1952年5月4日,唐国强生于青岛。他的父亲是医学院的外科主任,母亲也是医务工作者。受父母影响,唐国强从小喜欢文艺和体育。在小学读书时,他曾担任学校儿童艺术团团长。到中学后,又被同学推选为文体委员。由于具有必然 艺术素质,又练就1 身健美的体魄。
1970年中学毕业后,唐国强被吸收到青岛市话剧团当话剧演员。在这段时间里,好学上进的唐国强顶着压力,从老同志那里借来斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基等人的着作,如饥似渴地浏览 ,很快记了1 厚本笔记。由于本身 刻苦努力,加上领导的器重和培养,他很快成了团里的“尖子”。
八1 电影制片厂时期
1975年全国文艺调演时,他在青岛话剧团表演 的《码头风云》1 剧中,担任次要 角色。这位年仅二十出头的“英俊小生”在首都舞台1 露面,立即引发 电影界的留意 。很快,“八1 ”和“长影”的都派人来邀他拍电影。同年八月,他应八1 电影制片厂之邀,参加了《南海风云》1 剧的拍摄。在这部以海军兵士 保卫祖国神圣领土?西沙群岛为背景的影片中,他扮演主人公于化龙。由于他自幼生活在海边,练就了1 身水上功夫,因此 不仅顺利的完成了潜入海底,在珊瑚丛中游戈,观察,与玳瑁搏斗等高雅动作,而且真实的表现了海军兵士 果敢,顽强的素质。影片上映后,他的表演受到观众好评。
1978年参加了《走在和平 前面》1 片的拍摄。在这部影片中,他扮演主人公?连长李铁成。由于本身 条件与角色有必然 差距,未能做到角色的个性与本身 的真情实感充分交流,加上拍片时摔断胳膊,但戏拍到1 半时,他尝到了表演失败和身体负伤双重痛苦的味道 。特别是影片上映后,听到观众的谈论 和反映,更使他如坐针毡。通过认真总结经验教训,在拍第三部影片《小花》时,他决心从生活真实出发,把赵永生塑形成 1 个活生生的人,1 个普普通通的兵士 ,1 个充满人情味的哥哥。为了做到这1 点,他与导演密切配合,努力在人物关系上挖戏,通过赵永生与赵小花,何翠姑和 丁大牙等人的不同关系,多方面展现 人物性情 。影片“兄妹赌气”这场戏,就是他协助导演,根据这类 指点 思想,从赵永生与赵小花的特殊关系出发设计出来的。兄妹之间1 吵1 找,1 逗1 打,不仅把整场戏搞活了,也使赵永生和赵小花两个人物具有了更加丰富的血肉和更加浓郁的人情味。
1980年,《今夜星光灿烂》是唐国强主演的第四部反映部队生活的影片在这部影片中,他扮演1 个性情 爽朗,待人热情的年轻指点 员?连长何战云。在导演谢铁骊的启发,提示下,他努力挖掘人物独特的内心世界和性情 色调,留意 应用 眼睛来表现人物的喜怒哀乐,将何战云这个人物塑造得很真实平易,质朴可亲,给广大观众留下深刻印象。
继《今夜星光灿烂》以后 ,唐国强又与李秀明,陈强等共同主演了神话故事片《孔雀公主》(1981)。在这部影片中,他扮演男主人公?英勇 英俊的勐板王子召树屯。这是他在银幕上扮演的第1 个不穿军装的角色,与他过去扮演的角色比拟 ,戏路子变化较大,而且影片中有许多马上高难度动作,需求 演员具备意志和技术上的良好训练。拍“王子闯火关”这场戏时,唐国强头顶烈日,面对熊熊烈火的炙烤,毫无惧色,硬是1 口气闯 了过去。“火关”过后,他嘴唇干裂了,面孔,手臂被烤得通红,眉毛被烤焦了,帽子也着火了。另1 场“王子过象关”的戏,要求他做1 个马见两象相撞的险情,惊起而立的高雅度动作。为了拍好这个镜头,他平时刻苦训练,曾多次从马上摔上去 ,最初 终究 获得成功。
1981年,唐国强参加了八1 厂摄制的,反映老1 辈无产阶级革命家,党和人民的虔诚 兵士 彭德怀同志青年时期斗争生活的影片《路漫漫》的拍摄。在影片中扮演地下共产党员,湘军营长程康。
1982年,唐国强在影片《四渡赤水》中饰演卢青松。唐国强是从话剧舞台走上银幕的,为了适应这1 变化,他认真研讨 电影表演与话剧表演的区别,努力探索电影表演的特殊规律,留意 克服舞台表演的痕迹。他曾深有体会的说,演话剧好比画油画,可以不断修正 ,日臻完善 。而拍电影则好比画国画,必须成竹在胸 ,1 挥而就。这就要求电影演员对事物有敏感的反应,具备迅速进入规定情景和根据人物性情 发展逻辑进行即兴创造的能力。根据本身 的体会,他认为电影表演中新颖 的,即兴的东西越多越好,切忌把戏演油了。
为了使本身 的表演更有分量,更有深度,唐国强十分注重 观察和体验生活。他常说,靠做戏硬做出来的风度,神采和硬挤出来的感情,与经过认真体验和感觉自然流露出来的风度,神采,感情是截然不同的。“?正象同1 句格言,从年轻人(即使他对这句格言理解得完全正确)的口里说出来时,总是没有那种在饱经风霜的成年人的智慧中所具有的意义和广褒性,后者能够表达出这句格言所包含的内容的全部力量。”他平时十分留意 从多方面提高本身 的艺术素养和文明 水平。除戏剧,电影外,他特别喜欢书法,绘画,拍片间隙,经常展纸挥毫。他的草书萧洒 ,俊秀,亦如其人。他还坚强自学英语,认为学英语对正确理解汉语语法有很大帮助。
唐国强不仅字银幕上给广大观众留下美好印象,在实际生活中也是个质朴谦逊,热情坦率的好青年。置信 他回百尺竿头,拼搏奋进,不负金子般美好的年华。
唐国强,幼年时代生活在1 个美丽的海滨城市,使他的心灵得到了美的陶冶。读小学的时候就担任学校儿童艺术团的团长,中学时期任文体委员。1970年中学毕业后进入青岛市话剧团,5 年话剧舞台生活锻炼,使他成长为剧团的业务骨干、次要 演员。
1975年,23岁的唐国强初露头角,在海南拍摄了八1 厂和平 片《南海风云》,饰演男配角 于化龙。这是唐国强的第1 部电影。
1977年,担纲主演八1 厂故事片《走在和平 的前面》,唐国强为此付出了巨大的努力,甚至在坠马受伤后仍坚持拍摄,虽然该片公映后反响平平,但这也让年轻的他清醒地面对他的事业,并逐渐 走向成熟。
1978年,调入八1 厂。
1979年是中国电影的黄金岁月,也是唐国强演艺生活1 次全新的高峰,由他担任男配角 的影片《小花》被誉为中国军事题材影片创作在观点和手法上1 次成功的尝试,该片荣获了该年度的“政府奖”、“百花奖”,唐国强也获得文明 部青年优秀创作奖,并随中国电影代表团首次参加戛纳电影节。
1980年,在影片《今夜星光灿烂》中扮演男配角 何战云,该片荣获文汇电影奖。在神话故事片《孔雀公主》中饰演傣族王子,1 改过去的“兵”味,把这个古老的傣族爱情传说归纳 得如诗如幻,该片获得首届马尼拉国际电影节特别奖。
1983年,唐国强又前后 参加了故事片《路漫漫》、《四渡赤水》的拍摄,这两部影片均获得了政府奖,《四渡赤水》还荣获“金鸡特别奖”,他还毛遂自荐扮演电影《高山下的花环》的男配角 赵蒙生,这是他认为本身 从影以来扮演难度较大、内心复杂的人物,而且是全片中最出力不讨好的角色,可是他成功了。在该年度的百花奖最好 男配角 评选中,他的得票居第二位,《高山下的花环》同样成 了他表演生涯中的1 个新起点。
1984年,唐国强加入中国共产党,1985年被选为全国青联委员、中国电影表演学会常务理事,同年考入北京电影学院干部专修班,担任班长,两年后以十项学科总分第1 的优良 成绩毕业,在他的毕业作品——话剧《赵氏孤儿》中扮演了年龄跨度30多年的主人公程婴,积累了1 些人物塑造的经验,也为他当前 扮演1 些历史人物奠定了必然 的基础。
1987年,应邀出演《共和国不会遗忘 》中钢厂厂长蓝雨蒙,该片荣获年度政府奖,百花奖。1988年被评定为国家1 级演员,93年晋升部队文艺6级,这期间拍摄了不少连续剧,有中国第三部室内剧《明天不是梦》、《冷血》、《“长征”号今夜起飞》等等。
1990年,唐国强参加了地方 电视台大型历史剧《三国演义》(八十四集),扮演诸葛亮,三年的拍摄期间,他用本身 全身心的投入,成功塑造了中国古代第1 贤相,该电视剧播出后,国内外引发 反响,荣获了“飞天”、”金鹰“,“5 个1 工程”等多项大奖,他也被评为“电视十佳演员”、“首届全国百佳电视工作者”。
1993年,由八1 电影制片厂转业到中国青年艺术剧院,1996年入选“中华影星”,同年在电影《长征》中扮演毛泽东重视 于后者,他所扮演的毛泽东得到了专家和观众的认可,并荣获中国电影华表奖最好 男配角 。
1997年,唐国强在四十四集电视连续剧《雍正王朝》饰演男主人公雍正皇帝,这是1 个在历史上颇有争议的君王,但功不可没。该剧在全国播出后荣获年度“金鹰奖”优秀电视剧、“飞天奖”长篇电视剧1 等奖,他也获得“金鹰”最好 男配角 和“飞天”提名。继《雍正王朝》后,他分别参加了《战国红颜》、《开国领袖毛泽东》、《包公出巡》、《包公生死劫》等电视剧的拍摄。在《开国领袖毛泽东》中,他第二次扮演毛泽东,他的演技也再次得到了专家和观众的肯定,并成为2000年金鹰奖最好 男配角 提名该剧获得第20届飞天奖长篇电视剧1 等奖、第18届金鹰奖优秀长篇电视剧,他也经过第三次提名终究 获得飞天奖优秀男演员奖,地方 电视台《东方之子》栏目对他进行了专访。
2000年, 掌管 《中国欺骗 大案纪实》
。2001年唐国强参加了建党八十周年献礼作品——电视剧《长征》的拍摄工作,担任导演并在剧中第三次扮演毛泽东,这是我国第1 部反映红军长征全过程的作品,拍摄过程极其艰难辛劳 。该剧于2001年六月份在地方 电视台首播。
2002年,掌管 《公诉》节目(兼艺术总监);4月,唐国强拍摄了根据周梅森同名小说改编的电视剧《绝对权力》,这是1 部为十六大献礼的反腐力作。
2002年7月,凭借电视剧《长征》中毛泽东1 角,唐国强又获得了第二十届金鹰奖观众最爱好 男演员和最好 导演奖及第二十二届飞天奖优秀男演员和优秀导演奖。继《长征》以后 唐国强又在《李卫当官》中再1 次饰演雍正皇帝。同年六月拍摄的《大唐情史》展现 的是唐太宗李世民在“玄武门之变”后,力争做1 个好皇帝的同时,努力做1 个好男人,好丈夫,好父亲,但各种变故始终袭扰着他,使他开创了贞观之制伟大的1 代明君,终身 也没有将家事彻底“摆平”。《大脚马皇后》中唐国强扮演的是1 代乞丐皇帝朱元璋。
2007年,在央视82集大剧《贞观长歌》中,扮演男配角 唐太宗李世民。
2009年,参演中华人民共和国60周年华诞献礼影片《建国大业》,在剧中扮演毛泽东,获得好评。曾三次荣获日本“东京国际文明 交流书道展”特等奖。
2012年9月17日,中国广播电视协会演员委员会成员唐国强等约260人就日本购买钓鱼岛1 事发表声明,表示中国演员愿在精神道义和物资 行动方面竭尽全力支持党地方 、国务院、地方 军委、国家海洋局等开展有理、有益 、有节的保护 国家主权和领土完全 的1 切行动。
曾任中国电影表演艺术学会会长;中国广播电视协会电视剧演员委员会会长;中国电视家协会副主席;中国电影家协会会员;中国电影基金会常务理事;中国书法家协会会员;中视协艺术家诗书画学会会长;中国传统文明 促进会对外交流委员会会长;中国国艺研讨 院研讨 员;东方九泽龙书画研讨 协会主席;北京国艺轩书画院副院长;南开大学文学院南京理工大学客座教授。
本来 ,当年陈冲和唐国强一同 拍摄《小花》,正好遇上唐国强生日。陈冲说:“你过生日,我来预备 点什么东西吧。”唐国强说:“不用预备 什么了,我就喜欢吃奶油,你给我弄个奶油蛋糕吧。”后来他们到北京看样片,其中有唐国强给人家抱孩子的1 个大特写,看着看着陈冲突然乐了,说:“我这个哥呀,你看这个皮肤比我都嫩,都是吃奶油吃的,干脆叫‘奶油小生’吧!”唐国强回忆:“当时就这么1 个玩笑,也没放在心上。可后来1979年《孔雀公主》公映的时候,高仓健的《追捕》也正好进入中国。大家1 看,啊,还有这么冷静的男人!中国怎样 没有!然后我就首当其冲,作为反面教材被树立起来了。‘奶油小生’的外号就这么传开了。”这顶帽子,唐国强1 戴就是好多年。
唐国强版“诸葛亮”深入人心,当被问及对陆毅扮演的诸葛亮作何评价时,唐国强表示,新版三国他看得不多,而且都是演同1 个角色,不太好评价,“每个人都有本身 的特点”,对于新版《三国》中的诸葛亮,唐国强认为还是有些遗憾,早年诸葛亮帽子过于沉重,诸葛亮外部外型 有欠缺,没能表现出诸葛亮的飘逸感。
唐国强认为,陆毅在归纳 暮年 的诸葛亮时候,对于诸葛亮“明知不可为而为之”的心思 没表现出来,归其缘由 ,唐国强认为,“他可能读三国还不够。”例如,“白帝托孤”1 场戏,陆毅的表演没有表现出原着所谓的“汗流浃背,跌足痛哭”的意境。
1996年,第二次拍摄“长征”题材电影《长征》。导演翟俊杰大胆启用唐国强来扮演毛泽东。在当时,唐国强出演毛泽东引发了不小的争议,有人说不像,“还有的说唐国强是奶油小生”。为贴合人物真实抽象 ,唐国强进摄制组后努力减肥,每天用游泳来耗费 体力,饿的时候只能喝点水,吃几颗小西红柿,用这类 方法,他在四十多天里瘦了二十多斤。翟俊杰为唐国强的认真努力而感动,他回忆说,在拍摄毛泽东到陕北后,美国记者斯诺为毛泽东拍照,唐国强瘦得脸颊都凹进去了。
唐国强不仅在表演艺术上取得了辉煌的成就,在书法上也成就 颇深,现为中国书法协会会员。他以他出色的演技、良好的文明 涵养 和豁达宽广的襟怀 ,成为中国最优秀、最受欢迎的艺术家之1 。
May 4, 1952, Tang Guoqiang was born in Qingdao. His father is a surgeon in the medical school and his mother is a medical worker. Affected by their parents, Tang Guoqiang grew fond of literature and sports. In primary school, he served as head of the school children's art troupe. To secondary school, was elected as a literary committee members. Because of the quality of art, and acquired a bodybuilding physique.
After graduating from middle school in 1970, Tang Guoqiang was absorbed into the Qingdao Opera Troupe when the actor. During this time, diligent Tang Guoqiang under pressure from Stanislavski's old comrades borrowed for reading, like hunger and thirst to soon, a thick notebook. Because of his hard work, attention and training with the leadership, he soon became the regiment's "top".
During the August first film studio
In 1975 the national theatrical festival, he performed at Qingdao Repertory Theatre "on the waterfront" play a major role. This year only twenty head of the "handsome man" in the capital stage appeared, immediately aroused the attention of the film world. Soon, the "81" and "shadow" were sent to invite him to a movie. In August of the same year, he should be invited to participate in the 81 film studio, "the South China Sea situation" a drama. In this part to navy soldiers to defend the motherland sacred territory? Paracel Islands as the background of the film, he plays the protagonist in hualong. Because he was living in the seaside, trained in a water effort, and therefore not only the successful completion of the seabed in coral, Ge, observation, and hawksbill struggle elegant movements, and the real performance of the marine courageous, tenacious quality. His performance was well received by the audience after the film was released.
1978 took part in the war in front of a film. In this movie, he played the hero commander Li Tiecheng?. Because there is a certain gap between their own conditions and role, failed to do the role of personality and their real feelings full communication, and set a broken arm, but the scene in half when he tasted failure and show the pain body double wounded. Especially after the release of the film, the audience heard the talk and reflect him on pins and needles. Through summing up experience and lessons, in the third film "flowers", he decided to start from the real life, make Zhao Yongsheng a real person, an ordinary soldier, a brother full of human. In order to do this, he worked closely with the director, trying to dig the play in the relationship between the characters, through Zhao Yongsheng and Zhao floret, He Cuigu and the different relations between the people, such as the various aspects of the characters show character. The movie "sister angry" this play, he is to assist the director, according to the guiding ideology, starting from the design of a special relationship between Zhao Yongsheng and Zhao Xiaohua. A quarrel between brother and sister to find one, with a dozen, not only to the whole scene is invigorating, also make Zhao Yongsheng and Zhao Xiaohua two characters have richer and more rich human flesh.
In 1980, "tonight star brilliant" stars Tang Guoqiang fourth reflect the military life movie in the movie, he plays a cheerful, enthusiastic young instructor captain He Zhanyun?. That inspired by the director Xie Tieli, he tried to tap the character of unique inner world and character color, pay attention to the use of eyes to show the character of the passions, the character of He Zhanyun will shape the very real plain, simple and amiable, to the audience left a deep impression.
Tang Guoqiang
Tang Guoqiang Atlas
Following the "tonight's brilliant stars", Tang Guoqiang and with Li Xiuming, such as starring in the myth of the film "Princess Peacock" (1981) (). In this movie, he played the hero? Brave prince Meng Ban Zhao Shu tuen. This is the first non uniformed role he played on the screen, compared with his past role play way changes greatly, and the film has many immediately stunner, need to have a good actor training will and technology. Take "the prince into the fire off the scene, Tang Guoqiang head in the sun, in the face of raging fire burning, without fear, just one breath into the past. "Fire" after his chapped lips, face, arm was roasted red eyebrows scorched, hat on fire. Another "prince like off" play, asked him to do a horse to see two as danger of collision, elegant movement and startled. In order to shoot this lens, he usually hard training, has repeatedly fell from the moment, and finally succeeded.
In 1981, Tang Guoqiang participated in the filming of the Bayi factory, reflecting the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, the party and the people's loyal fighter Comrade Peng Dehuai's struggle to live during the youth film long road, the shooting. As underground Communists in the film, the army commander Cheng Kang.
From the stage to the screen
In 1982, Tang Guoqiang played Lu Qingsong in the film "four" in Chishui. Tang Guoqiang is walking on the screen from the stage, in order to adapt to this change, he carefully studied the difference between film acting and drama performances, to explore the special rules of film performance, pay attention to overcome stage marks. He had deep experience that drama is like painting paintings, you can constantly modify, perfect day by day. The movie is good than the traditional Chinese painting, must be confident, go. This requires the film actor to have a sensitive response to things, with the rapid access to the provisions of the scene and according to the character of the development of the logic of improvisation. According to his own experienceIn order to make their performance more weight, more depth, Tang Guoqiang attaches great importance to observe and experience life. He often said, by acting hard to do out of style, color and squeeze out the feelings, look carefully with experience and feeling naturally demeanor, feelings are completely different. "Just as the same? Saying, from young people (even if he is to understand this saying exactly right) mouth say, always have no meaning and wide praise that is in the wisdom of the adults have experienced years of wind and frost, which can express the full power of this proverb contains content." He usually pay attention to improve their artistic accomplishment and cultural level in many ways. In addition to drama, movie, his special love of calligraphy, painting, film exhibition space, often brush paper. His cursive handsome, handsome, also like the person. He is also strong self-study English, that learning English is very helpful to understand Chinese grammar correctly.
Tang Guoqiang not only the word screen to leave a good impression on the majority of the audience, in real life is also a simple humility, warm Frank youth. He believed that hard work ahead, not to make still further progress, negative gold beautiful years.
Tang Guoqiang, who lived in a beautiful seaside city in his childhood, made his soul beautiful. When I was in primary school, I was head of the school children's Art Troupe. After graduating from middle school in 1970 to enter the Qingdao Opera Troupe, five years of drama stage of life exercise, make him grow as the backbone of the business, the main actor troupe.
In 1975, 23 year old Tang Guoqiang make first appearance shot in Hainan, Bayi factory war movie "Nanhai situation", played the male lead in hualong. This is Tang Guoqiang's first movie.
In 1977, starring 81 mills story "walk in the front of the war", Tang Guoqiang paid a great effort, even in the fall after the injury still insisted on shooting, although the film released after the hiatus, but it also let the young he clearly with his career, and gradually mature.
In 1978, transferred to the Bayi factory.
1979 is the China movie the golden age, Tang Guoqiang is also a new career peak, he served as the actor's film "flowers" is known as the China military theme movie creation in the viewpoints and methods on a successful attempt, the film won the annual "government award", "Tang Guoqiang Award". Won the Ministry of culture award outstanding youth, and with the Chinese movie delegation to attend the Cannes film festival for the first time.
In 1980, He Zhanyun played the male lead in the movie "Star Spangled night", the film won the Wenhui film award. The prince in the fairy tale film played the "Peacock Princess", a change in the past "soldiers" taste, the old Dai love legends poetic imaginary, the film won the inaugural Manila International Film Festival special award.
In 1983, Tang Guoqiang has also participated in the story "long road", "four Chishui" of the shooting, the two film won the award, "four Chishui" also won the "Golden Rooster Award", he also volunteered to play the movie "under mountain garland" actor Zhao Meng, he thinks this is he played since the film is difficult and complicated characters, and is a thankless role in the film, but he succeeded. In this year's Award for Best Actor Award, his votes in second place, "under mountain garland" has become a new starting point of his acting career.
In 1984, Tang Guoqiang joined the Communist Party of Chinese, 1985 was selected as the National Youth Committee, China acting executive director of the Institute, the same year was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy in the class cadres, served as the monitor, after two years in ten subjects score the first honors graduate, played 30 years of age span hero Cheng Ying in his graduation works of drama the "orphan", has accumulated some experience for the characters, he later played some historical figures has laid a foundation.
In 1987, invited "the Republic will never forget the" steel factory Lan Yu Mongolia, the film won the annual award, the award. 1988 was assessed as the actors at the national level, 93 years the 6 level promotion forces during this period, taking a lot of drama, there are third China indoor theater, "tomorrow is not a dream", "cold blood", "Long March" and take off tonight.
In 1990, Tang Guoqiang participated in the CCTV large-scale historical drama "Three Kingdoms" (eighty-four episodes), played by Zhu Geliang, during the filming of three years, he devoted China successfully created the first ancient Xian phase, the drama aired, domestic and international repercussions, won the "flying", "Golden Eagle", "five project" awards, he has also been named the "top ten TV actor", "the first national PARKnSHOP TV workers".
In 1993, demobilized by 81 film studio to China Youth Art Theatre, 1996 selected "China Star", the same year in the film "the long march" in the role of Mao Zedong Mao Zedong on the latter, he played by experts and audience recognition, and won the Chinese movie awards for best actor.
In 1997, Tang Guoqiang in the forty-four episode TV series, "the dynasty of the emperor" played the hero, Emperor Yong Zheng, this is a controversial king in history, but the work can not be ignored in the history of the world, "the emperor of the Republic of China" in the TV series, "the dynasty of emperor". The play in the national broadcast won the Golden Eagle Award for outstanding drama, "flying Award" long drama prize, he also won the "Golden Eagle" and "flying" best actor nomination. Following the "Yong Zheng Dynasty", he participated in the "Warring States", "Confidante founding leader Mao Zedong", "Bao", "Bao shengsijie Tour" and other TV series. In the "Founding leader Mao Zedong", the second time he played Mao Zedong, his acting again by the experts and the audience's affirmation, and in 2000 to become the Golden Eagle Award nominated for best actor in the drama was the twentieth full-length TV drama flying award first prize, eighteenth Golden Eagle Award for outstanding full-length TV shows, he has also been nominated third times to finally get flying award the best actor award, CCTV "dongfangzhizi" column for his interview.
In 2000, Chinese presided over the "major fraud record"
. In 2001, Tang Guoqiang participated in the eighty anniversary of the founding of gift works -- TV drama "Long March" of the shooting, and served as director in the play third times as Mao Zedong, this is a reflection of China's first Red Army during the filming process very hard work, hard work. The play premiered in 2001 June at the CCTV.
In 2002, presided over the "Prosecution" program (and art director); in April, Tang Guoqiang filmed the TV series according to the "absolute power" Zhou Meisen novel of the same name, this is a sixteen tribute for anti-corruption work.
In July 2002, with the TV series "Long March" in Mao Zedong, Tang Guoqiang also won the twentieth Golden Eagle audience favorite actor and best director award and the twenty-two annual flying Award for outstanding actor and best director award. Following the "Long March" after Tang Guoqiang in the "Li Wei" official again played the emperor Yong Zheng. In June of the same year shooting "company" show is Tang Taizong Li Shimin in "the Xuanwumen change", and strive to do a good emperor at the same time, strive to be a good man, a good husband and a good father, but always misfortune crept over him, so he created the Zhenguan great generation system Ming Jun, life does not completely settle family". "Tang Guoqiang plays" Bigfoot empress Ma is a generation of beggar emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.
In 2003, Tang Guoqiang played the Qing Emperor Huang Taiji in Chen Jialin's historical drama "storm Jiangshan".
In 2007, 82 in the CCTV drama master "Zhenguan long song", played the actor Tang Taizong Li Shimin.
2008, director of the TV series "liberation" (won the twenty-eighth China drama flying award TV series "special award").
In 2009, the 60 anniversary in People's Republic of China birthday gift film "the founding of a republic", in the play Mao Zedong, won praise. The Japanese have won the three "Tokyo international cultural exchange calligraphy exhibition" grand prize.
In September 17, 2012, Chinese Association of radio and television actor Tang Guoqiang and other committee members of about 260 people in Japan to buy the Diaoyu Islands issue a statement, said the Chinese actor would try to all actions to support the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the Central Military Commission, national ocean bureau to carry out rational and restrained to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity in moral and spiritual physical actions.
The former president of Chinese film art academy; chairman of committee of actor of radio and Television Association China TV; vice chairman of China Television Association; member of China Film Association; Chinese Film Foundation executive director; member of China Calligraphers Association; President of the association as the artist of poetry and painting China traditional culture promotion society; the president will Foreign Exchange Committee Chinese researcher; China Art Research Institute; chairman of the East nine zeron Painting Research Association; Beijing Academy of painting and calligraphy art gallery's vice president; visiting professor of Nanjing University of Science and Technology College of Nankai University.
"Naiyouxiaosheng" nickname far-reaching impact on Tang Guoqiang -- he spent decades of time to get rid of the "vase" notoriety. Who gave him a nickname "hateful"? Tang Guoqiang said, "it's Joan Chen!"
Originally, when Joan Chen and Tang Guoqiang together shooting "floret", just met the birthday of Tang Guoqiang. Joan Chen said: "your birthday, I come to prepare something." Tang Guoqiang said: "do not prepare what, I like to eat cream, you get me a cream cake." And they came to Beijing to see the samples, including Tang Guoqiang for a close-up of people holding a child, watching Joan Chen suddenly smiled, said: "my brother, you look at the skin tender than me, is to eat eat butter, simply called" naiyouxiaosheng "!" Tang Guoqiang recalls: at that time on such a joke, not on the heart. Then in 1979 the "Peacock Princess" ", Ken Takakura's" hunt "just entered the Chinese. Everybody look, ah, there is such a calm man! How does China have no! Then I bear the brunt, as a negative textbook is set up. "Naiyouxiaosheng" nickname has spread so." This hat, Tang Guoqiang is wearing a lot of years.
Tang Guoqiang's version of "Zhu Geliang" people, when asked about how Lu Yi plays Zhu Geliang evaluation, said Tang Guoqiang, the new three him very much, and they are playing the same character is not a good evaluation, "everyone has their own characteristics, the new" three countries "in Zhu Geliang Tang Guoqiang, that was some regret, early Zhu Geliang's hat is too heavy, Zhu Geliang external shape lacking, failed to show the elegance of Zhu Geliang.
Tang Guoqiang believes that Lu Yi in the interpretation of Zhu Geliang in his later years, Zhu Geliang for "that do not for" not the psychological performance, to its reason, Tang Guoqiang said, "he may read three enough." For example, "the emperor wrote" a drama, Lu Yi's performance did not show the original so-called "sweat, tears tumbled" mood.
1996, the second shooting "Long March" theme film "Long March". Director Zhai Junjie bold use of Tang Guoqiang to play the role of Mao Zedong. At the time, Tang Guoqiang starred Mao Zedong sparked a controversy, some people say not, "and said that Tang Guoqiang is the cream of the crop". To fit the true image of characters, Tang Guoqiang into the team after trying to lose weight, to swim every day with physical exertion, the hungry can only drink water, eat a few pieces of small tomatoes, in this way, he lost more than and 20 pounds in more than and 40 days. Zhai Junjie for Tang Guoqiang's serious efforts and moved, he recalled that, after filming Mao Zedong to northern Shaanxi, the U.S. reporter snow photographed for the film, and his thin cheeks are concave into the.
Tang Guoqiang not only achieved brilliant achievements in the performing arts, but also a deep attainments in calligraphy, is now a member of the Chinese calligraphy association. He is one of the best and most popular artists in China with his excellent acting skills, good culture and broad mind.