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安徽合肥人。擅长油画。1982年毕业于安徽师范大学美术系油画专业。 历任安徽省美术家协会副主席、安徽油画艺委会会长,现为中国美术家协会会员、中国油画学会理事、上海油画雕塑院教授、国家1 级美术师、享用 政府特殊津贴、上海华漕书画院艺术顾问。
油画作品曾参加第六、七、八、九届全国美术作品展,“首届中国油画展”、“首届中国油画学会展”、“全国建军60周年美术作品展”、“全国建党80周年优秀作品展”、“日中当代书画展”、“中国当代油画名家百人小幅画”、“携手新世纪——第三届中国油画展”、第1 、二届“中国山水画·油画风景展”、“大河上下——中国油画三十年回顾展”、“精神与品格——中国写实油画研讨 展”、“世纪伟业——中国绘画艺术特展”、“往东、往西——上海油雕院研讨 展”、“今日水墨——第六届全国中国画名家作品巡回展”、“山水梦境——中国著名油画家作品展”、“海上·架上——上海油画精英联展”、“中韩油画约请 展”等。作品多次获国家和省展奖项。
多次参加国内外1 些重要学术活动和画展。曾在法国巴黎、新加坡、南非和我国香港、台湾等地多次举办个人画展和联展。1999年在巴黎国际艺术城游学考察。2007年在上海张江当代艺术馆举办“雁声远过——罗朗油画展”。出版《罗朗油画集》、《罗朗画集》、《风景画技法》、《罗朗油画写生集》等。

Introduction to the artist

Anhui Hefei person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from art of Anhui Normal University to fasten canvas major 1982. Have successively held the posts of canvas of vice-chairman of association of artist of the Anhui province, Anhui art appoint conference chairman, learn professor of courtyard of sculpture of canvas of director, Shanghai, country for canvas of Chinese artist academician, China now division of one class art, enjoy a government art of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of water transport of special allowance, Shanghai China is advisory.

Canvas work ever attended the 6th, 7, 8, work of art of 9 whole nations is exhibited, "First Chinese canvas is exhibited " , " first China canvas learns to exhibit " , " the whole nation founds an army 60 years art work is exhibited " , " 80 years of outstanding work exhibit countrywide found a party " , " meridian and contemporary painting and calligraphy is exhibited " , " China. Work obtains country and province to exhibit award for many times.

Attend for many times a few more domestic and international important learning activity and art exhibition. And other places of Paris, Singapore, south Africa and our country Hong Kong, Taiwan runs Ceng Zaifa country for many times individual art exhibition and couplet are exhibited. In Parisian international art the city swam 1999 learn to make an on-the-spot investigation. In Shanghai artistic now house held Zhang Jiang 2007 " wild goose sound is far over- -- Luo Lang canvas is exhibited " . Publish " collect of Luo Lang canvas " , " Luo Lang draws volume " , " landscape ability law " , " collect of paint from life of Luo Lang canvas " etc.

