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张大千 - 银座首拍赏析:张大千《峨眉山忆游》

2022-04-28 13:09:11




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张大千(1899年—1983年),1899年(光绪二十5 年己亥)5月10日,出生在四川省内江县城郊安良里象鼻嘴堰塘湾的1 个书香世家。原名张正权,别名 爰,字季爰,号大千,别号大千居士。后由于 出家为僧,法号大千,所以世人也称其为“大千居士”。
张大千是二十世纪中国画坛影响巨大,又最为传奇的国画大师,在绘画、书法、篆刻、诗词方面都有必然 成就 。初期 专心研习古人书画,特别在山水画实践和理论方面颇有建树。后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为1 体,特别 是开创泼墨与泼彩,发展了中国画新的艺术风格。由于其技法独到,创立了名闻的大风堂画派,俗称“大千画派”。


张大千1 辈是第十世,属“正”字辈。 张正兰别名 泽,因他与长子是双胞胎,故取字善孖,后改称善子。张善子生于1882年7月12日(清光绪八年5 月二十七日)。由于家中长子早夭,他在家里的地位相当于老大,说话颇有份量,对张大千的影响也最大。
从艺术的角度来说,没有张善子,就没有张大千。或许就是在这个时候张善子发现了大千出色 的绘画天赋和才能,对张大千关怀备至,所需金石书画及参考材料 莫不搜求以供,并经常指导 书画之道,使张大千获益良多。
1919年,张大千从日本京都公平学校归国,向父母提出要到上海拜师学习书画,父母反对。在这个决定张大千今后命运的关键时刻,张善子站到了弟弟1 边,支持他到书画家荟萃的上海拜师。“张善子对其弟的支持,还表如今 不断地携带当时还名不见经传的八弟出入上海滩上的文人雅集,利用各种场合,把八弟举荐 给艺苑前辈名流,诸如陈散原,傅增湘,黄宾虹齐白石,柳亚子,叶恭绰,谢玉岑,郎静山等等,张大千都是通过张善子的举荐 而得以结识的。”
张大千在上海很快就能露出头角,与这些艺苑前辈名流的提携分不开。 张善子在中国画坛上也是个很有成就的画家。
张大千终身 弟子上百,有次要 影响的有:曹大铁、何海霞胡爽庵俞致贞刘力上、胡若思慕凌飞、糜耕云、梁树年、汪德祖、吴青霞、厉国香、龙国屏黄独峰王康乐、胡力、王永年等人,其中,曹大铁是张大千弟子中绘画水平最高的1 个。蒋介石夫人宋美龄也拜张大千为师学画。


张大千的绘画风格,经历“师古”、“师自然”、“师心”的三阶段:40岁前“以古人为师”,40岁至60岁之间以自然为师,60岁后以心为师。早年遍临古代大师名迹,从石涛八大山人徐渭、郭淳以致 宋元诸家乃至敦煌壁画,所画作品外型 比较精确 ,但其中缺少1 些意境,这应是他的缺点。60岁后在传统笔墨基础上,受东方 古代 绘画抽象表现主义的启发,独创泼彩画法。
张善子张大千和昆仲共同创建了大千画派,它是中国综合性绘画流派之1 。二十世纪20年代,张善子张大千在上海西门路西成里“大风堂”开堂收徒,传道授艺,所有弟子们皆被称为“大风堂门人”。它是1 个有别于“长安画派”、“
海上画派”、“京津画派”等独一 不墨泼彩等画法,大风堂画派的画风都呈现出百花齐放的景象,是1 支生生不息、代代传承的中国画画派。


1899年    已亥
农历四月初1 (5月10日)生于四川内江。父怀忠,母曾氏友贞,兄弟十人,另有1 姐。行八,乳名小八,名正权,别名 权。
1904年    甲辰  6岁
1905年    已巳  7岁
1907年    丁末    9岁
1911年    辛亥    13岁
1914年    甲寅    16岁
1916年    丙辰    18岁
1917年    丁巳    19岁
1918年    戊午    20岁
1919年    已未    21岁
1920年    庚申    22岁
作《次回先生诗意图》,署名啼鹃。啼鹃是张大千早年署名之1 。
1921年    辛酉    23岁
春,借寓上海李薇庄宅。与李秋君定交。秋君名祖云,别号瓯湘馆主。在三师叔(李筠庵)的影响下,开始临仿石涛画迹,仿石涛册页1 开,瞒过前辈画师黄宾虹
1922年    壬戌    24岁
是年,作北魏《张玄墓志》集联,有四言、5 言、六言、七言、八言凡数十联。
1923年    癸亥    25岁
1924年    甲子    26岁
1925年    乙丑    27岁
在上海宁波同乡会举办首次画展,由李秋君掌管 。展品100幅,每幅20大洋,购画者一概 编号抽签取画。
1926年    丙寅    28岁
1927年    丁卯    29岁
临曾熙所藏《石涛小像》,曾师为之题跋。应张群函购,前后 仿作石涛、金冬心笔意山水扇面两帧。与善孖首次游黄山,时黄山尚未开发,出资雇民工开路导引。参加“寒之友”画会,会友有于右任何香凝经亨颐陈树人黄宾虹等。秋,应日本友人之邀赴汉城游金刚山。与韩国姑娘池春红定情。
1928年    戊辰    30岁
1929年    乙巳    31岁
春,汉城返沪。《蜀中三张画册》出版(三张者,张善孖张大千及九弟张君绶)。被聘全国美展干事会员,与叶恭绰定交,同时结识徐悲鸿。出席全国第1 届美展,作三十自画像,遍征上海名家题咏。
1930年    庚午    32岁
1931年    辛未    33岁
1932年     壬申    34岁
1933年    癸酉    35岁
春节,邀章太炎、叶恭绰陈石遗、李印泉等前辈欢聚网师园。徐悲鸿组织“中国近代绘画展览”赴法展出,内有张大千所作《金荷》1 幅,被法国政府收购。
1934年    甲戌    36岁
与善孖北上。客居听鹂馆,馆内有“蝴蝶会”之举,预会 者有王梦白、于非闇、何亚农、汤尔和等人。9月9日,中山公园举办“正社画展”,内有他的作品40件。与善孖同游华山。张善孖叶恭绰加入“正社”。冬,纳天桥京韵大鼓艺人杨宛君(艺名花秀舫)为三夫人。
1935年    乙亥    37岁
徐悲鸿之聘,任地方 大学艺术科教授。南京举办“张大千画展”。与徐悲鸿谢稚柳及中大艺术科先生 同上黄山。母曾友贞病逝郎溪。在网师园设宴接待 叶浅予等参加全国第1 届漫画博览会 的成员。“张大千、方介堪于非闇书画篆刻联展”在北平举行。《张大千画集》由上海中华书局出版。“济贫合作画展”在北平展出。
1937年    丁丑    39岁
“第二次全国美展”在南京举行,任审查委员。与谢稚柳于非闇黄君壁方介堪同游雁荡山,合作《雁荡山色图》,方介堪刻“东东北 北人”印。七·七卢沟桥事变,困居北平。应故宫文物陈列所之聘,任国画研讨 班导师。
1938年    戊寅    40岁
驻北平日本司令部多次派汉奸劝张大千出任伪职,张氏推诿不从,化装逃出北平,展转 上海、香港,入桂林途中会见徐悲鸿。隐居青城山上清宫。
1939年    已卯    41岁
黄君壁、张目寒同游剑门。为张目寒作《蜀山秦树图卷》。应黄君壁之邀同游峨眉,作《峨眉金顶合掌图》赠君壁。前后 在成都、重庆举办画展。
1940年    庚辰    42岁
1941年    辛巳    43岁
重庆画展。前后 出席成都“黄君壁画展”、“关山月画展”开幕式,并重金订购画作,以示庆祝 。携杨宛君、张心智北上兰州。敦煌途中,结识陇中画家范振绪。在范振绪陪同下抵达敦煌,留敦煌临摹壁画。为莫高窟编号。访榆林窟,临摹壁画,年底离榆林窟,赴青海西宁。
1942年    壬午    44岁
率心智赴塔尔寺访藏画师,请教大幅画布制造 工艺。携带5 名藏画师返敦煌继续临摹壁画。与东南 文物考察团王子云等人相识。致函谢稚柳前来相助。岁末与谢稚柳及子侄门人离莫高窟赴千佛洞考察,并为之编号。
1943年    癸未    45岁
敦煌艺术研讨 所筹备委员会在兰州召开会议。筹委会主任常书鸿抵达敦煌。5月1日,离莫高窟赴榆林窟,在榆林窟临摹月余。8月,“张大千临摹敦煌壁画展览”在兰州首展。11月,返回成都,敦煌之行前后历时两年七个月。
1944年    甲申    46岁
“张大千临摹敦煌壁画展览”前后 在成都、重庆展出。展品44幅。“张大千收藏古书画展览”在成都展出。夏日居青城山潜心作画。9月,率门人子侄二游峨眉。岁末在成都举办近作展。
1945年    乙酉    47岁
1946年    丙戌    48岁
以巨资购得《江堤晚景图》,宋人《溪山无尽图》,宋张即之《杜律二首》等历代名人字画。溥心畲、谢稚柳、吴湖帆前后 为无款《江堤晚景图》题跋。三上峨眉,作丈二匹山水《峨眉三顶》、《短命 山势图》赴沪举办“张大千画展”。岁末由沪赴平,作《九歌图卷》、《文会图》等。以《四季花卉》、《墨笔山水》前后 参加赛那奇博物馆、巴黎古代 美术博物馆举办的“中国画展览”。
1947年    丁亥    49岁
《张大千临摹敦煌壁画》(第1 集)在上海彩印出版。“大风堂门人画展”在上海展出。《张大千画作展》在上海展出。与杨孝慈同游西康,写生多幅,并作《西康游记》纪游诗12首。在成都举办“康巴西游纪行画展”。《西康游屐》、《大千居士近作》相继在上海出版。
1948年    戊子    50岁
在沪举办画展,展品多系工笔重彩。编印《大风堂同门录》。敦煌参议员郭永禄在甘肃省1 届六次参议会上发难,责备 张大千破坏敦煌千佛洞壁画。十名参议员联名附议要求“严办”。《东南 日报》以《张大千何如人也》为题,披露常书鸿、窦景桩(前敦煌艺术研讨 所筹备委员)为张大千辩诬声明与讲话。偕四夫人徐雯波赴港,举办画展。
1949年    已丑    51岁
甘肃省1 届七次参议会作出“张大千在千佛洞无毁壁画事”的结论,但未公诸于世。
应印度美术学会约请 拟赴印画展,并顺道考察阿坚塔壁画。10月,赴台举办首次个人展。11月下旬,搭军用飞机返蓉。12月6日,携徐雯波乘军用飞机离蓉飞台。
1950年    庚寅    52岁
1951年    辛卯    53岁
1952年    壬辰    54岁
1953年    癸巳    55岁
赴美访友,王季迁、张孟休、汪亚尘等人陪同,参观波士顿美术博物馆,旅游 尼加拉瀑布。返台举办画展,结识日本山田小姐,并聘为驻日秘书。参加纽约市立京学院举办“当代中国画展览”。
1954年     甲午   56岁
迁居巴西圣保罗市。赴港举办画展,展品中有《美国尼加拉瀑布图》,甚得观众赞美 。赠画12幅给巴黎市政厅收藏。
1955年     乙未   57岁
1956年     丙申  58岁
毕加索会晤,在法国尼斯港的“加尼福里尼”别墅。观画谈艺,互赠作品。东方 报纸将这次会晤誉为“艺术界的高峰会议”、“中西艺术史上值得纪念的年代”。首次旅欧,观赏东方 艺术和山川风光。在巴黎期间,会见常玉赵无极潘玉良等华裔艺术家。
1957年     戊戌   59岁
患目疾,回八德园静养,服药疗疾之余,仍挥笔题诗作画,细笔改粗笔,力图变法。为张群影印出版《石涛十二通景屏》作序。巴黎展出《秋海棠》,荣获纽约“国际艺术协会”金奖,选为“当代世界第1 大画家”。在圣保罗市举办画展,威震巴西。
1959年     己亥   61岁
台北国立历史博物馆首次举办“张大千先生国画展”,次要 展品为临摹敦煌壁画。作《故宫名画读书记》。赴法旅欧。法国国家博物馆成立永世 性“中国画展览”,以作品12幅参加开幕展。
1960年     庚子   62岁
1961年   辛丑   63岁
日内瓦画展。赴日参加“郎静山摄影展”。新作巨幅《荷花》在巴黎赛那奇博物馆特展,纽约古代 博物馆购藏。圣保罗近作展。继续创作《瀑布》,《罗浮飞云顶晓日》等泼墨山水。
1962年   壬寅   64岁
1963年   癸卯   65岁
1964年   甲辰   66岁
曼谷、科隆画展。回台北访张学良,谒阳明山溥心畲、赵守钰墓。以泼墨泼彩法作《深谷 图》,自谓“这样画可顺手推舟 ,取其自然,得其天趣”。
1965年   乙巳   67岁
伦敦画展。作大泼墨山水《山园骤雨》、《秋山图》。自谓“这次要 是从唐代王洽、宋代米、梁楷的泼墨法发展出来。只是吸收了西洋画的1 点儿明暗处理手法而已”。
1966年   丙午   68岁
圣保罗画展。香港画展。赴香港访友。据门人林建同说,此次香港之行,甚有启发,其后“风格 大变,泼墨泼彩,大行其道”。
1967年   丁未   69岁
美国史丹福大学博物馆,卡米尔莱克美术馆前后 举办张氏近作展。台北国立历史博物馆主办近作展。为张群八十初度精心绘制四屏通景《蜀中四天下》图,又为张目寒六十八寿辰绘制山水人物图。是年泼彩作品甚多,有《朝暾》、《雨过岚新》、《山雨欲来》。香港东方学会出版《张大千画集》。
1968年   戊辰   70岁
纽约福兰克加禄美术馆、芝加哥毛里美术馆、波士顿亚尔伯——兰敦美术馆分别举办张大千画展。在史丹福大学讲演中国画艺术。返台,接受台北《时报》记者谢家孝采访月余,谢以口述体撰写《张大千世界》,4月,由该报出版发行。四5 月间为贺张群八十寿辰,积十日之功精心绘制《长江万里图》,7月,台北历史博物馆举行“长江万里图特展”。11月,以敦煌壁画摹本62幅捐赠台湾故宫博物馆。
1969年   己酉   71岁
赴旧金山治眼疾 ,与旅美老友侯北人、张孟休等度春节。返八德园作《杏花春雨图》赠侯北人;《泼彩青绿雪景》赠张孟休。黄君壁访八德园。由巴西迁美国卡米尔城“可以居”。洛杉矶考威美术馆展。纽约文明 中心展。纽约圣约翰大学展,纽约福兰克加禄美术馆再展。波士顿亚尔伯——兰敦美术馆现展。
1970年   庚戌   72岁
1971年   辛亥   73岁
1972年   壬子   74岁
1973年   癸丑   75岁
与旅美老友王天循共度除夕 、春节。洛杉矶恩克伦美术馆近作展。台北历史博物馆收藏捐赠历年创作108幅,颁赠纪念状,并举办“张大千先生创作国画回顾展”(即40年回顾展)。台北历史博物馆出版《张大千画集》。
1974年   甲寅   76岁
香港大会堂画展,台北历史博物馆与“日本民族协会”共同掌管 东京地方 美术馆“张大千画展”。应美国旧金山版画制造 中心之约,创作了两套石版画,被提名为“驰名世界的张大千”和“张大千抽象 ”。作根雕假山、八面观音寄赠大陆篆刻家陈巨来。
1975年   乙卯   77岁
应叶公超之约,为其辑《叶遐庵先生书画集》作序。以80幅精品参加台北历史博物馆举办“中西名家画展”。应约撰写《毕加索早期 创作展序》。该馆举办“张大千初期 作品展”,又以60幅作品参加在汉城举办的当代画展。
1976年   丙辰   78岁
举家移居台北。台北历史博物馆举办“张大千先生归国画展”,台湾教育部颁赠“艺坛宗师”匾额。台湾电影界人士吴树勋以退休金公费 拍摄《张大千绘画艺术》记录影片。台北历史博物馆出版《张大千全集 》。
1977年   丁巳   79岁
历时5年所编的《清湘老人书画编年》在港出版。将老友陈巨来历年为之所刻的印章,汇编成《安持精舍印谱》在日本出版,并为作序。台及第 办近作展。在外双溪筹建“摩耶精舍”。《大风堂名迹》(四册)在台重版 。
1978年   戊午   80岁
高雄画展。台南画展。汉城画展。“摩耶精舍”落成,喜迁新居。出席亚太地区博物馆会议,讲演《论敦煌壁画艺术》。作《明末四僧画展序》,《大风堂名迹重版 叙言 》。
1979年   己未   81岁
以40幅佳作参加香港中国文明 协会举办的中国古代 画坛三杰作品展览(三杰为张大千、溥心畲、黄君壁)。请友人、律师见证,预立遗言 。
1980年   庚申   82岁
春节期间,台北历史博物馆举办“张大千书画展”。3月,新加坡国立博物馆举办《中国古代 画坛三杰作品展览》。应旅日华人李海天、黄天才之约,拟作巨幅《庐山图》(高1.8米,长10米)。台北出版《张大千书画集》1 二集出版。
四川出版《张大千画辑》1 二三辑。
1981年   辛酉   83岁
1982年   壬戌   84岁
元月,台北举行“傅抱石、徐悲鸿、张大千水墨彩色画展”。香港集古斋举办“张大千画展”。2月,“张善子先生百年诞辰纪念画展”在台展出。4月,《张大千书画集》第三集出版。全力绘制《庐山图》,劳累过度,两次住进台北荣民总病院 。
1983年   癸亥   85岁
元月,台湾国立博物馆举办“张大千书画展”。同时举办尚未最初 完成的《庐山图》特展。赵无极赴台探视。3月8日,《张大千书画集》第四集出版,为大陆友人门生题赠画集12册。心脏病复发,治疗 有效 ,于4月2日病逝。


张大千是全能型画家,其创作达“包众体之长,兼南北二宗之富丽”,集文人画、作家画、宫廷画和民间艺术为1 体。于中国画人物、山水、花鸟、鱼虫、飞禽 ,工笔、无所不能,无1 不精。诗文真率豪放,书法
张大千是二十世纪中国画坛最具传奇色彩的国画大师,不管 是绘画、书法、篆刻、诗词都一窍不通 。初期 专心研习古人书画,特别在山水画方面卓有成就。后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为1 体,特别 是泼墨与泼彩,开创了新的艺术风格。他的治学方法,值得那些试图从传统走向古代 的画家们借鉴。 [10-11]
在20世纪的中国画家中,张大千无疑是其中的佼佼者,画意境清丽雅逸。”他才力、学养过人,于山水、人物、花卉、仕女、翎毛无所不擅,特别是在山水画方面具有特殊的贡献:他和当时许多画家担负起对清初盛行的正统派复兴的责任,也就是继承了唐、宋、元画家的传统,使得自乾隆以后 衰弱的正统派得到中兴。


张大千纪念馆是1 座由私人创办的纪念馆,位于四川省内江市东桐路圆顶山,为纪念国画家张大千而建。纪念馆东临西林开发区;西与内江师范学院等高、中等学校相邻;南俯沱江;北为浅丘田园风光。地貌为1 狭长之小山丘陵。东西长约40米,南北宽约75米

English Introduction

Zhang Daqian (1899 - 1983), 1899 (twenty-five years Guangxu Ji HAI) in May 10th, was born in the suburbs of Neijiang County of Sichuan Province in a literary family Anliang xiangbizui Yan Tang wan. Formerly known as Zhang Zhengquan, also known as the yuan, the word quarter yuan, Chang, Chang, alias. Because as a monk, fahao Daqian, so people also called "chang".
Zhang Daqian is the twentieth Century China painting a huge impact, but also the most legendary master of Chinese painting, has certain attainments in calligraphy, painting, sculpture, poetry. Early concentrate on studying ancient painting and calligraphy, especially in landscape painting practice and theoretical achievements. After living abroad, work style and writing with ink and color blend, especially a splash of color and ink painting, the development of China new artistic style. Because of its unique techniques, created the famous painting, commonly known as "Daqian painting".

Family relationship
Zhang Daqian is the tenth generation of the world, is a "positive" zibei. Zhang Zhenglan aka Ze, because he is the eldest son and the twins, so take the word of good margin, later renamed the good son. Zhang Shanzi was born in July 12, 1882 (Guangxu eight May 27th). As the eldest son died, his position at home is equivalent to the boss, talk quite weighty influence on Zhang Daqian is also the largest.
From the artistic point of view, there is no Zhang Shanzi, no chang. Perhaps this is when Zhang Shanzi discovered Daqian outstanding painting talent and ability, Zhang Daqian needed to show the utmost solicitude of painting and calligraphy, and reference for everyone to, and often pointing painting, Zhang Daqian benefited.
In 1919, Zhang Daqian from the Kyoto School fair returned to Shanghai, put forward to learn calligraphy and painting to parents, parents. In this critical moment Zhang Daqian decided the future destiny, Zhang Shanzi stood to the side to support his brother, and a Shanghai apprentice. "Zhang Shanzi support for his brother, but also in constantly carrying at eight brother unknown entry the literati Gallery in Shanghai, the use of a variety of occasions, the eight brother introduced to senior art celebrities, such as Chen Sanyuan, Fu Zengxiang, Huang Binhong, Qi Baishi, Liu Yazi, Ye Gongchuo, Xie Yucen, Lang Jingshan, Zhang Daqian are by Zhang Shanzi recommended to meet."
Zhang Daqian in Shanghai will soon be able to show up, inseparable and help these celebrities Yiyuan predecessors. Zhang Shanzi in the China painting is also a very successful artist.
Disciple under the door
Zhang Daqian's disciples hundreds, are the main affecting factors are: Cao Datie, He Haixia, Hu Shuangan, Yu Zhizhen, Liu Li, Hu Ruosi, Mu Lingfei, Liang Shunian, Wang Dezu, Gengyun MI, Wu Qingxia, Li Guoxiang, Long Guoping, Wang Kangle, Hu Li, d.bulbifera Feng, Wang Yongnian and others, among them, Cao Datie is the highest level of painting a disciple of Zhang Daqian. Mrs. Jiang Jieshi Song Meiling worship Zhang Daqian as a teacher to study painting.
Zhang Daqian and the disciple is also considerable, the more influential are: Cao Gongdu, Li Bailin, Chen Mowu, Yang Zhensheng, Yang Zhenlin, Ge Maozhu, Liu Qifu, Liu Liqun, He Jiming, Ge Maotong, Meng Qingli, Wu Sikun, Nie Zhenwen, Lv Gang, Yao Danping, Jiang Hongquan, An Yun, Yang Chunlei, Zhang Shiceng, Ji, Bao Weidong, Zhao Kai, et al.

Zhang Daqian's style of painting, through the "old master", "natural division", "division heart" in three stages: before the age of 40 "by the ancient people, between 40 and 60 years old learn from nature, after the age of 60 in the heart of the teacher. Early times near the ancient masters track, from Shi Tao, to Xu Wei, Guo Chun and Badashanren and he and the Dunhuang murals, paintings more accurate modeling, but the lack of artistic conception, this is his weakness. After 60 years in the traditional painting, inspired by the western modern painting abstract expressionism, the original poured paintings.
Zhang Shanzi, Zhang Daqian and brothers together to create it is one of the Chinese Daqian school, comprehensive school of painting. In twentieth Century 20s, Zhang Shanzi and Zhang Daqian in Shanghai Lu Xi Cheng "Simon hall kaitang Shoutu, preaching Shouyi, all the disciples have called" the hall door". It is a different from the "School of Changan","
School of Shanghai "," Beijing school "is not only the ink splash of color such as painting, painting style of the show is a All flowers bloom together. scene, from generation to generation China life and growth in nature painting school.

1899 Ohio
The 1th day of the fourth month of the Chinese lunar calendar (born in Sichuan, Neijiang) in May 10th. Father Huai Zhong, mother had Shiyou Zhen, ten brothers, and a sister. For eight, eight are right, was small, also known as the right.
In 1904, 6 year old Chen
Read from sister Qiong, read "Three Character Classic" enlightenment books etc..
In 1905 7 "
From the practice of Mahone words, read "1000 poems".
1907 end 9 years old
With her sister from the master of painting, the mother had Shishan painted folk paper-cut flowers.
1911 Xinhai 13
Neijiang Catholic evangelical school (Huamei elementary school), September.
In 1914 16 Jiayin
At the Chongqing middle school to Jiangjin high school after refinement.
The 18 year old Chinese calendar 1916
The summer vacation and students walking back to Neijiang by way of the kidnapping, forced by the touts, hundred days off the bandits' den. In winter, and cousin Xie Shunhua engagement.
In 1917 19 Dingsi
Japan, Kyoto School in learning and fair. When brother Zhang Shanzi in Japan.
In 1918 20 skelgas
The smell of his fiancee Xie Shunhua died, from Japan to Shanghai, want to go to Neijiang to mourn, because bingluan, traffic jam, Fengshan twin elder brother, returning to Japan, to continue their studies.
1919 has not yet 21 years old
In summer, the completion of their studies, by Japanese fanhu. Autumn, thanks to Shanghai calligrapher Ceng Xi, Li Ruiqing as a teacher. Cengxi take their name in the word, in the season. Read fiancee Xie Shunhua died in Songjiang to become a monk meditation temple. Yi Lin learned Abbot master, Farmington daqian. After March to.
22 1920 Gengshen
Spring back, Sichuan and Ceng Zhengrong get married. After marriage to shanghai. In September 12th of the same year, Li Ruiqing died at the age of 54.
"As time back to Mr. poetic map", signed a cuckoo. Zhang Daqian is one of the early signature cuckoo.
In 1921 at the age of 23 years
By spring, Li Wei Shanghai residential apartments. And Li Qiujun. Autumn royal name Zuyun, alias Ou Hunan museum. In three uncle (Li Yunan) under the influence of his painting began to copy his album a trace of imitation, from senior painter Huang Binhong.
In 1922 24, renxu
For the year, "Zhang Xuan epitaph" sets, four words and five words, six words, seven words, eight words for dozens of joint.
In 1923 25 gyehae
Zhang Huaizhong and his wife moved from Neijiang Jiangsu Songjiang family rate in Huating county. And the king will pay Geyi.
In 1924 at the age of 26 years
Spring, good margin was transferred to Beijing, President of the conference office. Beijing with brothers first, and Wang Shensheng will pay. Imitation gold Dongxin and Shi Tao, eight, Jiang Fan Wang Shensheng donated four frames. Father Zhang Huaizhong died in Songjiang. Autumn, was invited to attend the Shanghai literati Gallery "autumn", with Changzhou poet Xie Yuqin and Shanghai painter Zheng Manqing, and Xie Yuqin became friends.
In 1925, he was 27 years old
In the Shanghai Ningbo Association held the first exhibition, hosted by Li Qiujun. Exhibits 100, each of the 20 oceans, the purchase will be numbered draw draw.
In 1926 of the 28 year old
The 21 months he should be told the public, Zhou Dream, is the concubine as a cuckoo like signature line abram. March 21st, Shanghai "Declaration" published "Zhang Jiyuan sell painting" revelation. Midsummer, met Wenzhou Ji seal in cengxi Jia Fang Kai kan.
In 1927, 29 year old Ding Mao
Lin cengxi hidden "Tao" Figurine, inscriptions worked for. Should a mail order group, Shi Tao, Dongxin Italy has imitated gold landscape fan frame two. With good margin for the first time tour of Mount Huangshan, Mount Huangshan has not yet developed, employed workers open investment guidance. In the "cold" friend of the painting, Yu Youren, He Ningxiang, friends of Jing Hengyi, Chen Shuren, Huang Binhong etc.. Autumn, should be invited to visit Seoul, Japan, friends of Mount Kumgang. With a Korean girl Chi Chunhong.
In 1928, 30 year old Wu Chen
Spring, with good margin, Yu Jianhua, Huang Binhong, Ma Tai people organization "," brilliant brilliant news "published" on the album. In May, with good margin, Lang Jingshan and others advocate the "yellow house". Two go to Peiping, get acquainted with Yu Shuyan. In Chen Banding's home, Wang Sunjian met the old painting and calligraphy yu. In winter, the pool with letters as poem "Spring Song" mother, and went to Seoul.
In 1929 31, ulsa
The spring of Seoul. "In the three album" Zhang Shu publishing (three Zhang, Zhang Shanzi, Zhang Daqian and Zhang Junshou nine brother). Was appointed Executive member of national art exhibition, and ye will pay at the same time, met Xu Beihong. At the first session of the national art exhibition, thirty self portraits, the famous Shanghai times Tiyong syndrome.
In 1930 32 Gengwu
"Cooperation and good margin" twelve, cengxi drawing. In summer, Shanghai civilization press hall collection "Chang Di Zi landscape" in three volumes; Zhonghua publishing original Tibetan monk Shi Tao "Hall". In the autumn, "Pegasus" eighth art exhibition. Cengxi died at the age of 70.
In 1931 33, Xinwei
Fu had the coffin Guizang Hengyang. With good margin, with Japan as the representative of Zheng Manqing et al Chinese exhibition. In September, with good margin and Zhang Xuming, Wu Zijing, Mu Lingfei two students in Mount Huangshan. The southern tour of Guangzhou, and will pay an huang.
In 1932 34, nonanal
Huang Binhong, Xie Yuqin, and the good margin in Pudong to view Tao Gu et al. Huang Binhong "Pingyuan landscape map" and eight poems with gifts. With Ye Gongchuo, Wu Hufan with the tour of Suzhou, organized "the calligraphy and painting agency". Moved to the Suzhou nets garden.
In 1933, 35 year old house

In 1933, 35 year old house
The Spring Festival, Zhang Taiyan, Ye Gongchuo, Chen Shi invited Li Yinquan and other predecessors left gathered nets garden. Xu Beihong organized the "exhibition" Chinese modern painting exhibited in France, Zhang Daqian made a "Golden Lotus", by the French government acquisition.
In Peiping, a the Summer Palace Oriole pavilion. In November in south of the Five Ridges, Dinghu, Yangshuo, Luo Fu Shan tour. "The famous landscape" two pieces of imitation album gift Zhang group.
1934 was 36 years old
The north margin and good. In the hall to listen to, "Butterfly" move, participants in the dark, Wang Mengbai, He Yanong, Tang, and et al. September 9th, the Zhongshan Park held a "club Exhibition", there are 40 pieces of his works. With good margin in Huashan. Zhang Shanzi, Liu joined the positive society". In winter, Na Jingyuntaigu flyover entertainer Yang Wanjun (stage name Hua Xiufang) three mrs..
In 1935, 37 year old Yi Hai
Xu Beihong should be appointed as professor of art, Centre College. Zhang Daqian exhibition held in Nanjing". And Xu Beihong, Xie Zhiliu and CUHK art students ibid Mount Huangshan. The mother had died of illness in Langxi Youzhen. The members of the nets garden banquet in honor of Ye Qianyu attended the first session of the National Cartoon exhibition. "Zhang Daqian, Fang Jiekan, Yu Feian seal calligraphy exhibition held in beijing. "Zhang Daqian album" by Shanghai Zhonghua publishing. "The poor cooperation exhibition in Beijing exhibition.
Dingchou 1937 39
"The second national art exhibition" held in Nanjing, as the review committee. And Xie Zhiliu, in the dark, Huang Junbi, Fang Jiekan. Yandang Mountain, "Yandang mountains cooperation map", Fang Jiekan carved "vagrant" printing. 77 the Lugou Bridge incident, trapped in beijing. Should be appointed to the the Imperial Palace cultural relics exhibition, any Chinese painting research class tutor.
In 1938, 40 year old tiger
In Peking Japanese headquarters repeatedly advised Zhang Daqian as traitors of the false position, Zhang shuffle up escape from Peiping, not from, after Shanghai, Hongkong, on the way into the Guilin to meet with Xu Beihong. In the Qingchengshan palace.
In 1939 41 bases
Invite an Jianmen cold with yellow. As the "Shushan Qin Tu" tree for cold. Should an invitation with Huang Emei, Emei Jinding as "map" to give you the wall. Held exhibitions in Chengdu and Chongqing.
In 1940, 42 year old Chen Geng
Acquaintance with Zhao Wangyun in Chengdu. Intends to go to Dunhuang, to Guangyuan, the good brother died of illness in Chongqing went to Chongqing for the funeral margin.
"At the age of 43 in 1941
Chongqing art exhibition. "Huang Junbi has attended the Chengdu Art Exhibition", "GuanShanYue Art Exhibition" opening ceremony, and heavily ordered paintings, congratulation. Carrying Yang Wanjun, Zhang Xinzhi northward Lanzhou. On the way to Dunhuang, met the painter Fan Zhenxu in gansu. Arrived in Dunhuang accompanied by Fan Zhenxu, Liu Dunhuang murals copying. Number for Mogao Grottoes. Visit the Yulin grottoes, copying the murals, from Yulin to Qinghai by the end of the cave, Xining.
In 1942 of the 44 year old
The rate of the mind to Kumbum Monastery visit Tibetan painter, consult a large canvasses production process. Carrying five Division back to Dunhuang to copy mural paintings. And northwest heritage mission Wang Ziyun and others met. Thanks to Zhiliu came to help. The end of the year with Xie Zhiliu and his nephews from Mogao Grottoes to Cheonbuldong investigation, and for no..
According to 1943 45
Preparatory Committee of Dunhuang Art Institute held a meeting in Lanzhou. The preparatory committee director Chang Shuhong arrived in Dunhuang. May 1st, from Mogao Grottoes to Yulin cave, Yulin cave in a copy. In August, "Zhang Daqian copying the Dunhuang frescoes in the exhibition" the first exhibition of Lanzhou. November, return to Chengdu, Dunhuang trip lasted before and after two years and seven months.
In 1944 46 year
"Zhang Daqian copying the Dunhuang frescoes exhibition held in Chengdu, Chongqing. Exhibit 44. Zhang Daqian collection of ancient paintings exhibition in Chengdu. Summer living in Qingchengshan painting. In September, their two people swim Emei rate. The latest exhibition held in Chengdu.
In 1945 the age of 47
The rate of Li Dazu, Ziyang, Jianyang complex to study sculpture art. Mrs. Ye Qianyu the Zhaojue temple, ye ask Zhang Daqian China painting. "Two horse" Lotus "and" Xiyuan michikage large gathering ". The recent work held in Chengdu. In winter, cancel to go to new study grotto, diversion of Peiping, in the dark and held a joint exhibition.
In 1946 48, bingxu
Buy "River map" to the old money, "endless mountain map", "song Zhang Jizhi Du Lu two" and other ancient famous paintings. Pu Xinshe, Xie Zhiliu, Wu Hufan has no money for the "old river map" inscriptions. Three Emei, "two horse", the top three landscape "Emei" longevity mountain map "in Shanghai organized by the" Zhang Daqian art exhibition". The end of the year from the Shanghai to flat, as "nine songs," Tu "cultural map" etc.. The "Four Seasons flower", "ink landscape" has participated in the Senach Museum, Paris Museum of modern art's "Chinese painting exhibition".
According to 1947 49
"Zhang Daqian" (the first episode of copying the Dunhuang frescoes in Shanghai printing publishing). "The hall door Exhibition on display in Shanghai. Zhang Daqian painting exhibition in Shanghai. And Yang Xiaoci with Xikang painting paintings, and "travels" from the first 12 xikang. Hold the "journey to the West in Kangba exhibition in Chengdu". "Tour", "Xikang waterskis Chang's" have been published in Shanghai.

The exhibition held in Shanghai, exhibits and more meticulous lines. "By the fact the same.". Dunhuang Senator Guo Yonglu in the six Senate session of the Gansu conference to launch an attack, accusing Zhang Daqian of the destruction of Dunhuang Cheonbuldong murals. Ten senators seconded requirements severely punished". "Daily" to "Zhang Daqian northwest how people" title, Chang Shuhong, Dou Jingzhuang (before the disclosure of the Art Institute of Dunhuang Preparatory Committee for the Zhang Daqian statement and speech). With four lady Xu Wenbo in Hong Kong, held an art exhibition.
1949 already ugly 51 years old
The seven session of the Gansu provincial council will make "Cheonbuldong murals destroyed Zhang Daqian in no matter" conclusion, but not known to the public.
India Art Association invited India intends to go to the exhibition and study in Ajianta murals. In October, Taiwan held his first exhibition. Late November, military aircraft returned to rong. December 6th, with Xu Wenbo military aircraft flying from Rong taiwan.
In 1950, 52 year old Yin Geng
From Hong Kong to India, held an exhibition in New Delhi. Study Ajianta copying the murals. Living in Darjeeling for more than a year, and created a lot of.
1951 January 53
Exhibition held in Hong kong. Travel to Taiwan, by his escort to Taiwan the Imperial Palace Museum collections. From Taiwan to Japan in Tokyo friends.
The 1952 Japanese invasion at the age of 54
In March, Argentina travel. In May, Hong kong. Planning to migrate to South america. To finance the trip, brokered by the Xu Bojiao, and Zheng Zhenduo, to the mainland to sell "Han Xizai evening banquet", "Xiaoxiang map", the album of paintings etc.. Xu Beihong, ye Qianyu letter advised back to the mainland, euphemism. Argentina moved to the outskirts of the capital Sacramento sprinkling, by a president and Mrs. Veron.
In 1953 at the age of 55 parts
The United States and friends, Wang Jiqian, Zhang Mengxiu, Wang Yachen, accompanied by a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, visit Niagara falls. To hold exhibitions, meet Miss Japan Yamada, and appointed as secretary in japan. In New York city of Beijing school organized the "exhibition of contemporary painting China".
The 56 year old in 1954
Moved to Brazil St Paul city. Hong Kong has held an art exhibition, "niagara waterfall map" American exhibits, audience appreciation very much. Donated 12 paintings to Paris City Hall collection.
In 1955 57, B
Brazil St Paul garden was built and named. "Fort Hall" (four volumes) published in Japan in Tokyo. The "Zhang Daqian Book Exhibition" exhibited in Japan, Paris, he attended the exhibition Palace Museum curator thrall.
Mrs. Ceng Zhengrong, Yang Wanjun Sichuan Museum donated to the Dunhuang murals and hundreds of pieces of artwork. Zhang Daqian painting and calligraphy seal 80 party.
In 1956 58 bingshen
In April, Tokyo Exhibition "Zhang Daqian copying the Dunhuang frescoes, Mr Zhang's view after the curator invited went on display in Paris. In June, Paris Sainaqi Museum copying the Dunhuang frescoes, July, "Zhang Daqian's" exhibition held at the Museum of East Gallery, 30 pieces of exhibits.
A meeting with Picasso in France, "Jianifulini" villa at Hyannis port. Talk about art painting, giving works. Western newspapers hailed the meeting as a "summit of the arts" and an era of memorable Chinese and Western art history ". For the first time in Europe, and the western art ornamental scenery. During Paris, met Chang Yu, Zhao Wuji, Pan Yuliang and other Chinese artists.
In 1957 the age of 59
From the garden to convalesce, eye diseases, medication therapy is still remaining, Huibi painting, fine pen instead of a thick pen, trying to reform. For a copy of "preface" to the twelve group of landscape screen ". Paris exhibited Begonia, won the New York International Art Association Gold Award, selected as the world's largest painter". The exhibition held in St Paul City, Brazil wei.
In 1959, 61 year old Hai
Held for the first time Mr. Zhang Daqian painting exhibition "Taipei National Museum of history, the main exhibits for copying the Dunhuang frescoes. As the "the Imperial Palace" reading paintings. France in europe. French National Museum set up a permanent Chinese painting exhibition, with 12 entries to participate in the opening exhibition.
The 62 year old in 1960
As a "sixty-two year old self portrait" send friends Mei Garden in Hong Kong gaoling. April, swim across Taiwan highway. In July, Li Lincan should Museum of Taiwan the Imperial Palace, Dunhuang ancient painted bergamot. In September he was invited to Paris, Brussels, Athens roving exhibition. In Paris, Guo Shou Tu album 12. Back to the garden as "Shu Chu" sites 12, are the origin of old ink 1898.
1961 national 63
Geneva art exhibition. Lang Jingshan photography exhibition". A new "Lotus" in Paris Sainaqi Museum exhibition, Museum of modern art in New York purchase. St Paul's exhibition. To create "waterfall", "dawn" and other top Fei Luofu ink landscape.
The 64 year old renyin 1962
Go to Paris, staying home with Guo, as michikage screen "Qingchengshan map". In Tokyo, at kairakuen, "two horse" huge Swiss landscape ". The two pictures are a huge splash ink landscape. In summer, Zhang Daqian again hosted the Taipei History Museum exhibition, exhibition of "four world" gold and ink huge landscape works. Yokohama, japan. Hongkong City Hall completed, the Hongkong Museum hosted the Zhang Daqian exhibition, the first exhibition for the opening of the city hall. "Zhang Daqian" (Gao Lingmei) the book published in Hongkong. In December, the garden to try the splash of color method "concept map" spring.

In 1963, 65 year old Mao
Zhang Daqian exhibition in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang exhibition. Six huge michikage screen "Lotus" in New York exhibition was acquired by the U.S. "reader's Digest" for $140 thousand price.
In 1964, 66 year old Chen
Exhibition of Bangkok and cologne. Back to Taipei to visit Zhang Xueliang, Zhao Shouyu, Yu Ye Yang Ming tomb. As the "Valley Map" to ink splash of color, since that "this painting can take its nature, in the light of its general trend, its nature".
In 1965 67, ulsa
London exhibition. As a big garden ", a" splash ink landscape "Akiyama map". Since that "this is mainly developed from the Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Wang Qia m Liang Kai ink method. Just absorbed the western painting a little light and shade processing techniques".
In 1966 68, heigo
St Paul art exhibition. Hongkong art exhibition. Friends in Hongkong. According to the disciples of Lin Jiantong said, the trip to Hongkong, very enlightening, followed by "style changes, ink splash of color, popular".
In 1967 69 reding
Stanford University Museum, Kamierlaike Art Museum has held Zhang's latest exhibition. Taipei's exhibition sponsored by the National Museum of history. For the first eighty Zhang Qun carefully drawn four michikage screen "Shu four world" map, drawing landscapes and cold drawing sixty-eight birthday. Is there many years works on color, "sunrise", "rain", "Lan new atmosphere". Hongkong Oriental Society published "Zhang Daqian album".
In 1968, 70 year old Wu Chen
New York Art Museum, Chicago Paul Frank and Mao in Boston Art Museum, Yaerbo randone - Art Museum held Zhang Daqian exhibition. In a speech at Stanford University China painting art. To accept the "Taipei times" reporter Xie Jiaxiao interviewed more than a month, thanks to the oral body writing "chang world", April, published by the newspaper. April and May to celebrate a group eighty birthday, ten day. Elaborate "Yangtze map", July, the Taipei History Museum held the "Yangtze thut exhibition". In November, Dunhuang murals, 62 paintings donated the the Imperial Palace Museum in Taiwan.
In 1969 71 year old Jiyou
Go to the old gold Sanji eye diseases, Chinese American friends Hou north and Zhang Mengxiu of the spring festival. Back to the garden as a "map" early spring scenery beiren Hou; "Snow" a splash of color green Mong zhang. Huang Junbi's visit to the garden. Moved from Brazil to the United States Camille city". Losangeles Cowell Art Museum exhibition. New York Cultural Centre exhibition. Saint John University New York exhibition, New York Museum of art exhibition with Frank paul. Boston Yaerbo randone - Art Museum exhibition.
1970 '72
Head disease exacerbation. Get acquainted with Taiwan Peking Opera Troupe actor Li Jintang, Wu Zhaonan,, and, respectively, painting and calligraphy, respectively, donated by the painting and calligraphy of the Chinese opera troupe of the Beijing Opera Troupe, respectively, on behalf of the chinese. Custom "Zhang Daqian Yu picture value". Kamierlaike Art Museum exhibition.
1971 73 years old
Before the Spring Festival, moved to ring an piper. American friends to celebrate the 100 plum blossom best wishes for your new home, it is said, "old plum poems". Hongkong's exhibition hall.
In 1972, 74 year old prince
Right eye blindness, left eye cataract surgery success. Andrew Gallery, Losangeles, USA, was awarded the honorary citizen of Losangeles". The San Francisco Museum of "forty years of Zhang Daqian Di ang retrospective, display representative works during 1928-1970 54," preface "retrospective essays.
75 1973 Guichou
Chinese American friend Wang Tianxun to spend the new year and spring festival. Losangeles art museum's exhibition en karen. The Taipei History Museum donated over 108 pieces of writing, awarded the honor, and hold the "Mr. Zhang Daqian creation painting retrospective (40 year retrospective). Taipei Museum of history "Zhang Daqian album".
In 1974 76 Jiayin
Hongkong city hall exhibition, Taipei Museum of history and the Japanese National Association jointly hosted the Tokyo Central Art Museum, Zhang Daqian exhibition". Should be about the United States San Francisco printmaking center, created two sets of stone engravings, was nominated as "the world famous Zhang Daqian" and "the image of Zhang Daqian". As the root of the rockery, eight Guanyin Jizeng, seal Chen Julai.
In 1975 1915 at the age of 77
Should Gongchao leaves about the series, "Mr. Ye Xiaan" on the album book preface. 80 fine arts to participate in the Taipei Museum of history held "Chinese and Western masters exhibition". Chinese writing "Picasso advanced exhibition order". The Museum held "Zhang Daqian early works exhibition", and 60 works to participate in contemporary art exhibition held in Seoul.
The 78 year old Chinese calendar 1976
His family moved to Taipei. The Taipei History Museum "Mr. Zhang Daqian returned Exhibition", the Taiwan Department of Education awarded the "art master" plaque. Taiwan film industry Wu Shuxun to pension at his own expense filming "painting art of Zhang Daqian" documentary film. Taipei Museum of history "Zhang Daqian anthology".
In 1977 79 Dingsi
After 5 years of the "Qing Xiang annals" in Hong Kong published old painting. The old Chen Julai calendar year to seal, compiled into "ancth Vihara yinpu" published in Japan, and to write the preface. Taichung's exhibition held. In waishuangshi build "Maya abode". "Fort Hall" (four volumes) reprinted in taiwan.
In 1978 80 skelgas
Kaohsiung art exhibition. Tainan art exhibition. Seoul art exhibition. "Maya abode" completed, xiqianxinju. Attend the Asia Pacific Museum conference, lecture on "Dunhuang mural art". As the "four monks" order "exhibition hall, famous reprint preface".1979 has 81 years old
The 40 works in Hongkong organized China Culture Association China modern painting exhibition (three for Chang Yu, Huang Junbi, three). Please friends, lawyers witness, pre wills.
82 1980 Gengshen
During the Spring Festival, the Taipei Museum of history held "Zhang Daqian book exhibition". In March, the Singapore National Museum of modern art exhibition "Chinese Sanjie". Should Japan to Chinese Li Haitian, Huang genius, for huge "Mount Lu map" (1.8 meters high, 10 meters long). Taipei published "Zhang Daqian book" on the album published in one or two volumes.
Sichuan publishing "Zhang Daqian painting series" 123 series.
In 1981 at the age of 83 years
In February, the Taiwan Museum held Zhang Daqian's exhibition". March, invited to provide works to participate in the Oriental Museum of Paris, France, held a new trend of Chinese painting exhibition". In July July, drawing the map in the "Mount Lu" opened Maya abode.
In 1982 84, renxu
January, held in Taipei, "Fu Baoshi, Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian color ink painting exhibition". Hongkong collection ancient Zhai held Zhang Daqian exhibition". February, Mr. Zhang Shanzi centenary Memorial Exhibition on display in taiwan. In April, the "Zhang Daqian book" on the album published in third volumes. To draw the "Mount Lu", overwork, two times in Taipei Veterans General hospital.
In 1983 85 gyehae
January, Taiwan National Museum held Zhang Daqian painting exhibition". At the same time held not yet completed the "Mount Lu map" special exhibition. Zhao Wuji visit taiwan. In March 8th, the "Zhang Daqian book" on the album was published in fourth volumes, 12 volumes of students, friends gifts. Heart disease recurrence, treatment is invalid, died in April 2nd.

Zhang Daqian is a versatile artist, the creation of "a package and long, and two cases of North and south, rich" in literati painting, writer painting, palace paintings and folk art as a whole. In the figure, landscape painting, flower and bird Chinese, fish and insects, animals, meticulous, a fine equal to anything. Poetry straightforward bold, calligraphy
Lang Jingshan photo "Zhang Daqian image"
Lang Jingshan photo "Zhang Daqian image"
Jinba, elegant, unique style of an hand in a velvet glove.
Zhang Daqian is the twentieth Century China painting is the legendary master of Chinese painting, painting, calligraphy, seal carving, poems are not. Early focus on learning the ancient paintings, especially in landscape painting with remarkable achievements. After living abroad, work style and writing with ink and color integration, especially with the ink splash of color, creating a new style of art. His research methods, worthy of those attempts from traditional to modern artists from. [10-11]
In twentieth Century Chinese painter, Chang is undoubtedly one of the best paintings, elegant qingli." He can, quite extraordinary, landscapes, figures, flowers, ladies, no feathers not good, especially with the special contribution in landscape painting: he was responsible for many artists in early Qing Dynasty popular orthodox revival responsibility is also inherited the Tang, song and Yuan painting tradition, the self Qianlong after weak orthodox by zte.
Zhang Daqian memorial hall is a privately held memorial hall, located in Sichuan City, Dong Tong Road, dome hill, to commemorate the founding of the national painter Zhang Daqian and built. Memorial Hall of the East West Development Zone; West and Neijiang Normal University high middle school, adjacent to South Bend; Tuojiang River; North hilly rural scenery. The landscape is a narrow hill. Things about 40 meters long, north-south width of about 75 meters

