纪鸣辰,1964年生于河北文安。1985年毕业于河北工艺美术学校、1992年毕业于地方 工艺美术学院(学士学位)、漆画作品曾参加讲话六十周年全国美展、中日韩漆艺大展、国画作品入选中国美协第十七次新人新作展、河北省美术研讨 所中国画十1 人巡回展。现任河北大学工艺美术学院副院长。
Install is Ji Mingchen born at Heibei article 1964. Was graduated from school of Heibei arts and crafts 1985, was graduated from institute of central arts and crafts 1992 (baccalaureate) , lacquer painting work ever attended a talk 60 years countrywide beauty is exhibited, Sino-Japanese Han Qi Yi is exhibited greatly, work of traditional Chinese painting is selected Chinese beauty assist the seventeenth new personality is made newly. Currently hold the post ofassistant dean of college of Heibei university arts and crafts.