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威廉.亨利.奈特William Henry Knight - 莫奈特展叩响商业大展成功之门

2022-03-11 18:45:59
威廉.亨利.奈特William Henry Knight

艺术名家:威廉.亨利.奈特William Henry Knight



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出生在纽伯里,伯克希尔 他的父亲,John Knight,是一名 小学校长。他成为一位 律师,但他放弃了法律的学习后,他的两幅作品被接受的年度展览 英国艺术家协会 。他搬到了 伦敦 在1855年,以在lodgings 肯宁顿路 , 兰贝斯 ,和支持本身 的绘图 蜡笔 在研讨 中的肖像 大英博物馆 在学校的 皇家学院 。

仿效 威廉·马尔雷迪 ,他成了1 个 流派的画家 ,他的街头场景和室内场景经常呈如今 顽耍 的孩子们。他在皇家学院展出的第1 个贡献是 男孩玩跳棋 1846;从那1 年直到1862他是1 个恒定的参展商有。他还展现 了许多照片在 英国机构 。

他最好的作品之1 是:“1 个圣诞晚会预备 捉迷藏”(1850);“玩”的时间,男孩“滚雪球”(1853);“破窗”(1855刻为8月1865版 艺术杂志 );“乡村学校”(1857);“屈服”(1858);“失落的变化”(1859);捉迷藏 (1860);  弹珠游戏 ,“1 个意想不到的王牌”(1861);“对手布朗丁”和“假币”(1862)。许多版画是由他的作品。在他的1855 学院的笔记 , 约翰·罗斯金 写的 破碎的窗户 :“这幅画不远处,抓眼球但在细心 看,会发现精美细致的画吧。”。
Knight死在31七月1863,留下1 个寡妇和六个孩子。

English is introduced

Born in Newbury, Berkshire, his father, John Knight, is a primary school headmaster. He became a lawyer, but he gave up the law after the study of the two annual exhibition of his works was accepted by the British artists association. He moved to London in 1855, with Ken Ning in lodgings Leighton Road, Lambeth, and support their drawing crayons in the study in the school of the Royal College of British Museum portrait.
Imitate William Mulready, he became a genre painter, his street scenes and indoor scenes often appear in the play children. The first contribution he exhibited at the Royal Academy is a boy playing checkers 1846; from that year until 1862 he was a constant exhibitor. He also showed a lot of photos in British institutions.
One of his best works is: "a Christmas party to hide and seek" (1850); "play" time boy "snowball" (1853); the "broken window" (1855 August 1865 quarter edition art magazine); "village school" (1857); "surrender" (1858) "lost"; (1859); tag (1860); pinball game, "an unexpected ace" (1861); "opponent Blondin" and "counterfeit money" (1862). Many prints were produced by his works. In his 1855 college notes, John Ruskin wrote the broken window: "this painting is not far away, catching the eye but in a closer look, you will find fine and meticulous painting.".
Knight died in 31 July, leaving a widow and six children in the year of 1863.

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