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2022-03-11 17:17:36 3698




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林禽原名林毓锐,广西贵港人。擅长中国画、漫画。1938年起自学漫画,同年创作抗战漫画《冒着和帮人的炮火前进》在广西获奖。1941年在桂林初阳画院肄业,学习中国画和水粉画。1946年任广州《大光报》编辑,1953年后在上海《科学画报》任美术编辑。连环画《祖冲之》在《连环画报》发表。漫画《城乡差别》入选全国漫画博览会 。水墨画《遗传工程》获第1 届全国科学美术博览会 1 等奖。作品被国内外收藏。出版有《林禽漫画集》、《林禽彩墨画集》、《学习中国画》等。

Introduction to the artist

Lin Qin acute of Yuan Minglin to bring up, guangxi expensive Hongkong's person. Be good at Chinese picture, caricature. Had self-study cartoon 1938, of the same age produces caricature of war of resistance against aggression " the gunfire that risks move and side person is ongoing " in Guangxi bear the palm. Was 1941 at the beginning of Guilin study in school of in relief imperial art academy, learn Chinese picture and gouache. Held the post of Guangzhou 1946 " old smooth newspaper " editor, shanghai is in after 1953 " scientific pictorial " hold the post of art editor. Comic " of Zu Chong " in " serial pictorial " publish. Caricature " urban and rural difference " exhibition of caricature of selected whole nation. Wash " genetic engineering " win first prize of exhibition of scientific art of the first whole nation. Work is collected domestic and internationally. Publish have " collect of Lin Qin caricature " , " collect of Mo Hua of Lin Qin colour " , " the traditional Chinese painting in study " etc.

