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焦亚新(1956—),安徽蚌埠市人,毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系,中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员、合肥市美术家协会常务理事、合肥书画院专职画家。曾前后 师从陈鸿志、姚于慧/赵光涛、崔开玺、高泉、刘大为谭权书王维新等先生。多以人物作品饮誉画坛。
曾多次深入青海、甘肃、新疆、西藏等地采风,饱览雪山草原、大漠戈壁、黄土高原西部风光,创作了大量的民族风情的作品;并云游藏传、汉地佛教名寺名山,深入研讨 、写生。
画作《大江重渡》,入选由解放军总政治部、国务院文明 部主办的纪念建军50周年全国美术展览,在北京中国美术馆展。
《汲水的藏女》入选由中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会主办的第十届全国美术展览。
《暮归》入选由中国美术家协会主办的第十届全国版画展览并获铜奖在北京地方 美术学院陈列馆展出;并入选由中国美术家协会主办的中国版画展览赴法国巴黎展出。
《日破云涛万里红》入选由国务院文明 部艺术司、中国美术家协会主办的纪念建党80周年全国美术展览并获优秀奖,在北京中国美术馆展出。
其他作品曾分别入选2001年中国油画大展、2001年全国城市市花书画展览,获得安徽省文明 厅、安徽省美术家协会主办的美术展览贡献奖、金奖、银奖。并有作品远赴法国、新加坡、马来西亚、日本、台湾、香港等国家和地区展出并被国内外艺术界、宗教界人士及机构收藏。
参加第5 、六届北京中国艺术博览会,曾在安徽省举办个人画展,在香港举办人物画个展。

Introduction to the artist

Jiao Yaxin (1956, ) , person of city of Anhui mussel port, be graduated from art of institute of liberation army art is, association of artist of city of academician of Chinese artist academician, Chinese edition painter, Hefei is standing painter of full-time of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of director, Hefei. The division after Ceng Xian Cong Chenhong annals, Yao Yuhui / the gentleman such as book of Zhao Guangtao, Cui Kaixi, Gao Quan, Liu Dawei, Tan Quan, Wang Weixin. Much with character work drink praise picture altar.
Begin from seventies, publish, showpiece art work. Begin to be subject matter with army brigade life, turn after western the creation of minority amorous feelings and Buddhist subject matter.
 Ceng Duo collect folk songs of and other places of second development Qinghai, Gansu Province, Xinjiang, Tibet, full see desert of snow mountain prairie, big desert, loess plateau western scene, created the work of many ethical amorous feelings; And roam Tibet is passed, hill of name of temple of given name of Chinese ground Buddha, thorough research, sketchy.
 The picture is made " great river is crossed again " , selected the souvenir that sponsors by ministry of culture of liberation army the General Political Department, the State Council founds an army 50 years countrywide art exhibition, exhibit in Beijing China art gallery.
" the Tibetan daughter of bail " selected the exhibition of art of the 10th whole nation that sponsors by association of artist of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, China.
 " dusk returns " selected the woodcut of the 10th whole nation that sponsors by Chinese artist association is exhibited and obtain cupreous award to be in the center of Beijing the academy of fine arts displays a house to exhibit; Selected the Chinese woodcut exhibition that sponsors by Chinese artist association goes to French Paris to exhibit.
" day defeats Yun Tao 10 thousand lis red " selected art of 80 years of whole nations shows the commemorative found a party that by art of ministry of culture of the State Council association of artist of department, China sponsors and win outstanding award, exhibit in Beijing China art gallery.
 " hold a memorial ceremony for " selected the art of horse and foot of Na Jiang front that sponsors by association of artist of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, China is exhibited and win outstanding award, exhibit in Beijing China art gallery.
 " 3 rivers of 1998 · heroic of fight a flood " selected the work of art of horse and foot of assist of hero of fight a flood that sponsors by association of artist of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, China is exhibited and win outstanding award, exhibit in Beijing China art gallery;
 Other work ever parted selected Chinese canvas was exhibited greatly 2001, countrywide city town spent painting and calligraphy to exhibit 2001, the art exhibition that obtains association of artist of hall of culture of the Anhui province, the Anhui province to sponsor dedicates award, gold prize, silver-colored award. Have work far go to country and the area such as France, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong exhibit and be collected by public figure of group of domestic and international artistic bound, religion and orgnaization.
 Attend the 5th, artistic exposition of 6 Beijing China, ever held individual art exhibition in the Anhui province, the character is held to draw in Hong Kong exhibit.

