油画家阿布都克里木·纳斯尔丁2005年被聘为“中国国际行业组织研讨 会行业研讨 员”,并获得中国百名行业创新杰出人物“金像奖”,同年又被吸收为“世界教科文卫组织专家成员”,并被世界教科文卫组织授予百位中外专家首批特殊贡献“金色勋章”。由于 发展我国文明 艺术事业做出贡献而被授予“全国有突出贡献中青年专家”称号,并享用 “国务院特殊津贴”。
油画家阿布都克里木·纳斯尔丁出版《克里木油画作品集》、《克里木》、《中国油画二十家—— 克里木》、《阿布都克里木·纳斯尔丁作品集》、《麦喜来甫——克里木·纳斯尔丁画展作品集》等专著。
1947年2月出生于新疆乌鲁木齐。中共党员,国家1 级美术师(教授)、油画家、壁画家。1963年毕业于地方 民族学院艺术系美术专业附中。1967年毕业于地方 民族学院美术系绘画专业本科。1981年毕业于地方 美术学院油画系研讨 生班。1988年至1989年在法国巴黎国际艺术城深造、举办画展并前后 赴欧洲、中亚、东南亚诸国进行艺术考察。2000年赴意大利举办画展同时再次对欧洲各国进行艺术考察。2004年应邀赴美国华盛顿出席“古道新彩——中国西部画展”开幕式,并对华盛顿、纽约、费城等城市进行艺术考察。曾在“伊犁日报”社、伊犁州展览馆任美术编辑和创作员。1981年至2005年在新疆画院前后 任专业画家、油画研讨 室主任、支部书记、副院长、院长等职。任第六、七、八、九届全国美展油画评委、历届“中国油画展”评委,当选为第四、5 、六届全国美代会代表、第八届全国人大代表。现任中国美术家协会理事、油画艺术委员会委员、新疆油画学会主席、新疆画院名誉院长、新疆艺术学院教授、美术学院院长、地方 美术学院硕士生导师、西安美术学院硕士生导师。1972年以来,油画、粉画、壁画作品多次参加自治区美展、全国美展和国际美展,并荣获国际美展“特别奖”,国家“壁画大奖”、“铜牌奖”、“优秀奖”,省部级“1 、二等奖”。油画、壁画作品被中国美术馆、中国油画博物馆、地方 美术学院、意大利博罗尼亚美术学院、北京人民大会堂、新疆人民会堂等部门收藏。作品由文明 部选送到法国、美国、澳大利亚、日本、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和阿联酋、阿曼、巴林、卡塔尔等国和 台湾、香港、澳门等地区参加各类国际艺术博览会和画展。前后 在北京、巴黎、阿拉木图、比什凯克、香港、博罗尼亚、乌鲁木齐等城市举办个人画展。多幅作品和学术论文在全国性专业报刊及国外报刊发表。传记载入《中国艺术大系》、《二十世纪中国油画全集》、《中国当代油画艺术》、《世界名人录》等专集和辞书。出版《克里木油画作品集》、《克里木》、《中国油画二十家——克里木》、《阿布都克里木· 纳斯尔丁作品集》等专集。组织编辑出版了《中国·新疆·麦盖提农民画集》、《新疆百名美术家》CD—-ROOM、《新疆画院作品集》、《希望之星———新疆少儿美术作品集》、《第三届中国油画展——新疆作品集》等画册,并任主编、副主编。代表作品有:《麦西来甫》、《哈密麦西来甫》、《多郎麦西来甫》、《农民的喜悦——麦西来甫》、《摇篮曲》、《于田人》、《母亲》、《女儿》、《夏提古丽》、《古道集市》、《天山之春》(大型壁画)、《东归》(大型壁画)、《民族大团结万岁》(地方 赠送新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府——“团结宝鼎”铸铜浮雕)等。论文有《民族化还是个性化》、《为创造维吾尔族油画风格而努力》、《我的创作体会》、《人体艺术内涵》、《访欧随感》等。为发展我国文明 艺术事业做出贡献而被授予“全国有突出贡献中青年专家”、“自治区优秀专家”等称号,并享用 “国务院特殊津贴”。2005年吸收为“世界教科文卫组织专家成员”,同年被世界教科文卫组织授予百位中外专家首批特殊贡献“金色勋章
克里木先生的绘画作品,沉甸甸地放在这里。作为中国油画百年历程的重要参与者,他作品的光辉是有目共睹的。其思想与艺术价值,怎样赞誉 都不为过。
克里木先生对中国古代 绘画艺术的重要贡献,我认为次要 有三点:1 是植根于新疆这块独具民族文明 特色的沃土,坚定地走理想 主义的创作道路,开创了具有高度概括性、生动写实精神和浪漫主义装潢 色彩的1 派画风。在他的带动和培育下,新疆美术界出现 出1 批非常优秀的中青年画家,他们的作品以1 种迥异于内地的风貌,奇葩怒放,正构成 流派,丰富着我国的艺术宝库。因而 ,克里木先生实为中国古代 西域画派的奠基人和开拓者。二是将多种传统文明 精华兼容并蓄,作品的风貌显示出既是民族的,更是世界的。克里木先生独特的求学道路和艺术创作经历,使他在与许多艺术家比拟 时具有特殊优势,那就是能以维吾尔这1 优秀民族独到的视角,把本民族文明 的代表性部分用全新的艺术情势 表现出来。他作品的题材和人物面貌多是单元的,是少数民族的,但表达的思想涵义却是多元的,是中华民族的,是全人类可以共享的。三是在独特的情势 美之下,包含着难以言喻的强大的精神美。克里木先生作品震动 人心的力量,实际来自于其艺术创作中的思想激情和构成 于作品中的精神光华,这是他思想和艺术表现力的极致体现,这类 内蕴的质不管 是在人物画还是在风景画中都彰显无遗,即使是非常难以表现内在精神的戈壁沙漠,在他笔下都充满了鲜活的张力,跃动着不息的生命激情。可以说,克里木先生是生命美的伟大歌者。他的视野和笔触所及的地方 ,无不流动着对社会生活、平凡人生和自然世界的赞美 。
当我的目光从他的画作转向理想 中的艺术家本人,我心中的感受难以言述。克里木先生双目患着严重疾病,查手机号码要用高倍放大镜;他左腿因股骨头坏死,两次手术,在家里也要拄手杖才能慢行。就这样,他仍1 丝不苟地为即将在中国美术馆举办的画展进行着预备 。
克里木先生几十年来创作了大量的艺术精品,但他手里却很少留有。他的作品多被朋友和先生 索去,做了礼品和藏品。当他要出这部作品集并进行展览的时候,其中近1 半作品不得不从收藏单位和个人手里借来。在他干净整洁的客厅里,我谈起当前艺术品市场的浮躁与混乱,克里木先生抽着烟呵呵地笑。由于 他不晓得 本身 的作品如今 应是什么价位,不晓得 用什么标精确 定本身 作品的价格。他刚过了六十大寿,作品还没有真正进入市场。这又让我感动感慨。
大美如斯。让克里木先生饱含生命之美的作品静静地展现 吧,为这多彩的世界留下1 份永世 的宝藏。
Oil painter Abdul Kremu Nasreddin, a Uygur, was born in Urumqi, Xinjiang, in 1947. State-level artists, directors of the Chinese Artists Association, members of the Oil Painting Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, standing directors of the Chinese Oil Painting Society, supervisors of master's degree students of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (external), deans, professors and chairmen of the Xinjiang Art Academy, formerly chairmen of the Xinjiang Oil Painting Academy, sixth and sixth. The oil painting judges of the 7th, 8th and 9th National Art Exhibition, the representatives of the 4th, 5th and 6th National Congresses and the 8th National People's Congress.
On November 18, 2014, he died in Urumqi at the age of 68.
Oil painter Abdul Kerim Naslding's works and academic papers, such as "Machelalf Series", "Lullaby", "Yutian Ren", "Xie", "Hope", "Mother", "Daughter", "Xiatiguri", "Spring of Tianshan" (large murals), have been published in national professional journals and foreign newspapers.
In 2005, oil painter Abdul Krim Naslding was appointed as "Industry Research Fellow of the Institute of International Industry Organizations of China" and won the "Golden Image Award" for 100 outstanding innovators in China's industry. In the same year, he was also absorbed as "Expert Members of the World Educational, Scientific and Health Organization", and was awarded 100 Chinese and foreign experts by the World Educational, Scientific and Health Organization. First batch of special contribution "Golden Medal". For contributing to the development of our cultural and artistic undertakings, he was awarded the title of "National Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contribution" and enjoyed the "Special Allowance of the State Council".
Oil painter Abdul Kremu Nasreddin has published such monographs as "Kerim Oil Paintings Collection", "Kerim", "Twenty Chinese Oil Paintings - Kerim", "Abdul Kremu Nasreddin Works Collection" and "McShelly - Kremu Nasreddin Paintings Exhibition Collection".
Born in Urumqi, Xinjiang in February 1947. Party member, national first-class artist (professor), oil painter, mural painter. In 1963, he graduated from the Art Department of the Central College of Nationalities. In 1967, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Nationalities, majoring in painting. Graduated from Graduate School of Oil Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1981. From 1988 to 1989, he studied in Paris International Art City, France, held art exhibitions, and went to Europe, Central Asia and Southeast Asia for art inspection. In 2000, he went to Italy to hold an exhibition of paintings, and at the same time, he made another artistic investigation of European countries. In 2004, he was invited to attend the opening ceremony of "New Colors of Ancient Road - Western China Painting Exhibition" in Washington, USA. He also made an artistic inspection of Washington, New York, Philadelphia and other cities. He worked as an art editor and creator in Yili Daily and Yili State Exhibition Museum. From 1981 to 2005, he was successively a professional painter, director of oil painting research room, Secretary of branch, vice president and President of Xinjiang Painting Academy. He served as the oil painting judges of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th National Art Exhibition and successive "Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition" and was elected as the representative of the 4th, 5th and 6th National American Congresses and the 8th National People's Congress. He is currently the director of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Oil Painting Art Committee, chairman of Xinjiang Oil Painting Society, honorary president of Xinjiang Painting Academy, professor of Xinjiang Art Academy, president of the Academy of Fine Arts, master's supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, master's supervisor of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1972, oil paintings, pastels and murals have participated in many art exhibitions in the autonomous region, the whole country and the world, and won "special prizes" in international art exhibitions, national "mural prizes", "bronze medals", "excellent prizes" and "first and second prizes" at provincial and ministerial levels. Oil paintings and murals are collected by the Chinese Art Museum, the Chinese Oil Painting Museum, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and the People's Hall in Xinjiang. The works were selected by the Ministry of Culture and sent to France, the United States, Australia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and other countries, as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and other regions to participate in various international art expositions and exhibitions. Personal art exhibitions were held in Beijing, Paris, Almaty, Bishkek, Hong Kong, Bologna and Urumqi. Several works and academic papers were published in national professional newspapers and foreign newspapers. It has been recorded in Chinese Art Series, Complete Works of Chinese Oil Painting in the Twentieth Century, Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting Art and World Celebrity List. Publishing "Kerim Oil Paintings Collection", "Kerim", "Twenty Chinese Oil Paintings - Kerim", "Abdul Kerim Nasreddin Works Collection" and other special collections. He organized, edited and published such albums as China Xinjiang Mageti Farmer's Painting Collection, Xinjiang 100 Artists CD-ROOM, Xinjiang Painting Academy Works Collection, Star of Hope-Xinjiang Children's Art Works Collection, and the Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition-Xinjiang Works Collection, and was also the chief editor and deputy editor-in-chief.