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何建成 - 天外之象:空——何建成的意念及作

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何建成,1957生7月于广州,1987年毕业于广州美术学院油画系研讨 生班获硕士学位,毕业后留广州美术学院油画系任教,1988年赴美国职业画家。现于广州美术学院油画系任教副教授。
硕士学位毕业论文《绘画的言语 與观念》发表在“美术”杂志1987.12
次要 作品《原象系列》等
《1 面、另1 面》2004.9
名字辑入《北美华裔艺术家名人录》第1 版1993年版
名字辑入《中国古代 美术家人名大辞典》1989年版
领南美术出版社出版画册《跨世纪画丛.何建成》1999第1 版

1984年 考入广州美术学院油画系研讨 生班;
油画《云》《十年》发表在河南美术出版社《中国高等美术学院先生 研讨 生作品集?广州美术学院作品》(封面.里页);
油画《来日》参加日本东京《亚洲古代 艺术展》。(见该展画册);
油画《荷》《攀墙虎》参加香港中华文明 促进中心《广东当代油画展》;
毕业于广州美术学院油画系研讨 生班获硕士学位;
毕业后留广州美术学院油画系任教、广州美术学院油画系副教授、广州美术学院油画系第1 工作室主任、美国加州艺术俱乐部会员、中国美术家协会会员;
油画《干象系列》参加灶广东画院举行《广州美术学院油画系84级研讨 生作品展》;
毕业论文《绘画的言语 与观念》发表在《美术》杂志1987.12;
油画《干象系列—6号》参加上海《中国第1 届油画展》;
1月12日油画《干象系列之1 》发表在《广州日报》;
油画《干象系列之1 》发表在《希望》杂志第三期;
油画《干象系列之1 》《干象系列之二》发表在漓江出版社《新写实绘画》画册;
毕业论文《绘画的言语 与观念》发表在广州美术学院《美术学报》总第九期;
油画《干象系列8号》发表和本人名字缉入在美国出版《北美华裔艺术家名人录》第1 版;
油画《干象系列十1 》参加北京《第九届全国美术作品展览》;
油画《干象系列十1 》发表在《第九届全国美术作品展览.油画作品集》;
油画《干象系列5号》发表在《诗歌报》总第1 期封面。
油画《天地系列》参加《广东名家小幅油画作品约请 展》;
油画《干象系列—十八号》发表在广州美术学院出版《广州美术学院成立5 十周年》大型画册;
油画《干象系列—太阳》参加中国嘉德广州国际拍卖无限 公司《中国油画2003冬季拍卖会》。(见拍卖会画册);
油画《干象系列》5 幅作品与本人文章《浅述绘画言语 与商标》发表在广州美术学院《美术学报》第三期;
油画《天地系列》参加《广东名家小幅油画作品约请 展》;
油画《干象系列》5 幅作品发表在岭南美术出版社《1 面.另1 面》画册;
《文娱 周刊》第四期介绍本人工作窒《石之舞》;
油画《干象系列—月亮》参加中国嘉德广州国际拍卖无限 公司《中国油画2004冬季 拍卖会》。(见拍卖会画册);
油画《天地系列》参加三彩画廊《出师着名 生于50年代著名艺术家约请 展》;
8月3日油画《干象系列—月亮》发表在《文明 参考报》;
11月安装 作品《起点 》参加《没大没小.国际艺术活动》;
1月《天地系列》参加在马来西亚第1 古代 美术馆《广东名家油画作品约请 展》;
油画《干象系列—十八号》参加中国北京华辰拍卖无限 公司《华辰2005春季拍卖会中国油画及雕塑》。(见拍卖会画册);
油画《天地系列》参加中国广州保利拍卖无限 公司《2005秋季拍卖会中国油画》。(见拍卖会画册);
油画《干象系列》十八幅作品、《自述》与评杨少彦评论文章《幻想是理想 与现成的何建成,1 个广州人,他用艺术来超越本身 》发表在《艺术界》杂志11.12月号双月刊;
被骋为广州美术学院油画系第1 工作窒负责人和广州美术学院油画系高级进修班班主任;
3月油画《天地系列之1 》;《天地系列之二》;《天地系列之四》参加由广东新南方集团无限 公司、广东品格文明 传播无限 公司主办;珠江广场、珠江画舫协办2006第二回广东名家油画作品巡回展。三幅作品发表在该画展小画册(2006-3-25至2006-4-23);
4月1日《精英健康》(ELITECLANHEALTH)人物栏目Z42页刊载图文《把生活当作艺术品来享用 何建成》介绍生活与艺术文/FLY;
5月26日油画《天地系列之二十二号》100x120cm参加《中国保利2006广州冬季 拍卖会》。编号83。成交价¥66,000.00;
5月油画《天地系列23》;《天地系列24》;《天地系列25》;《天地系列26》;《天地系列27》参加宝珍文明 传播无限 公司主办《阳光领南广东油画家约请 展》。5 幅作品发表在该展画册;
被骋为广州美术学院油画系第1 工作窒负责人和广州美术学院油画系高级进修班班主任;
10月油画《天地系列22》《天子》参加宝珍文明 传播无限 公司主办《宝珍堂周年庆领南名家约请 展》。两幅作品发表在该展画册;
10月油画《干象系列—黄昏天语》、《干象系列—天宴》、《干象系列—渴.9》、《干象系列—渴》、《干象系列—天泪》和《自述》1 文发表在江苏《画刊》2006.10期;
12-22至2007-1-12策划在扬之光美术中心举办广州美术学院油画纟第1 工作室『八点钟的太阳』作品展;
1-16至22日《天地系列》5 幅作品参加在台湾台北国父纪念馆举办的『重构与融合』中国当代艺术家作品展,参展艺术家:何建成、陈海王维加、邓箭今、车建全和张思永。同时油画《干象系列—黄昏天语》、《干象系列—天宴》、《干象系列—渴.9》、《干象系列—渴》、《干象系列—天泪》和《干象系列—天爱》发表在该展画册;
油画作品《干象系列—天遇》、《干象系列—天门》及评论家王瑞廷的《冥想的生命隐蔽 的情愫》发表在『中国美术馆』杂志第11期。
策展:2008年6月27日——7月26日广州原子空间画廊《花枝招展》5女艺术家油画展。参展艺术家:陈子君、张西、何绮兰、高洁、祝东辉5 ;
东莞“当代油画名家约请 展”作品展。展览的9位艺术家分别是鸥洋、陈建中、杨尧、蔡楚夫、李金明、钟耕略、包泽伟、何建成、叶向明;
《中国艺术家当代艺术展》在奥地利展出4幅作品和影象 ;
院油系第1 工作室『八点钟的太阳』第二回作品展;
第1 工作室『八点钟的太阳』第三回创作展(策展);

Introduction to the artist

He Jiancheng, 1957 unripe in July at Guangzhou, was graduated from canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to fasten graduate student class to obtain master's degree 1987, graduation hind leaves department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to teach, went to American profession painter 1988. Teach at department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts now associate professor.
Chinese artist association is met
American California artistic club is met
Work canvas " precursory " obtained 1985 " annual beauty exhibits international blueness " second-class is collected by Chinese art gallery
Work canvas " under 10 thousand people " beauty of Yo of the polity in was being obtained 1985 exhibits third class award to overcome committee to collect by Chinese Lin Pi
Master's degree project " painterly language Ning idea " publish in " art " magazine 1987.12
Main work " former elephant series " wait
Plan exhibits: Did not do not have activity of small international art greatly 2004.11
Work attends domestic international for many times each type beauty is exhibited reach publish in an album of paintings of each type magazine
" artistic bound " 2005.11-12 bimonthly
" China is artistic now " 2005
" China is artistic now " 2004
" China is artistic now " 2003
" art journal " 2005.4(Guangzhou academy of fine arts)
" art journal " 2004.3(Guangzhou academy of fine arts)
" one side, other one side " 2004.9
" artistic bound " 2004.7-8 bimonthly
" Chinese canvas " 2004. Monthly magazine
" beautiful garden " academy of fine arts of 2004.4(Lu Xun)
" exposition of Guangzhou international art " 2004.11
" painting and calligraphy of artist of foreign citizen of Chinese origin of American los angeles is exhibited " 2004
" Guangzhou academy of fine arts establishs an album of paintings 50 years " 2003
" collect of work of canvas of exhibition of work of art of the 9th whole nation " 1999
Name collect is entered " Chinese art almanac " 1989 edition
Name collect is entered " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " 1994 edition
Name collect is entered " blue book of artist of North America foreign citizen of Chinese origin " the first edition 1993 edition
Name collect is entered " big dictionary of name of family of Chinese modern art " 1989 edition
Get South-American art publishing house to publish an album of paintings " cross a century to draw a crowd. He Jiancheng " 1999 the first edition

In July 1957, be born in Guangzhou;
Took an examination of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to fasten graduate student class 1984;
On January 26 canvas " wall " hair wheat is in " Yang Cheng evening paper " ;
Canvas " under 10 thousand people " be collected by Chinese Olympic committee;
On May 23 canvas " precursory " publish in " CHINADAILY " English China Daily;
Canvas " 10 years " publish in " novel forest " magazine the 11st period;
On June 16 canvas " 10 years " if be opposite,with Hou Han oneself comment on an article " the road that set foot on a hope " hair wheat is in " Yang Cheng evening paper " ;
On July 15 canvas " under 10 thousand people " publish in " Guangzhou daily " ;
Canvas " under 10 thousand people " attend Beijing " Chinese sports beauty is exhibited " , win third class award;
Canvas " precursory " publish in " art " magazine the 7th period;
Canvas " precursory " publish in " Shanxi youth " magazine the 7th period;
Canvas " precursory " publish in " new Hua Wenzhai " magazine the 8th period;
Canvas " precursory " be collected by Chinese art gallery;
Canvas " precursory " attend Beijing " the Chinese youth in advancement " painterly art is exhibited, win second-class award;
On November 9 - 16 days display a house in Guangzhou academy of fine arts " class of He Jiancheng composition of a picture (photography) view and emulate is exhibited " ;
An album of paintings " photography composition of a picture exhibits He Jiancheng " publish by exhibition of Guangzhou academy of fine arts;
On January 7 canvas " under 10 thousand people " publish in " Zhuhai holds an area to declare " ;
Canvas " precursory " hair wheat is in " revolutionary heroic " magazine period;
Canvas " some day " publish in Hunan art publishing house " collect of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts? Cent of Guangzhou academy of fine arts coils " ;
Canvas " do exercises in composition " publish in " art " magazine 1986.2;
Canvas " the cloud " " 10 years " publish in Henan art publishing house " collect of work of graduate student of student of Chinese advanced academy of fine arts? Work of Guangzhou academy of fine arts " (cover. In page) ;
Canvas " some day " attend Japanese Tokyo " Asian modern art is exhibited " . (see this exhibit an album of paintings) ;
Canvas " carry on one's shoulder " " the tiger that climb a wall " attend culture of Hong Kong China to promote a center " Guangdong contemporary canvas is exhibited " ;
Be graduated from canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to fasten graduate student class to obtain master's degree;
Department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts stays to teach after graduation, canvas of academy of fine arts of associate professor of department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, Guangzhou is art of California of head of the first studio, United States academician of artist of club member, China;
Canvas " series doing an elephant " attend kitchen Guangdong imperial art academy to hold " canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts fastens work of 84 class graduate student to exhibit " ;
Project " pictorial language and idea " publish in " art " magazine 1987.12;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, 6 " attend Shanghai " the first oily art exhibition of Chinese " ;
On January 12 canvas " one of series doing an elephant " publish in " Guangzhou daily " ;
Graduation hind leaves department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to teach;
Watercolour " mount a horse " publish in publishing house of art of mountain South America " Guangzhou aquarelle is made newly anthology " cover of an album of paintings;
On April 17 canvas " dry elephant the 8th " publish in " Yang Cheng evening paper " ;
In May canvas " series doing an elephant " publish in publishing house of art of mountain South America " picture outline " magazine cover and home page;
Canvas " one of series doing an elephant " publish in " hope " magazine the 3rd period;
Canvas " one of series doing an elephant " " of series doing an elephant " publish in Li river press " new draw realistically " an album of paintings;
In September canvas " series doing an elephant " 1, publish 2 numbers in Guangzhou academy of fine arts " art journal " always the 9th period;
Project " pictorial language and idea " publish in Guangzhou academy of fine arts " art journal " always the 9th period;
Will go to the United States in October;
In November canvas " series doing an elephant, 6 " attend gallery of Ha Fu accept to be in new York " Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited " ;
Will be in center of art of Singapore Hong Yi on October 3 " 6 a person of academic or artistic distinction exhibit Chinese sheep city " ;
On June 16 - attended in American ArielGallery on July 7 " InvocationofMystery " 4 people are exhibited;
On November 16 - will attend in American DowntownGallery on December 8 " 5ArtistsfromPeoplesRepublicofChina " art is exhibited;
On December 17 the United States " international daily " publish an article " why does home of famous oil painting build artistic Master " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant 8 " publish and him name arrest is entered publish in the United States " blue book of artist of North America foreign citizen of Chinese origin " the first edition;
Him name arrest is published into the United States " blue book of artist of North America foreign citizen of Chinese origin " the second edition;
Canvas " series doing an elephant 6 " publish in American Ha Fu accept to draw outline " open door " an album of paintings;
Canvas " precursory " publish in publishing house of Tianjin people art " graph of canvas of holding of Chinese art gallery is recorded " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant 11 " attend Beijing " work of art of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant 11 " publish in " exhibition of work of art of the 9th whole nation. Canvas work collect " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant " 7 work publish in " gallery " 70.71 combined issue (problem: Abroad Chinese painter) ;
Publish by publishing house of art of mountain South America cross century a series of books " He Jiancheng " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, the sun " " series doing an elephant, moon " attend to be held in Guangdong art gallery " art of Guangdong contemporary canvas is exhibited " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, the sun " " series doing an elephant, moon " publish in publishing house of art of mountain South America " art of Guangdong contemporary canvas is exhibited " an album of paintings;
Go back to the motherland suffer hiring canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is, associate professor;
Canvas " the earth " attend send house of Shang Mei art " happy two years " exhibition;
Will play Shanghai artistic fair in November;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, the sun " " moon " publish in " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " 11 period;
Canvas " IdleHours " join American California artistic club year exhibit;
Canvas " IdleHours " publish in " American California artistic club year exhibit " an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant 5 " publish in " poetry signs up for " always cover of first phase.
Canvas " ArborofMissionSanJuan " join American California artistic club year exhibit;
Canvas " ArborofMissionSanJuan " publish in " American California artistic club year exhibit " an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, cooling " attend to be held in Guangzhou artistic museum " art of Guangdong contemporary canvas is exhibited " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, cooling " publish in Hunan art publishing house " art of Guangdong contemporary canvas is exhibited " an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant " 6 work are published in " southern aviation " magazine the 4th period;
Canvas " series of heaven and earth " attend " work of Guangdong a person of academic or artistic distinction is little canvas invites exhibit " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, 18 " publish in Guangzhou academy of fine arts to publish " Guangzhou academy of fine arts holds water 50 years " large an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, the sun " attend international of Chinese Jia Dean city to auction limited company " 2003 winter auction meets Chinese canvas " . (See the auction is met) of an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant " 5 work and him article " shallow state pictorial language and label " publish in Guangzhou academy of fine arts " art journal " the 3rd period;
Canvas " series of heaven and earth " attend " work of Guangdong a person of academic or artistic distinction is little canvas invites exhibit " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, drink " " series doing an elephant, Ran " attend to be held in art gallery of Guangzhou academy of fine arts " work of teacher of department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is exhibited " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant " 5 work are published in publishing house of art of mountain South America " at the same time. Another " an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant " 7 work are published in " art group " the 7th period always 197 period;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, Ran " publish in " artistic bound " magazine bimonthly of 7.8 months of date;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, drink " publish in journal of Lu Xun academy of fine arts " beautiful garden " the 4th period bimonthly;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, drink 9 " publish in " painting and calligraphy of artist of foreign citizen of Chinese origin of American los angeles is chosen " an album of paintings;
" recreational weekly " the 4th period the introduction makes obstruct artificially originally " Shi Zhi dance " ;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, the sun " " series doing an elephant, cooling " publish in Chinese world publishing house " China is artistic now 2003 " an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, moon " attend international of Chinese Jia Dean city to auction limited company " 2004 summers sale meets Chinese canvas " . (See the auction is met) of an album of paintings;
On Feburary 5 canvas " series doing an elephant, 18 " comment on an article with Chen Xiaoning " the fictitious give somebody a new lease on life of cosmic landscape " publish in " southern Metropolis Daily " ;
Canvas " series of heaven and earth " enter gallery of three-color glazed pottery " dispatch troops famous be born at 50 time famous artist invites exhibit " ;
On March 15 canvas " series doing an elephant, 11 " publish in " information times " ;
On August 3 canvas " series doing an elephant, moon " publish in " culture reference signs up for " ;
The plan will be held in QJSTUDIO in November " did not do not have greatly small. International art activity " . (The artist enters 7 countries) ;
In November unit work " terminal " attend " did not do not have greatly small. International art activity " ;
In December canvas " series doing an elephant, drink " attend " exposition of art of 2004 Guangzhou international " . (See) of exposition an album of paintings;
In January " series of heaven and earth " attend in Malaysia the first contemporary art gallery " work of canvas of Guangdong a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit " ;
Canvas " series of heaven and earth " attend itinerate of work of canvas of Guangdong a person of academic or artistic distinction to exhibit;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, drink " publish in Chinese world publishing house " China is artistic now 2004 " an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, dusk is not had language " publish in Guangzhou academy of fine arts " art journal " the 4th period;
Canvas " series doing an elephant, 18 " attend Chinese Beijing Hua Chen to auction limited company " 2005 spring sale meets Hua Chen Chinese canvas and sculpture " . (See the auction is met) of an album of paintings;
Canvas " series of heaven and earth " attend Chinese Guangzhou to protect benefit to auction limited company " 2005 autumn auction meeting China oil painting " . (See the auction is met) of an album of paintings;
Canvas " series doing an elephant " 18 work, " an account in one's own words " with judge Yang Shaoyan to comment on an article " the illusion is reality and off-the-peg He Jiancheng, person of a Guangzhou, he surmounts himself with art " publish in " artistic bound " magazine bimonthly of 11.12 months of date;
Be being gallopped to be canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to fasten canvas of controller of obstruct of the first job and Guangzhou academy of fine arts is a teacher in charge of a class of class of advanced take a refresher course;
In March canvas " one of series of heaven and earth " ; " of series of heaven and earth " ; " of series of heaven and earth " attend to transmit limited company to sponsor by culture of character and morals of limited company of group of Guangdong new south, Guangdong; Gaily painted pleasure boat of Pearl River square, Pearl River assist do itinerate of work of canvas of a person of academic or artistic distinction of the 2nd 2006 Guangdong to exhibit. 3 work are published in small an album of paintings of this art exhibition (2006-3-25 comes 2006-4-23) ;
On April 1 " elite is healthy " (ELITECLANHEALTH) page of character column Z42 publishs graph article " regard the life as artwork will enjoy He Jiancheng " introductory life and artistic article / FLY;
On May 26 canvas " the date of series of heaven and earth " 100x120cm attends " China protects interest sale of 2006 Guangzhou summer is met " . Number 83. Clinch a deal valence ¥ 66, 0;
In May canvas " series doing an elephant- - the day loves " , " series doing an elephant, dusk is not had language " publish in Chinese world publishing house " China is artistic now 2005 " an album of paintings;
In May canvas " series of heaven and earth 23 " ; " series of heaven and earth 24 " ; " series of heaven and earth 25 " ; " series of heaven and earth 26 " ; " series of heaven and earth 27 " attend Bao Zhenwen to change transmission limited company to sponsor " sunshine is gotten south Guangdong canvas home invites exhibit " . 5 work are published in this to exhibit an album of paintings;
Be being gallopped to be canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to fasten canvas of controller of obstruct of the first job and Guangzhou academy of fine arts is a teacher in charge of a class of class of advanced take a refresher course;
On June 4 canvas " series of heaven and earth 25 " (72x90cm) is published in " Zhuhai special zone signs up for " art outline. Serialize the 12nd edition;
In October canvas " series of heaven and earth 22 " " the emperor " attend Bao Zhenwen to change transmission limited company to sponsor " Bao Zhentang anniversary is celebrated get south a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit " . Two work are published in this to exhibit an album of paintings;
In October canvas " series doing an elephant, crepuscular day words " , " series doing an elephant, day banquet " , " series doing an elephant, thirsty.9 " , " series doing an elephant, thirsty " , " series doing an elephant, day tear " with " an account in one's own words " one article is published;
In October canvas " series doing an elephant, crepuscular day words " , " series doing an elephant, day banquet " , " series doing an elephant, thirsty.9 " , " series doing an elephant, yearningly " , " series doing an elephant, day tear " wait for 26 work to be published in " ;
In November, an album of paintings " 21 centuries are outstanding the artist draws volume, He Jiancheng " publish by Jiangsu art publishing house;
12-22 is in center of Yang Zhiguang art to hold Piao of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to 2007-1-12 plan the first atelier " the sun 8 o'clock " work is exhibited;
December canvas " series doing an elephant, crepuscular day words " publish in " Guangzhou is literary " 2006.12;
December canvas " series doing an elephant, day banquet " , " series doing an elephant, day tear " work is published in " Chinese art gallery " magazine;
January canvas " series doing an elephant, crepuscular day words " , " series doing an elephant, day banquet " , " series doing an elephant, thirsty.9 " , " series doing an elephant, yearningly " , " series doing an elephant, day tear " wait for work by Jiangsu " pictorial section of a newspaper " . The 7th collect;
In January " He Jiancheng " an album of paintings is published;
1-16 comes 22 days " series of heaven and earth " 5 work attend to be held in memorial hall of father of Taiwan Taipei country " reframe with confluence " work of Chinese contemporary artist is exhibited, ginseng exhibit an artist: He Jiancheng, Chen Hai, Wang Wei is added, Deng Jian today, Che Jianquan and Zhang Saiyong. At the same time canvas " series doing an elephant, crepuscular day words " , " series doing an elephant, day banquet " , " series doing an elephant, thirsty.9 " , " series doing an elephant, thirsty " , " series doing an elephant, day tear " and " series doing an elephant, day;
1-18 is in to 1-29 day " Chinese art gallery " hold individual art exhibition " canvas work exhibits He Jiancheng " . Plan exhibits a person: Chen Lvsheng entrepreneur: Academy of fine arts of committee of art of Chinese artist association, Guangzhou;
"Chinese art gallery " hold individual art exhibition " canvas work exhibits He Jiancheng " ;
11.1-11.11 " He Jiancheng canvas " individual oil exhibition of paintings is in gallery of PICI of Korea head Er is held;
In November, " He Jiancheng canvas " gallery of PICI of Korea head Er is published;
Canvas work " series doing an elephant, the day is encountered " , " series doing an elephant, day door " reach essayist Wang Ruiting " the sincere feeling with contemplative secret life " publish in " Chinese art gallery " magazine the 11st period.
Guangdong south is defended inspect a 2 channel to broadcast " He Jiancheng special interview " two collect 20 minutes of programs;
Be in " artistic bound " dispatch " long " art " with long " art " " ;
Individual art exhibition is held in tank library " final question- - He Jiancheng work is exhibited " ;
Plan exhibits: On June 27, 2008 -- Guangzhou is atomic on July 26 dimensional gallery " be gorgeously dressed " canvas of 5 female artists is exhibited. Ginseng exhibit an artist: Chen Zijun, Zhang Xi, He Qilan, high-minded, Zhu Donghui 5;
Plan exhibits: " Austria - contemporary art is exhibited " beautiful house of beautiful courtyard of college town Guangzhou;
Plan exhibits: " Austria - contemporary art is exhibited " gallery of Beijing heart hill;
Dongguan " contemporary canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit " work is exhibited. 9 artists of the exhibition are gull ocean, Chen Jianzhong, Yang Yao, Cai Chufu, Li Jinming, Zhong Geng respectively slightly, Bao Zewei, He Jiancheng, Xie Xiangming;
09.18-09.28 " He Jiancheng work is exhibited " in tank library. Artistic now center holds Chongqing;
September, an album of paintings " He Jiancheng " by publishing house of art of art gallery, Sichuan is published now;
01.9-03.13 " He Jiancheng work is exhibited " in Austria cathedral holds Yaohannitegelici;
" Chinese artist is exhibited when acting art " exhibit in Austria 4 work and video;
Plan exhibits: In Yang Zhiguang art center holds Guangzhou art;
Courtyard oil is the first atelier " the sun 8 o'clock " the 2nd times work is exhibited;
Plan exhibits: " confide is balmy---10 beautiful art exhibition " Guangzhou artistic museum. The 10 belles painter that this second ginseng exhibits has: High-minded, Shao Xue, Zhu Donghui, Sun Jia comes back (Sun Xuemei) , Liu Ling, Yang Shuai, Liang Mingming, He Qilan, Li Sa, Zhou Qinshan, the exhibition exhibits in all their work more than 60. ;
Plan is exhibited " contemporary and contemporary art is exhibited after Guangdong " ;
2010-1-11 to 2010-2-5 dimensional work exhibits 3 lines craft, guangzhou Italy consulate (plan is exhibited) ;
In March, an album of paintings " He Jiancheng " publish by Hunan art publishing house;
04-19 runs department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts in art gallery of town of college of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to 04-28;
The first atelier " the sun 8 o'clock " the 3rd times creation is exhibited (plan is exhibited) ;

