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海南海口人。中国美术家协会会员,中国水彩画家协会会员,海南省美术家协会副主席,学术委员会主任,海南省青年美协名誉主席,海口美术家协会副主席,海南大学艺术学院教授,硕士生导师。作品多次参加国内外美术展览,其中十几次由国家文明 部和中国美协主办的展览,作品曾获全国美术展览水彩、粉画展铜奖,曾前后 六次获优秀奖,《南洋遗韵——海口老街》获第八届全国水彩、粉画展优秀奖;部分作品被国内外收藏。多幅作品发表在《美术》、《中国艺术家》、《世界知识画报》、《美术报》、《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《中国艺术报》、等专业报刊。1988、1995、2008年在四川、海口和法国巴黎举办个人画展。出版《王家儒作品选》、《中国书画百杰王家儒作品选》、《中国当代美术家王家儒作品集》.?《海南书法美术》专集。

Introduction to the artist

Person of Hainan big talk. Chinese artist academician, academician of Chinese watercolour painter, hainan saves artist association vice-chairman, academic committee chairman, hainan saves young beauty assist honorary president, vice-chairman of association of big talk artist, the institute teachs Hainan university art, the Master lays a teacher. Work enters exhibition of domestic and international art for many times, mix ten times by national culture ministry among them China is beautiful assist sponsorred exhibition, work ever obtained countrywide art to show reward of copper of art exhibition of watercolour, pink, ever won outstanding award 6 times early or late, " charm of southern Asia involuntary discharge of urine -- big talk old street " obtain art exhibition of watercolour of the 8th whole nation, pink outstanding award; Partial work is collected domestic and internationally. Many work is published in " art " , " Chinese artist " , " world knowledge pictorial " , " art signs up for " , " People's Daily " , " bright daily " , " Chinese art signs up for " , wait for professional the press. 1988, 1995, individual art exhibition was held in Sichuan, big talk and French Paris 2008. Publish " Wang Jiaru work is chosen " , " Chinese book draw 100 outstanding king domestic scholar work is chosen " , " collect of work of Wang Jiaru of Chinese contemporary artist " . ? " Hainan calligraphy art " only collect.

