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李斌 - 李斌:一壶醉千年

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李斌(1949.11—)江苏扬州人。擅长油画。其创作始于20世纪60年代后期上山下乡的特殊历史岁月中。作为上海下乡知识青年,他由于 绘画特长 而成为北大荒兵团四师宣扬 部的专职创作员,并由此开始了他的艺术创作生涯。1984年毕业于地方 美术学院油画系进修班,师从靳尚宜朱乃正等前辈,技艺由此进1 步提高。后来他又先去日本,后赴美国,在海外长时间 从事油画肖像和大型社会题材的绘画创作,凭借其精湛的技艺和勤奋的精神,在海外获得广泛声誉。他的油画肖像作品神形兼备,功力深厚,有欧洲古典主义遗风,颇受境外人士欢迎。可贵的是,即便身居大洋彼岸且功成名就,他也从未停止过对中国近古代 历史的反思和对知青命运的关注。他数十年以来的作品始终贯穿着两个主题:1 个是对近古代 中国历史的深刻反思,另1 个是对知青生活的深情回忆。历任黑龙江生产建设兵团美术员,黑龙江省美协创作室专业画家。现旅居海外。作品有《赵1 曼》、《油灯的记忆》。连环画《枫》(合作)获全国美展1 等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Li Bin (1949.11, ) Jiangsu Yangzhou person. Be good at canvas. Its are created only then at 20 centuries in the special history years of go and work in the countryside and mountain areas of 60 time later period. Regard Shanghai go to the countryside as school leavers, he becomes the member that the full-time of department of 4 division propaganda creates large unit of the Great Northern Wilderness because of painterly special skill, the art that began him from this invents profession. Was graduated from canvas of central academy of fine arts to fasten class of attend in a advanced studies 1984, master wait for elder from Jin Shangyi, Zhu Naizheng, craft rises further from this. He goes to Japan first again later, the United States is gone to after, overseas is engaged in the painterly creation of canvas effigies and large society subject matter for a long time, depend on its masterly craft and assiduous spirit, overseas gains extensive reputation. Body of his mind of canvas effigies work has both, work force is deep, have European classical relic, suffer quite outside the condition personage welcome. Commendable is, even if body resides ocean the other shore and render outstanding service and be famous, he never also has stopped to be opposite China is modern of the history think over and the attention to educated youth destiny. He tens of year two the work since is perforative from beginning to end themes: One is right modern the profundity of Chinese history thinks over, another is the affectionate memory that lives to educated youth. Have successively held the posts of Heilongjiang to produce the member that build corps art, heilongjiang saves the United States assist painter of creation room major. Reside abroad now. Work has " Zhao Yiman " , " the memory of oil lamp " . Comic " maple " (collaboration) obtain countrywide beauty to exhibit first prize.

