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陆静波(1954.11—),男,浙江余姚人。擅长油画。1978年毕业于安徽师范大学。曾任教于安徽南岭东方红中学。现任职于安徽六安市文明 馆。现为中国美术家协会会员。
擅长油画。1978年毕业于安徽师范大学。曾任教于安徽南岭东方红中学。现任职于安徽六安市文明 馆。现为中国美术家协会会员。作品《秋》入选全国第二届青年画展;《延伸》入选第六届全国美展;《青青山坡》入选全国首届水彩、粉画展;《半夜 》入选亚洲第三届艺术展。1987年在地方 美术学院画廊举办个人油画展;1989年在日本东京银座“紫”画廊举办兄弟双人画展;1989年作品二幅参加中国美术名家展,并送昔日 本等国展出;2005年“陆1 飞陆静波陆晓波画展”于安徽久留米美术馆展出。作品曾多被海内外杂志刊登介绍,并收藏。

Introduction to the artist

Liu Jingbo (1954.11, ) , male, zhejiang Yu Yaoren. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from Anhui Normal University 1978. Ceng Ren teachs at red middle school of east of the mountain austral Anhui. Hold a post now at Anhui house of the 6 culture that bring city. It is Chinese artist academician now.
Be good at canvas. Was graduated from Anhui Normal University 1978. Ceng Ren teachs at red middle school of east of the mountain austral Anhui. Hold a post now at Anhui house of the 6 culture that bring city. It is Chinese artist academician now. Work " autumn " art exhibition of the 2nd youth of selected whole nation; " outspread " selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited; " slope of green green hill " art exhibition of first watercolour of selected whole nation, pink; " midday " the 3rd art of selected Asia is exhibited. Gallery of centrally academy of fine arts held individual canvas to exhibit 1987; Was in Japanese Tokyo 1989 silver-colored " violet " gallery holds brotherly two-men art exhibition; Work attended Chinese art famous expert 2 times to exhibit 1989, send toward the country such as Japan to exhibit; 2005 " art exhibition of wave of dawn of land of static wave of Liu Yifei land " at Anhui Jiuliumimei art house exhibits. Work ever was published to introduce by global magazine more, collect.

