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宁波镇海人,1952年生于上海。毕业于安徽师范大学艺术系、上海师范大学美术系,结业于南京艺术学院美术系高研班。现为中国美术家协会会员、国家1 级美术师、江苏省国画院特聘画家、江苏省文联十九山雕塑院副院长、南京市美术家协会理事、南京书画院特聘画师、上海梅山书画院常务副院长。
参与绘制的《经营谋略》获中宣部“5 个1 ”工程奖
2003年《似玉年华》获《江苏省庆祝建国5 十四周年美术作品展》金奖
历年来在《美术》、《美术研讨 》、《中国画家》、《书画艺术》、《书与画》、《连环画报》、《中国连环画》等专业杂志发表过大量美术作品及多篇论文。出版有《炎黄源流》等几十部图书,其中参与创作的《中国古代经营谋略图书》获中宣部“5 个1 ”工程奖。作品还辑入《中国体育美术作品选——第四集》、《江苏美术5 十年》、《南京5 十年美术作品选》、《?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/2/9582.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>赵芳ぁ贰ⅰ洞视牖?mdash;—唐宋词三百首》、《曲与画——元曲三百首》、《文与画——古文三百首》、《`99澳门回归——中国名家书画集》、《当代著名中国画百家集》、《中国画名家作品集》等大型画集。

Introduction to the artist

Ning Bo presses down sea person, was born at Shanghai 1952. Be graduated from art of Normal University of faculty of art of Anhui Normal University, Shanghai is, complete a course grinds high at faculty of art of Nanjing artistic institute class. It is Chinese artist academician, country now courtyard of traditional Chinese painting of division of one class art, Jiangsu province hires painter, Jiangsu to save article couplet especially courtyard of painting and calligraphy of director of association of artist of city of assistant dean of courtyard of 19 hill sculpture, Nanjing, Nanjing hires painter, Shanghai especially Mei Shan.
1989 " Confucianism forest outside history " selected " art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited "
1994 " official circles reveal one's true features is written down " selected " art of the 8th whole nation is exhibited "
Participate in scale " management ruse " obtain a China Communist News Ministry " 5 one " project award
1997 " skill in various types of combat " obtain " beauty of sports of the 4th China is exhibited " third class award,
1998 " bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration " obtain " section of first Jiangsu art " cupreous award
1999 " bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration " selected " art of 9 whole nations is exhibited "
" with happy " obtain " work of art of Shanghai times elegant demeanour is exhibited " award of an excellent work
2003 " the time that be like jade " obtain " Jiangsu province is celebrated found a state 54 years art work is exhibited " gold prize
2004 " affection of leisurely traditional stringed and woodwind instrument " selected " high-quality goods of academician of first China artist is exhibited "
2005 " the time that be like jade " selected " high-quality goods of academician of artist of the 2nd China is exhibited "
2005 " billow the Yangtse River east die water " selected " itinerate of international of work of Chinese picture a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited "
Calendar year will be in " art " , " art studies " , " Chinese painter " , " painting and calligraphy is artistic " , " book and picture " , " comic signs up for " , " Chinese comic " wait for professional magazine to had published many art work and. Publish have " phlogistic yellow headstream " wait for a few books, share creative work among them " books of management ruse of Chinese ancient time " obtain a China Communist News Ministry " 5 one " project award. Work returns collect to enter " work of Chinese sports art is chosen -- the 4th collect " , " Jiangsu art 50 years " , " 50 years of art work of Nanjing are chosen " , " collect of art and literary circles is gotten the better of " , " word and picture -- the Tang Dynasty Song Ci 300.
Some closer year will design " Xing Guoyuan " , " the story of rabbi of Tang Xuan big and thick " wait for anaglyph to reach those who grow 130 meters " the Grant Canal " anaglyph and " Liu Yong " wait for work of number honour sculpture, spend stage beauty spot to make lapidarian work for Nanjing rain on invitation 12, read river building beauty spot to make carved stone for Nanjing 10.
Work " spring " , " charm " be collected by Jiangsu province art gallery, " the character is sketchy " be collected by Nanjing artistic institute. Ever saved art gallery to had held individual art exhibition in Jiangsu. Publish have " Zhu Xinlong draws volume " , " Zhu Xinlong's character draws special " , " Gu Yun aspirations -- world of Chinese ink of Zhu Xinlong water " , " collect of Zhu Xinlong work " .

