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王大仁(1934.8—)安徽芜湖人。擅长水彩画。1955年入山东师范学院艺术系美术专业学习,毕业后到安徽省芜湖市至今。1 级美术师。曾任宣城地区文联教师、秘书长、副主席,安徽省水彩画研讨 会会长。作品获第二届全国水彩、粉画展优秀奖,全国科普二等奖。
他是当今宣城画坛元老级人物,功成名就却仍然 勤耕不辍。比来 开展的“徽风三人行画展”,更展现 了这个艺术之家的独特魅力。他萧洒 流畅的笔风,诚挚爱恋的情绪,清新幽远的意趣,优秀传统的水墨精神是足以令人过目难忘的。
现为安徽省宣城地区文联副主席,宣城市美术家协会名誉主席,中国美术家协会会员,中国水彩画家协会理事,安徽省水彩水粉画研讨 会会长。辞条辑入《中国当代美术家人名录》、《中国古代 美术家人名大辞典》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》等。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Daren (1934.8, ) person of lake of Anhui overgrown with weeds. Be good at aquarelle. Fastened art major to learn into art of institute of Shandong normal school 1955, lake city overs grown with weeds to the Anhui province after graduation up to now. Division of one class art. Ever held the post of teacher of couplet of article of announce city district, secretary-general, vice-chairman, chairman of seminar of aquarelle of the Anhui province. Work obtains art exhibition of watercolour of the 2nd whole nation, pink outstanding award, countrywide popular science is second-class award.
He is figure of level of patriarch of altar of picture of current announce city, render outstanding service and be famous still does not stop frequently n cultivated land however. Begin recently " badge wind art exhibition of 3 people travel " , more the distinctive glamour that showed this artistic home. His cheesy and fluent pen wind, love the mood that love cordially, pure and fresh deep and remote far interest, enough makes the mind of water Chinese ink of outstanding tradition person look over is unforgettable.
It is vice-chairman of couplet of article of district of city of announce of the Anhui province now, honorary president of association of announce city artist, chinese artist academician, director of association of Chinese watercolour painter, chairman of seminar of gouache of watercolour of the Anhui province. Demit collect is entered " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " , " big dictionary of name of family of Chinese modern art " , " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " etc. 

