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舒均欢 当代中国油画艺术领军人物-中国大师路

 舒均欢(1940.4----)湖南溆浦人,当代油画艺术大家。1965年毕业于地方 美术学院油画系,受教于吴作人董希文罗工柳诸位教授。毕业成绩优良 。此后四十多年里,他自甘寂寞、发奋图强 、寻求 艺术、不求名利,创作了油画逾700幅。他擅长肖像画、风景画和主题画,尤以创作毛主席等领袖抽象 的作品出名 画坛。

他油画功力深厚、技巧纯熟 、笔法雄劲、色彩缤纷,具有写实兼浪漫的中国气派和印象派风格的特点。他曾四次在北京举办个人油画展,1 次在法国举办画展。他的老师戴泽老教授说他的油画是国内1 流的,法国一名 画家说很久没有见到他的这么好的油画了。


 2002年出版了《舒均欢油画艺术》、2007年出版了《舒均欢油画艺术----主题系列、肖像系列油画集》。2009年舒均欢吴冠中詹建俊靳尚谊赵无极全山石并列入编文明 部文明 管理学会为庆祝建国六十周年编辑出版的大型画集《六十年 六大家》油画卷。2010年舒均欢先生和靳尚谊赵无极两位油画大家作为中国油画界领军人物并列应邀入编《当代中国书画领军人物》1 书,书中称他为当代油画艺术大师。他的不少作品为国内外收藏家收藏,2005年在北京中诚信秋季拍会上,其1985年复制的《毛主席和英雄模范在一同 》以233.2万元的高价成交。

舒均欢的作品分《领袖风采》、《肖像》、《人体》、《长城》、《水乡》等十1 个系列。其代表作有《毛主席和英雄模范在一同 》、《毛主席在书房》、《长城颂》、《张家界之晨》、《画家夫人》等。


 1 《毛主席和英雄模范在一同 》

1965年作这幅作品是舒均欢先生1965年在地方 美术学院油画系的毕业作品。此作当年就在中国美术馆展出,受到普遍好评。同年《解放军文艺》发表于封面,《民族团结》杂志发表于插页。人民美术出版出版对开单幅年画,印数达几十万。此幅在群众中有很大的影响,如今 很多四十岁以上的中年人对此画都有印象,似曾相识,伴随成长。这幅画创作的年代是英雄辈出的年代,学雷锋、学王杰、学大庆、学大寨的大环境出现 出1 大批英雄模范人物,如王铁人、陈永贵、李顺达、时传祥……等等。这些人代表了当时社会的邪气 ,国家的希望,学习的榜样。这幅作品成功的表现了当年领袖和群众的关系。画面上毛主席正亲切地同王铁人、陈永贵、时传祥、李顺达、周明山和邢燕子等英雄模范交谈。他既是这集体中的1 员,又似一名 慈祥的长者,是那么平易近人,又那么亲切可敬。数出着名 有姓的如廖初江、张百发、孟泰等英模人物,他们职业不同,抽象 各异,所同的是他们的脸上都充满着喜悦和崇敬。他们力争上游 地拥向毛主席,似想问候、似想倾诉,他们表达的欲望 ,正代表亿万人民的心声。这幅毕业作品上人物众多,栩栩如生,着名 有姓,呼之欲出,同样具有恩师董希文大师的《开国大典》中的民族风格和大国气魄。回顾上世纪六十年代的油画作品,能够代表那个时代的油画佳作不多,这幅就是较为突出的作品之1 。它具有很高的历史价值、艺术价值和收藏价值。

二《毛主席和英雄模范在一同 》

1985年作这幅作品是舒均欢先生1985年对1965年的毕业作品根据需求 原样略加修正 再画成的1 幅佳作。画家经过了二十年的历练,油画技巧更加高超,外型 功力更为深厚,画面的色彩更加灿烂,抽象 更加坚实,生动,油画的特点更为鲜明,在艺术价值上更上1 层楼,同样具有很高的收藏价值。


上世纪70年代,毛主席在书房接待外宾的照片首次披露,舒均欢先生对毛主席在书房的活动很感兴味 ,他创作了油画《毛主席在书房》。他先用纤维板画了1 幅小稿,后又在麻布上画了1 幅大画,参加了当年陕西省美术展览,发表于当年的《陕西文艺》和《延河画刊》的封面,很受群众的欢迎和好评。此后许多全国性大型画册收编了这幅佳作。这幅作品,对毛主席抽象 刻画非常精彩,逼真,是当代描绘毛主席抽象 少有之佳作。这幅作品表现毛主席暮年 仍在书房聚精会神地看书,连夹在手指间的香烟大概也忘了抽了。你看茶几上的书里还夹着铅笔,可见那是被划批写过。这幅画对当时的《读书无用论》是很好的批驳,很具有理想 意义和艺术价值。


1972年,美国总统尼克松秘密飞来北京,首先拜见了毛主席,进行了亲切敌对 的历史性的会谈。是中美外交史上的里程碑,是极具历史意义和理想 意义的伟大事件。舒先生首次成功地表现了这1 伟大事件。画面上画家根据当年会见时真实报导,描绘了毛主席和尼克松总统,四只手紧紧握在一同 时两位领袖栩栩如生的光辉抽象 ,具有极高的历史价值和艺术价值。

5 《畅谈哲学》

此幅同上幅是从不同角度描绘和表现毛主席会见尼克松总统伟大历史事件的姊妹篇。画面侧重 描绘毛主席和尼克松总统亲切会谈时毛主席谈笑风生,诙谐幽默,畅谈哲学栩栩如生的光辉抽象 。同样具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值。


美院毕业后,舒先生调任某部队宣扬 处工作。1971年,全军举办美术展览 ,上级特调舒先生到北京进行美术创作。舒均欢先生创作了《毛主席和斯诺谈话》参加展出。展出的是1 幅大尺寸油画,历时三十多年已着落 不明,可能已毁。这幅为当年的创作稿后又经精细加工而成。画面描绘1970年12月18日上午,毛主席在中南海的书房里同美国记者斯诺老朋友交谈的情景。这是具有历史的谈话。毛主席在谈话中传达了情愿 同尼克松总统见面的信息,开创了中美建交的尾声 。这幅作品对毛主席抽象 和斯诺抽象 的塑造都很精确 。环境气氛,色调处理也很到位,受到观众的欢迎和好评。具有较高的历史意义和艺术价值。


这幅作品次要 表现当年曾被林彪反党集团和四人帮成心 神化的毛主席是人不是神。毛主席也有七情六欲,也吃5 谷杂粮,也是血肉之躯,只不同者是毛主席待人可亲可敬,心中只要 人民。画家成功地塑造了餐桌前和睦可亲,谈笑风生的长者和巨人 的毛主席真实抽象 。具有较高的艺术价值和收藏价值。


这幅作品表现党的十1 大胜利闭幕时,大会选出的党地方 华国锋主席和邓小平、叶剑英、李先念、汪东兴等四位副主席同代表们步出人民大会堂的绚丽 画面。背景是巨幅国画《江山如此多娇》。华国锋和邓小平等5 位领袖的抽象 刻画得非常成功,代表们的气氛也表现得很是到位。团结胜利的主题体现得十分充分。此作参加了当年春的全国美展,展出于中国美术馆厅正地方 ,受到广大观众的热烈欢迎和好评。当年在《北京晚报》、《北京文艺》封面发表,天津人民出版社出版对开年画,印数几十万份,当时影响很大是70年代末反映时代的重要力作之1 ,具有相当高的历史价值和艺术价值。


在中国古代 历史上,国共两党的领袖只要 两次握手,第1 次是1945年10月,毛主席在重庆和蒋介石的第1 次握手,时过60年后的今天,今年四月下旬,国民党主席连战应胡锦涛总书记之邀,来北京在人民大会堂进行了两党领袖的第二次历史性的握手。这次握手具有极其重要的历史意义和理想 意义。舒均欢先生出于大艺术家的艺术灵感和政治敏感,捉住 了这1 严重 主题,很快就创作出大幅油画《历史性的握手》,记录了这1 历史性的1 刻,表现出两党领袖亲如兄弟,永不分离,支持 华夏,顶天立地的高大抽象 。画面色彩严肃 华丽,领袖抽象 栩栩如生,充分体现出画家炉火纯青的油画功力和爱国的政治热情,是近年不可多得之油画精品,具有极高的历史价值和艺术价值。


绍兴是浙江和全国着名 的水乡,也是鲁迅先生的故乡,柯桥又是绍兴最有特色的水乡古镇,大小三座桥梁集于1 处,四条水道汇于其中,来往船只川流不息,极具江南水乡之特色。这幅作品是2004年画家根据以往的素材创作的新作。画中充分表达了小桥、流水、人家的诗情画意。画面的视觉广阔,水乡人家和平宁静,画面大部分的河水清澈流动,给人以极大的审美享用 。这是1 幅表现水乡不可多得的佳作,具有很高的艺术价值和收藏价值。

Introduction in English

 Shu Junhuan was born in Shupu, Hunan in 1940. Graduated from the attached high school of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1959. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1965. He was taught by Professors Wu Zuoren, Dong Xiwen and Luo Gongliu. His representative works include Chairman Mao in the Study, Ode to the Great Wall, Unity and Victory, Chairman Mao and Heroes Together. The People's Fine Arts Publishing House has printed hundreds of thousands of copies. Many works have been collected by collectors at home and abroad.


brief introduction


Shu Junhuan (1940.4--), a native of Xupu, Hunan Province, is a master of contemporary oil painting art. In 1965, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and was taught by Wu Zuoren, Dong Xiwen and Luo Gongliu. Graduation is excellent. In the forty years since then, he has been willing to be lonely, constantly striving for self-improvement, pursuing art, not seeking fame and wealth, and has created more than 700 oil paintings. He is good at portraits, landscapes and thematic paintings, especially famous for the works of Chairman Mao and other leaders.


His oil painting skills are profound, skilled, strong brushwork, colorful, realistic and romantic Chinese style and Impressionist style. He has held four individual oil painting exhibitions in Beijing and one in France. His teacher, Professor Dai Zelao, said that his oil paintings were first-class in China. A French painter said that he had not seen such a good one for a long time.


Publishing and Works


Shu Junhuan's Oil Painting Art was published in 2002 and Shu Junhuan's Oil Painting Art - Theme Series and Portrait Series in 2007. In 2009, Shu Junhuan, together with Wu Guanzhong, Zhan Jianjun, Jin Shanyi, Zhao Wuji and Quanshan Stone, was included in the large-scale canvas Sixty Years of Six Masters edited and published by the Culture Management Society of the Ministry of Culture to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic. In 2010, Mr. Shu Junhuan, Mr. Jin Shangyi and Mr. Zhao Wuji, two oil painters, were invited to compile "The Leader of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", which called him a master of contemporary oil painting art. Many of his works are collected by collectors at home and abroad. In the autumn shooting conference of Beijing Zhongxin in 2005, his 1985 copy of "Chairman Mao and Hero Model Together" was sold at a high price of 2.332 million yuan.


Shu Junhuan's works are divided into eleven series, such as Leader's Charm, Portrait, Human Body, Great Wall and Water Township. His representative works include "Chairman Mao and Heroes together", "Chairman Mao in the Study", "Ode to the Great Wall", "Morning of Zhangjiajie", "Mrs. Painter" and so on.


Introduction of Oil Painting Works


I. Chairman Mao and the Hero Model Together


In 1965, Mr. Shu Junhuan wrote this painting after graduation from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1965. This work was exhibited in the Chinese Art Museum in that year, and was widely praised. In the same year, "Literature and Art of the PLA" was published on the cover, and "National Unity" magazine was published in the insert. People's Fine Arts publishes and publishes a single pair of New Year's pictures, with hundreds of thousands of prints. This painting has a great influence on the masses. Nowadays, many middle-aged people over 40 have an impression on it. They seem to have known each other before and grow up with it. This painting was created in the age of heroes. A large number of heroic models emerged in the environment of learning Lei Feng, learning Wang Jie, learning Daqing and learning Dazhai, such as Wang Tieren, Chen Yonggui, Li Shunda and Shi Chuanxiang. Wait. These people represented the righteousness of the society, the hope of the country, and the example to follow. This work successfully shows the relationship between the leaders and the masses. On the screen, Chairman Mao is talking cordially with heroes such as Wang Tieren, Chen Yonggui, Shi Chuanxiang, Li Shunda, Zhou Mingshan and Xing Yanzi. He is not only a member of this group, but also a kind elder, so approachable and so kind and respectable. A number of famous and famous models, such as Liao Chujiang, Zhang Baifa and Meng Tai, have different occupations and images. What they have in common is that their faces are full of joy and respect. They rushed to Chairman Mao one after another, trying to greet and talk. Their expressed wishes represent the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. This graduation work has many characters, vivid, named and ready to be called out. It also has the national style and national spirit in the Founding Ceremony of Master Dong Xiwen. Looking back on the oil paintings of the 1960s, there are not many excellent oil paintings that can represent that era. This painting is one of the more prominent works. It has high historical value, artistic value and collection value.

Two "Chairman Mao and Heroes and Model Together"


This work was made in 1985 by Mr. Shu Junhuan in 1985, after a slight modification of his graduation work in 1965 as required. After 20 years of experience, the painter has become more skilled in oil painting, more powerful in modelling, more brilliant in color, more solid and vivid in image, more distinctive in the characteristics of oil painting, and higher in artistic value, which also has a high collection value.


Chairman Mao in the Study


In the 1970s, the photograph of Chairman Mao receiving foreign guests in his study was first disclosed. Mr. Shu Junhuan was very interested in Chairman Mao's activities in his study. He created the oil painting "Chairman Mao in his study". He drew a small sketch with fibreboard first, then a large painting on linen. He participated in the art exhibition of Shaanxi Province that year and published the cover of Shaanxi Literature and Art and Yanhe Painting Magazine, which was very popular and praised by the masses. Since then, many large national albums have compiled this masterpiece. This work is very wonderful and vivid in portraying Chairman Mao's image. It is a rare masterpiece in contemporary China to portray Chairman Mao's image. This work shows that Chairman Mao was still concentrating on reading in his study in his later years. He probably forgot to smoke cigarettes between his fingers. Look at the pencil in the book on the coffee table. You can see that it has been scribbled. This painting is a good refutation to the then theory of uselessness of reading, which has practical significance and artistic value.


Fourth "Handshake in Wanli"


In 1972, President Nixon secretly flew to Beijing. First of all, he met with Chairman Mao and held cordial, friendly and historic talks. It is a milestone in the history of Sino-US diplomacy and a great event of great historical and practical significance. Mr. Shu successfully demonstrated this great event for the first time. According to the real reports of the meeting, the painter depicts the vivid and glorious images of Chairman Mao and President Nixon when the four hands are tightly held together, which have high historical and artistic value.


Five "Talking about Philosophy"

Eighth Unity Victory


When the Eleventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully concluded, the four Vice-Chairmen, Deng Xiaoping, Ye Jianying, Li Xiannian and Wang Dongxing, who were elected by the Congress, stepped out of the Great Hall of the People with the delegates. The background is a giant Chinese painting "so many beautiful rivers and mountains". The images of five leaders such as Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping have been depicted very successfully, and the atmosphere of the delegates has also been in place. The theme of unity and victory is fully embodied. This work participated in the National Art Exhibition in the spring of that year, and was displayed in the central hall of the Chinese Art Museum. It was warmly welcomed and praised by the broad audience. In that year, it was published on the covers of Beijing Evening News and Beijing Literature and Art. Tianjin People's Publishing House published hundreds of thousands of couplet New Year pictures. At that time, it was one of the most important works reflecting the times at the end of the 1970s. It had a very high historical value and artistic value.


Nine Historic Handshakes


In modern Chinese history, the leaders of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party only shake hands twice. The first time was in October 1945, when Chairman Mao and Chiang Kai-shek shook hands for the first time. Sixty years later, in late April this year, President Lien Chan of the Kuomintang, at the invitation of General Secretary Hu Jintao, came to Beijing for the first time of the leaders of the two parties in the Great Hall of the People. Second historic handshake. This handshake has extremely important historical and practical significance. Out of the artistic inspiration and political sensitivity of the great artist, Mr. Shu Junhuan seized this important theme and quickly created a large oil painting Historic Handshake, which recorded this historic moment and showed the lofty image of the leaders of the two parties as brothers, never separating, supporting China and standing in the sky. The painting is solemn and gorgeous in color, and the image of the leader is vivid. It fully reflects the painter's pure painting skills and patriotic political enthusiasm. It is a rare fine oil painting in recent years, with high historical value and artistic value.


Ten "Keqiao, Water Township"


Shaoxing is a famous water town in Zhejiang and the whole country. It is also the hometown of Mr. Lu Xun. Keqiao is the most characteristic ancient water town in Shaoxing. There are three bridges in one place, four waterways converge in one place, and boats flow constantly, which has the characteristics of Jiangnan water town. This work is a new one created by the painter in 2004 based on previous materials. The painting fully expresses the poetry and painting of bridges, running water and other people. The vast vision of the picture, the peace and tranquility of the people living in the countryside, and the clear flow of most of the river water in the picture give people great aesthetic enjoyment. This is a rare masterpiece of water village, with high artistic value and collection value.


This is the same as the previous one, which depicts and expresses the great historical events of Chairman Mao's meeting with President Nixon from different perspectives. The picture focuses on the vivid and brilliant image of Chairman Mao and President Nixon during their cordial talks. It also has high historical value and artistic value.


Six Talks between Chairman Mao and Snow


After graduation from the Academy of Fine Arts, Mr. Shu was transferred to the propaganda office of a certain army. In 1971, the whole army held an art exhibition. Mr. Shu, the superior special tuner, went to Beijing for art creation. Mr. Shu Junhuan created "Chairman Mao and Snow Talk" to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition is a large-scale oil painting, which has been missing for more than 30 years and may have been destroyed. This is the original manuscript of that year, which has been elaborately processed. The picture depicts Chairman Mao's conversation with an old friend of American journalist Snow in his study in Zhongnanhai on the morning of December 18, 1970. This is a historical conversation. Chairman Mao conveyed a message of willingness to meet President Nixon in his talks, which opened the prelude to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. This work is very accurate in shaping Chairman Mao's image and Snow's image. Environmental atmosphere, tone treatment is also in place, by the audience's welcome and praise. It has high historical significance and artistic value.


7 "Food is the Heaven for the People"


This work mainly shows that Chairman Mao, who was deliberately deified by Lin Biao's anti-Party group and the Gang of Four, was a man rather than a god. Chairman Mao also has seven passions and six desires. He also eats cereals and cereals. He is also a flesh and blood body. The only difference is that Chairman Mao treats people kindly and respectfully. Only the people are in his heart. The painter succeeded in portraying the real image of Chairman Mao, an old man and a great man, who was harmonious and amiable at the dinner table. It has high artistic value and collection value.

