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1994年,油画《永久 的记忆》入选第八届全国美术作品展览;并荣获“山西省第十二届美术作品展览”1 等奖;同年油画《黄土绿源》获“山西省首届画院联展”银奖。1995年,《永存的记忆》入选“第三届中国油画年展”;10月在山西省展览馆举办“王卫东油画展”。1996年,在北举办“王卫东油画作品展”;1999年,油《灯》入选“第九届全国美术作品展览”;并荣获“山西省第十三届美术作品展览”1 等奖。
2001年,应加拿大多伦多欧顿.瓦格纳画廊之邀举办“王卫东油画展”;2002年,油画《明灯颂》之二入选“纪念毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表六十周年全国美术作品展览”;同年被选为太原市“德艺双馨”文艺十佳;2003年,《涛声远去》入选“第三届中国油画展”。同年油画《明灯颂》获太原市文艺“九个1 ”工程奖;2004年《简历》获山西省第十四届美术作品展览“二等奖”。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Weidong, was born at Shanghai 1961. Was graduated from Shanxi to go to school 1989 art is canvas major; Save academician of canvas of artist association director, China, country for Chinese artist academician, Shanxi now painter of major of imperial art academy of division of 2 class art, Taiyuan.
Canvas " village is anecdotical " obtain Shanxi to save the United States to exhibit special award; " the monk in edition accept forest " selected " art of 92 China canvas is exhibited " ; " the memory of perpetuation " selected " beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited " ; " memory " selected " canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited " ; " the lamp " selected " beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " ; " bright lamp eulogy " selected " commemorative Chinese Communist is born 80 years countrywide beauty is exhibited " ; " Tao Shengyuan goes " selected " canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited " . 1991, canvas " dawn " obtain " commemorative Chinese Communist establishs Shanxi 70 years to save the United States to exhibit " , "Third class award " . 1992, canvas " village is anecdotical " obtain Shanxi to save the United States to exhibit " special award " ; Canvas of of the same age " the monk in edition accept forest " selected sponsor by Chinese artist association " 92 ' Chinese canvas art is exhibited " .
1994, canvas " forever memory " selected exhibition of work of art of the 8th whole nation; Have the honor to win " Shanxi province is dozenth an art work exhibition " first prize; Canvas of of the same age " loess green source " obtain " Shanxi saves couplet of first imperial art academy to exhibit " silver-colored award. 1995, " the memory of perpetuation " selected " canvas of the 3rd China year exhibit " ; In Shanxi province exhibition will be held in October " canvas exhibits Wang Weidong " . 1996, hold in north " canvas work exhibits Wang Weidong " ; 1999, oily " the lamp " selected " work of art of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " ; Have the honor to win " Shanxi saves thirteenth art work is exhibited " first prize.
2001, should Canadian Toronto Europe pauses. Of gallery of accept of made of baked clay case invite hold " canvas exhibits Wang Weidong " ; 2002, canvas " bright lamp eulogy " selected " commemorate Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit " ; Of the same age is chosen to be Taiyuan city " De Yishuang strongs and pervasive fragrance " literary 10 beautiful; 2003, " Tao Shengyuan goes " selected " canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited " . Canvas of of the same age " bright lamp eulogy " capture Taiyuan city literary " nine one " project award; 2004 " resume " obtain Shanxi to save work of the 14th art to exhibit " second-class award " .

