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梁丹雯:女,1963年出生于福州。在福建师大美术系毕业后又前后 深造于中国美术学院国画系和北京画院。现为福建省美协会员、福州画院特聘画家。梁丹雯的画在吸收张大千先生泼彩山水法的基础上大胆探索,构成 本身 的绘画言语 ,并在传统中国画中寻觅 新的跨越和突破,由此,她的1 幅瓶花可以画得云山雾罩、紫气东来,1 只飞禽,可以穿过太古洪荒,混沌鸿蒙。从而大大拓展了视众的联想力和视角空间。2002年梁丹雯的水彩画《鲤鱼洲之晨》入选“第八届全国水彩画大展——写生精品展”,并出版有《梁丹雯画集》。

Introduction to the artist

Liang Danwen: Female, was born in Fuzhou 1963. In Fujian division large painting fastens graduation hind to take advanced courses to be mixed at department of traditional Chinese painting of Chinese academy of fine arts early or late again Beijing imperial art academy. Imperial art academy of the member that it is Fujian Province beautiful association now, Fuzhou hires an artist especially. Liang Danwen's picture is absorbing magnify on the foundation that 1000 gentlemen spill colour landscape law bold exploration, fashion oneself pictorial language, search in the traditional Chinese painting in the tradition span newly and break through, from this, the flower can draw her bottle Yun Shan is mist cover, violetly to enrage east come, a fowl, can cross remote antiquity Hong Huang, muddleheaded grand is unconscious. Extended greatly thereby inspect associate numerously force and perspective space. 2002 Liang Danwen's aquarelle " the morning of carp continent " selected " aquarelle of the 8th whole nation is exhibited greatly -- sketchy high-quality goods is exhibited " , publish have " Liang Danwen draws volume " .

