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2022-03-11 17:16:53 3643




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赵昌杰,山东临沂人,当代画家、雕塑家。武警山东总队政治部副团职干事,前后 就学于解放军艺术学院、地方 美术学院和清华大学美术学院。作品曾入选第九届全国美展、第十1 届全国美展、2009国际双年展、纪念建军八十周年全国美展,前后 5次入选全军美展,多次在全军、全国、国际美展中获得大奖。出版有《赵昌杰水墨人物画》、《赵昌杰画钟馗》、《赵昌杰水墨人体》、《赵昌杰版画作品选》、《赵昌杰雕塑》等十余部。现为中国美术家协会会员、山东省美术家协会理事,山东省青联委员。

Introduction to the artist

Zhao Changjie, shandong Linyi person, contemporary painter, sculptor. A secretary in charge of sth of office of auxiliary group of department of politics of total fleet of armed police Shandong, early or late go to school is mixed at institute of liberation army art, central academy of fine arts Tsinghua university academy of fine arts. Work ever selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited, eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited, 2009 international double year exhibit, souvenir founds an army 80 years countrywide beauty is exhibited, early or late 5 times beauty of selected horse and foot is exhibited, exhibit in beauty of horse and foot, whole nation, international for many times in win large award. Publish have " character of water Chinese ink draws Zhao Changjie " , " Zhao Changjie draws Zhong Kui " , " human body of Chinese ink of Zhao Changjie water " , " woodcut work chooses Zhao Changjie " , " Zhao. Save artist association director for Chinese artist academician, Shandong now, shandong visits green couplet committee member.

