约请 展(北京,1998)、深圳九九工笔画家约请 展、个人画展(郑州,1995、兰州,1998)、深圳国际水墨双年展、水墨延伸——中国画肖像展、水墨本色第1 、第二届展、中国艺术研讨 院2001中国画提名展、北京首届国际美术双年展。
获第八届全国美展优秀作品展-最高奖,地方 美术学院在校生作品展二等奖,地方 美术学院冈松家族基金会银奖,首届中国画学术约请 展大奖、北京市文艺作品佳作奖、 北京市建国50周年美术作品银奖、北京市文艺作品优秀奖、第九届全国美展优秀奖、第十届全国美展铜奖、第十1 届北京全国美展金奖、首届国际美术双年展中国青年艺术家奖。2005年被北京市委宣扬 部评为《德艺双馨艺术家》。作品被中国美术馆、地方 美院美术馆、中国奥委会、深圳美术馆等多家机构收藏。

English Introduction

 Wang Yingsheng was born in Shenqiu, Henan Province in 1963. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Henan University in 1983 and taught in the Department. He graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1995 and received a master's degree in 1997. From 2003 to 2004, he was appointed by the State Fund to visit the Merinikov Studio of the Lebine Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2013 with a doctor's degree. He is currently the director of the fresco art committee of the Chinese Artists Association, the vice president of the Chinese Fresco Society, the researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Painting, the member of the Youth Painting Academy, the professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the president of the Restoration Academy, the general secretary and Vice-President of the Party branch of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the tutor of doctoral and master's degree students

Representative works: Tide (1989), Bitter Coffee (1994), Quiet Time (1996), Cause (1997), Pacing (1999-2002), Return of Hong Kong (2009), 100 Years of Peking Opera - Huiban Entering Beijing (2016), Crossing Snow Mountain (2016), The Most Beautiful Chinese people rooted their figures in the masses - Ga Bulong (2017), Wumen Oath Master - Kangxi Ping Geerdan (2017), and so on.

Wang Yingsheng belongs to a typical "academician" painter. In his paintings, the shape is the first. He depicts the image rigorously with his modeling ability trained by the Academy [1]. He shapes characters and scenery with delicate high-ancient lines. Lines become the basis of image generation and also constitute the skeleton of the structure of his works. His paintings are both concrete and abstract, realistic and practical. The important work "Pacing" can be regarded as a great painting in contemporary Chinese painting creation, which shows Wang Yingsheng's full and vigorous artistic creativity. The rich content on the screen is organically controlled in the undulating rhythm and unfolds naturally around the main characters. Steady tone paved the picture space, like classical oil painting, rich color. In this tone of painting, there are rich and subtle changes in temperature and temperature, which make the works have a special refined and advanced quality, surpassing the general style of meticulous brushwork.

His works have participated in the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh National Art Exhibition, the First National Sports Art Exhibition (Beijing, 1985), the National Youth Art Exhibition (Beijing, 1985), the First Academic Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painting (Beijing, 1998), the Invitation Exhibition of Jiujiu Gonggong Painters in Shenzhen, and the Individual Painting Exhibition (Zhengzhou, 1995, Lanzhou, 1998). Shenzhen International Water and Ink Biennale, Water and Ink Extension - Portrait Exhibition of Chinese Painting, First and Second Exhibition of Ink and Water Nature, 2001 Nominated Exhibition of Chinese Painting by Chinese Academy of Art, Beijing First International Art Biennale.

Awarded the 8th National Art Exhibition Excellent Works Exhibition-the Supreme Award, the 2nd Prize of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Student Works Exhibition, the Gangsong Family Foundation Silver Award of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the 1st Academic Invitation Exhibition Award of Chinese Painting, the Beijing Literary and Art Works Award, the silver Award of the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People The 9th National Art Exhibition Excellence Award, the 10th National Art Exhibition Bronze Award, the 11th Beijing National Art Exhibition Gold Award, and the 1st International Art Biennale Chinese Young Artists Award. In 2005, it was awarded the title of "Artist of Deyi Shuangxin" by the Propaganda Department of Beijing Municipal Committee. His works have been collected by many institutions, such as the Chinese Art Museum, the Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum, the Chinese Olympic Committee and the Shenzhen Art Museum.

