刘别致 (1962.2—)江西吉安人。擅长水彩画、年画。1982年毕业于江西师大美术系。从事中专美术教育。1990年调入深圳市蛇口工业区育才1 小任教。年画作品《明天会更好》、《龙的传人》分别参加第七届、八届全国美展,《和平幸福》获第四届全国年画展三等奖,水彩画《后院静悄悄》参加全国首届水彩、粉画展。
Liu Xinji (1962.2, ) Jiangxi Ji Anren. Be good at aquarelle, New Year picture. Was graduated from Jiangxi division large painting to fasten 1982. Pursue education of art of technical secondary school. Transferred into 1990 industrial district of Shenzhen city Shekou Yo just one Xiaoren teaching. Work of New Year picture " the meeting is better tomorrow " , " of dragon send a person " attend the 7th respectively, beauty of 8 whole nations is exhibited, " peace is happy " obtain New Year picture of the 4th whole nation to exhibit third class award, aquarelle " backyard is soundless " enter art exhibition of first watercolour of countrywide, pink.