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蔡克振,本籍 广东中山(今珠海市),1931年生。1955年毕业于中南美术专科学校,1963年至1966年留学越南河内美术学院漆画专业。研讨 漆画,长时间 从事漆画创作和美术教育工作。曾任:广州美院附中教导主任、工艺系主任、教授、硕士研讨 生导师。现任:广州美术学院征询 委员、教授,广东省美术家协会漆画艺术委员会主任,中国美术家协会漆画艺术委员会主任。中国漆画研讨 会副会长。
漆画作品《百合花》、《芦花鸡》、《报春》等分别为中国美术馆、苏联东方艺术博物馆等收藏。大型漆壁画《葵乡》安装于北京人民大会堂广东厅。出版有《蔡克振漆画选》,参与《中国古代 美术全集·漆器卷》编选工作。

2005年广州美院党委表彰为2003—05年优秀共产党员。掌管 第二届全国漆画高研班并任教——厦门。掌管 第二届广东漆画展——广东阳江。岭南风广州漆画展在香港展出,应香港中文大学之邀主讲《中国漆画的传统性与古代 性》。策划并掌管 05年厦门中国漆画展。创作漆画《挖煤工的午饭 》——广东省漆画展及厦门05年全国漆画展。
2004年第十届全国美展综合展区评委——南京。创作漆画《黑白苗女》——十届全国美展。论文《中国漆画的复兴 》——04年美术杂志第1 期发表。《与漆有缘》——广州美术学院名师列传发表。《漆画漆话》(克振自选文集)出版。油画《水乡威尼斯》、《玫瑰花》、《福寿鱼》、《戴纱巾的冰薇》、《惠安女》、《苗女初妆》等参加广州美院老艺术家画展,在深圳、中山、东莞等地展出。
2003年创作漆画《红海草》——厦门漆画展。广东省教工委表彰为关心下1 代工作优秀工作者。首届中国漆画展——厦门。掌管 全国漆画高研班并任教——厦门。为北京国际美术双年展——全国漆画展揭幕。
2001年创作漆画《人间遍种自在 花——陈毅像》。中国美协漆画艺术委员会主任——厦门。
1994年接待越南教育代表团,并受到越南祖国战线 主席范文杰接见,得知90高龄的黄积铸教授健在,仅此向恩师致意。参加广州美院附中40周年校庆,得校友赠送“几度旭日 ”画册留念.《蔡克振漆画选》编排工作开始。
1992年漆画《至圣先师1 孔子》、《金秋》完成。论文《富有特色的越南漆画》发表。完成两届硕士研讨 生导师任务,离休。
1991年漆画《苗家绣女》等完成,漆画《陕北小姐》参加福州中日漆文明 活动。参加阳江中国漆协理事年会,作《关于设计高附加值产品》学术报告。
1990年漆画《霸王别姬》完成。设计十六曲金字大屏风完成。漆画《荷花玉兰》参加“中国古代 漆画展”在日本东京展。参加西安中国漆协理事年会,论文《屏风之美》发表。
掌管 “广州美院民间美术求索展”,在广州陈氏书院展出。论文《兼收并蓄、有容乃大漆画回顾与瞻望 》发表。教材《日本漆艺》编写完成。参加轻工部“中国工艺美术大师’评审委员会。
创金漆画《飞鱼》完成。在广州美术学院主办“轻工部漆艺设计理论培训班:学员47人。去香港考察建筑装潢 艺术。参加天津中国漆协理事年会。任装潢 艺术硕士研讨 生导师。
漆画《梅梅和樱子》参加全国第六届美展。论文《继承传统、锐意创新》发表,并获广东省科技论文奖。到深圳讲学,主讲《室内装潢 与环境艺术》。
参加中国漆器质量管理协会,前后 任理事、副理事长、艺术顾问。论文《让乡土艺术更加芳香》发表,同年任广东省民间艺术委员会副主任。漆画《瓶中百合》参加全国教师作品展,后参加广东省美术作品赴泰国展。
参观“福建、江西漆画联展”,并在南昌讲学。论文《积聚 美、质材美、匠心美》发表。
漆画《红棉1 樱花》获广州市市花展二等奖。
应广东省人民政府要求,为北京人民大会堂广东厅创作大型漆壁画《葵乡》,卓德辉参予创作,阳江漆器厂协助制造 。
漆画《百合花》参加建国三十周年全国美展,为首次入选全国美展之仅有两张漆画之1 。由中国美术馆收藏。
漆画《丙寅清明日》、广州烈士陵园大型宣扬 画《忽报人间曾伏虎泪飞顿作倾盆雨》完成。
漆画《报春》参加全国工艺美展,并在日本东京、大阪等地展出、并应我驻日大使符浩唆使 复制该画参加中日交流活动,为西武集团收藏。
漆画《毛泽东同志主办广州农民运动讲习所》完成。带领先生 赴海丰学军并体验生活。
应邀赴京参加北京饭店装潢 工作。拜访文学家、文物研讨 专家沈从文先生,得先生指点 学习我国髹漆史知识。
筹建漆画工作室,招收第1 届漆画专业先生 。《韶山》、《银针传友谊》完成。接待越南美术家代表团访华。论文《英雄的人民,战役 的艺术》发表。
调回学院任教,带领先生 至东莞松柏朗体验生活。
广东三水南边5 七干校、英德5 七干校。
作品《当我长大的时候》代表国家在瑞士举行的国际母亲节大会陈列,并送波兰参加第5 届世界青年联欢节。
在黄积铸先生指点 下参加大型漆画《我们必然 胜利》制造 工作。漆画《5 屏远眺》、《灼大娘》、《女民兵》完成。
在越南学习,到西山古寺研讨 越南古代漆艺。漆画《金鱼》、《交公粮》完成。同年8月回国度假,在京参加“京剧改革”学习班学习毛泽东文艺思想。同年10月,为中国工艺美术展及沈福文先生访越作翻译。
由地方 文明 部选送派赴越南河内美术学院研讨 漆画,受教于越南著名漆画家黄积铸教授。
任广州美院附中教导主任。本拟赴苏联学习版画,因情势 变化未成。
随美院南迁广州,带领附中先生 参加广东高要县人民公社化工作。
在地方 美术学院教师进修班学习,受教于王式廊先生。
带领附中第1 、二届同学下乡,在湖北罗田大别山麓体验生活。
于中南文艺学院美术系学习。年画《办年货》、《精耕细作》、《爱国丰产》、《模范军属刘莱娣》出版。连环画《万恶一向 道》、《二小的故事》等出版。
毕业于武汉市第1 中学高中,同年於中原大学参加工作。
毕业于武汉市第1 中学初中,受教于国画家叶在树先生。

Introduction to the artist

Cai Kezhen, zhongshan of ancestral home Guangdong (today Zhuhai city) , unripe 1931. Art of the South America in was graduated from 1955 schools, came to studied abroad 1966 1963 lacquer painting of the academy of fine arts inside Vietnam river is professional. Study lacquer painting, pursue lacquer painting creation and art education job for a long time. Ceng Ren: Dean of attached middle school of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard, craft fastens adviser of graduate student of director, professor, Master. Currently hold the post of: Guangzhou academy of fine arts seeks advice from committee member, professor, guangdong saves chairman of committee of art of artist association lacquer painting, chairman of committee of art of lacquer painting of Chinese artist association. Vice-chairman of seminar of Chinese lacquer painting.
Lacquer painting work " liliaceous " , " reed catkins chicken " , " newspaper spring " divide into equal parts is not east of Chinese art gallery, Russia artistic museum collect. Large Qi Bi is drawn " Kui Xiang " installation at hall of Guangdong of hall of Beijing people congress. Publish have " lacquer painting chooses Cai Kezhen " , participate in " lacquer of · of complete works of Chinese modern art coils " select and edit the job.

2005 ~2002 year
Party committee of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard commended 2005 for 2003, 5 years of outstanding communists. Chair lacquer painting of the 2nd whole nation to grind high the class teachs -- Xiamen. Chair art exhibition of lacquer of the 2nd Guangdong -- Guangdong Yang Jiang. Art exhibition of lacquer of Guangzhou of mountain south wind exhibits in Hong Kong, should of university of Hong Kong Chinese invite be the speaker " the traditional sex of Chinese lacquer painting and modernistic " . Engineer and chair art exhibition of lacquer of China of 5 years of Xiamen. Creation lacquer painting " the lunch of the labour that dig coal " -- 5 years countrywide lacquer painting exhibits art exhibition of Guangdong province lacquer and Xiamen.
Beauty of the 10th whole nation was exhibited 2004 exhibit area commissioner integratedly -- Nanjing. Creation lacquer painting " black and white Miao Nv " -- beauty of 10 whole nations is exhibited. Paper " of Chinese lacquer painting revitalize " -- 4 years first phase publishs art magazine. " with Qi Youyuan " -- biographies of division of name of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is published. " word of lacquer painting lacquer " (Ke Zhen is free collected works) publish. Canvas " Venice of a region of rivers and lakes " , " rose " , " Fu Shouyu " , " the ice that wears gauze kerchief osmund " , " Hui An daughter " , " Miao Nvchu makeup " etc enter art exhibition of old artist of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard, exhibit in and other places of Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Dongguan.
Created lacquer painting 2003 " the Red Sea is careless " -- Xiamen lacquer art exhibition. Guangdong saves teaching and administrative staff appoint commend to work to care next generation outstanding worker. First China lacquer painting is exhibited -- Xiamen. Chair countrywide lacquer painting to grind high the class teachs -- Xiamen. For Beijing international art double year exhibit -- countrywide lacquer art exhibition begins.
Created lacquer painting 2002 " Qi Zuzhi is smooth " -- Beijing international double year exhibit. Nomination of Chinese lacquer painting is exhibited -- Guangdong art gallery. Lacquer painting of first Guangdong province is exhibited -- Guangdong art gallery.
2001 ~1993 year
Created lacquer painting 2001 " the world alls over kind of free flower -- Chen Yi resembles " . China is beautiful assist chairman of committee of lacquer painting art -- Xiamen.
Recieved Vietnam to teach delegacy 1994, get model essay of chairman of Vietnam motherland ranks outstanding interview, the Huang Jizhu that is informed 90 advanced age teachs be still living and in good health, only this presents this compliment to teacher. Attend attached middle school of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard 40 years anniversary of the founding of a school, get alumnus to give " a few degrees of the setting sun " accept as a souvenir of an album of paintings. " lacquer painting chooses Cai Kezhen " weave the job begins.
1993 lacquer painting " March triumphant halt " finish. With Yang Feng of Taiwan Home Qi Yi sincere visit Fuzhou makes learning report, accept southeast broadcast broadcasting station " span rainbow " special subject is interviewed, broadcast " cross-strait Home Qi Yi talks about lacquer " . Attend light the Ministry of Works in feudal China the 2nd " Chinese craft Great Master " evaluation committee. Taiwan " male lion art " , " artist " the magazine publishs comment Qiyi article.
1992 ~1990 year
1992 lacquer painting " sacrosanctity first master one Confucius " , " fall " finish. Paper " lacquer painting of rich distinctive Vietnam " publish. Finish job of adviser of two Masters graduate student, retire.
1991 lacquer painting " Miao Jiaxiu female " etc finish, lacquer painting " North Shaanxi young lady " attend Fuzhou activity of Sino-Japanese lacquer culture. Attend annual meeting of thing of assistant manager of lacquer of China of in relief river, make " about designing product of high additional cost " academic report.
1990 lacquer painting " Xiang Yu the Conqueror fastens female singer " finish. Design big screen of 16 gold word to finish. Lacquer painting " lotus yulan magnolia " attend " art exhibition of Chinese contemporary lacquer " exhibit in Japanese Tokyo. Attend annual meeting of thing of assistant manager of Xi'an China lacquer, paper " the beauty of screen " publish.
1989 ~1987 year
Lacquer painting " musical instrument charm " attend beauty of the 7th whole nation to exhibit. Lacquer painting " small red snapper " attend province beauty to exhibit and go to Macao to exhibit. Translation " Qi Yi of 20 centuries world " publish. Guangdong province commends for outstanding teacher, load " Guangdong reforming and opening group flower chart " .
Chair " art of folk of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard searchs exhibit " , in Guangzhou Chen academy of classical learning exhibits. Paper " incorporate things of diverse nature, have Rong Naida lacquer painting reviewing and look into " publish. Teaching material " Japanese Qi Yi " write finish. Attend light the Ministry of Works in feudal China " Great Master of Chinese arts and crafts ' evaluation committee.
The lacquer painting that achieve gold " flying fish " finish. Sponsor in Guangzhou academy of fine arts " Qi Yi designs light the Ministry of Works in feudal China to groom theoretically class: Student 47 people. Go to Hong Kong inspecting a building to decorate art. Attend annual meeting of thing of assistant manager of Tianjin China lacquer. Allow to decorate adviser of artistic Master graduate student.
1986 ~1983 year
Participate in make preparations art exhibition of first China lacquer. Exhibit in Beijing China art gallery. Lacquer painting " reed catkins chicken " bear the palm, for holding of curiosa of Chinese arts and crafts, moscow is gone to to exhibit after, for Russia east artistic museum is collected. " Russia pictorial " , " artist " the magazine is published. Lacquer painting " moonlight " win outstanding craft award. Attend thing of assistant manager of lacquer of China of Jiangxi beyond river to meet, publish " develop about our country lacquer painting at 6 o'clock opinion " .
Lacquer painting " Mei Mei and cherry child " attend the 6th beauty of countrywide to exhibit. Paper " meaning of successive tradition, acute innovates " publish, obtain Guangdong to save award of paper of science and technology. Discourse on an academic subject to Shenzhen, give a lecture " interior decoration and environmental art " .
Attend Chinese lacquer quality to run association, hold the post of director, vice-president, artistic adviser early or late. Paper " make agrestic art more balmy " publish, of the same age holds the post of Guangdong to save vice director of folk art council. Lacquer painting " the lily in bottle " attend countrywide teacher work to exhibit, guangdong attends to save art work to go to Thailand to exhibit after.
Look around " couplet of lacquer painting of Fujian, Jiangxi is exhibited " , discourse on an academic subject in Nanchang. Paper " craftsmanship is be latent beauty, qualitative material beauty, beautiful " publish.
1982 ~1979 year
Lacquer painting " yellow Shan Yunhai " , " flying fish " collect for Guangzhou ocean guesthouse.
Lacquer painting " red cotton one oriental cherry " catch flower show of Guangzhou city town second-class award.
Should demand of government of Guangdong province people, create large lacquer mural for hall of Guangdong of hall of Beijing people congress " Kui Xiang " , participation creates Zhuo Dehui, hand of factory of lacquer of in relief river is made.
Lacquer painting " liliaceous " attend found a state 30 years countrywide beauty is exhibited, head what the United States exhibits selected whole nation is only one of two pieces of lacquer painting. Collect by Chinese art gallery.
1978 ~1975 year
To Yang Jiang lacquer factory jackarooes, go to sea along with fisher the experience lives. Of the same age arrives Huang Shan is sketchy, live the North sea more than 10 days, lacquer painting " yellow Shan Yunhai " finish.
Lacquer painting " day of Pure Brightness of third the third of the twelve Earthly Branches " , Guangzhou cemetery of revolutionary martyrs is large poster " sign up for the world suddenly the tear flies to Ceng Fuhu to make bend basin rain suddenly " finish.
Lacquer painting " newspaper spring " attend countrywide craft beauty to exhibit, exhibit in and other places of Japanese Tokyo, Osaka, answer directive of Fu Hao of ambassador of day of my be stationed ining is duplicate this picture enters Sino-Japanese communication activity, for Xi Wu the group is collected.
Lacquer painting " Comrade Mao Zedong sponsors institute of Guangzhou farmer motion " finish. Guide a student to go to sea Feng Xuejun to experience the life.
1974 ~1969 year
Go to Beijing to attend Beijing restaurant to decorate the job on invitation. Visit writer, cultural relic to study expert Mr Shen Congwen, get gentleman guidance to learn knowledge of Qi Shi of our country Xiu.
Prepare to construct lacquer painting atelier, recruit student of major of the first lacquer painting. " Shaoshan " , " silver-colored needle passes friendship " finish. Recieve Vietnam artist delegacy to visit China. Paper " heroic people, the art of the battle " publish.
Recall institute teachs, guide a student to experience the life to Dongguan Song Bailang.
1967 to 1969
3 water of Guangdong south 57 dry school, Ying Dewu 7 dry school.
1966 ~1963 year
Work " when I am grown " the plenary meeting of international mother's day that holds in Switzerland on behalf of the country is displayed, send Poland to attend festival of youth of the 5th world.
Large lacquer painting attends below guidance of Mr Huang Jizhu " we win certainly " the job that make. Lacquer painting " 5 screen overlook " , " bright aunt " , " female commando " finish.
In Vietnam study, study Qi Yi of Vietnam ancient time to west hill ancient temple. Lacquer painting " goldfish " , " grain of hand over to the collective or the state " finish. Of the same age answered country holiday in August, attend in Beijing " Beijing opera is reformed " study class learns Mao Zedong literary thought. Of the same age in October, exhibit gentleman of article of the blessing that reach Shenyang to visit for Chinese arts and crafts make an interpreter more.
By central culture ministry choosing sends a clique to go to the academy of fine arts inside Vietnam river to study lacquer painting, suffer religion at Vietnam Huang Jizhu of home of famous lacquer painting is taught.
1962 ~1958 year
Live to check of ore body of tin of Guangdong flower heart, with Hu Ju the cooperative canvas group such as crystal clear is drawn " assist of equestrian mouth hero " finish. Canvas " cut into a mountain breaks off mountain " finish.
Go Hubei saves Hong Hu county to experience the life, canvas history picture " the Xie Ting's general with Ding Siqiao medium battle " finish, benefit city leaf holds out memorial hall.
Hold the post of dean of attached middle school of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard. This drafting that go to Russia study woodcut, because the circumstances changes,did not become.
New Year picture 4 screen " Zhang Ren grows 3 long holes child lasher " publish.
Along with Guangzhou of the change austral beautiful courtyard, guide student of attached middle school to attend Guangdong to want chemical industry of prefectural people commune high to make.
1957 ~1949 year
Class of attend in a advanced studies of teacher of centrally academy of fine arts learns, suffer religion at gentleman of Wang Shi corridor.
Lead attached middle school the first, 2 classmates go to the countryside, in Hubei Luo Tian fastens the foot of a mountain to experience the life greatly.
1953 to 1955
After art training school draws the department graduates, Yu Zhongna stays school teach. Attend accuse and denounce at a meeting of Wuhan city flood prevention, judge for Wuhan city second-class hero, caricature " piscine dialog " in the whole nation each the press is published, attend beauty of the 3rd whole nation to exhibit, chinese art gallery is collected.
1951 to 1953
Faculty of literary institute art learns Yu Zhongna. New Year picture " do special purchases for the Spring Festival " , " intensive cultivation " , " patriotic high yield " , " Liu Laidi of paradigmatic soldier's dependents " publish. Comic " extremely evil and persistent talk " , " 2 small plots " etc publish.
Be graduated from Wuhan city high school of the first middle school, of the same age has a job at Central Plains university.
1945 ~1931 year
Be graduated from Wuhan city junior high school of the first middle school, suffer religion at home of traditional Chinese painting Mr Xie Zaishu.
Be graduated from the 19th elementary school of Wuhan city, art teacher draws a gentleman of Wang Wen farming for the country.
Be born at Hubei to visit Wuhan town.

